qmail Digest 12 Apr 2001 10:00:01 -0000 Issue 1332

Topics (messages 60592 through 60640):

Re: qmail-qread and qmail-qstat as suid root...
        60592 by: Peter van Dijk

Can qmail fetchmail
        60593 by: Rizwan
        60594 by: Rizwan
        60596 by: Henning Brauer

qmail rewrite in progress
        60595 by: Dave Sill
        60597 by: Peter Green

Re: outlook and outlook express
        60598 by: dan.kelley

Where are my aliases?
        60599 by: KEVIN ZEMBOWER
        60603 by: Dave Sill

heavy load servers
        60600 by: qmail qmail
        60604 by: Dave Sill

Re: AIX 3.25 install?
        60601 by: Leitha discount
        60608 by: Jos Backus

Problem  forwarding/keeping copies with .qmail
        60602 by: Rafael Angarita
        60607 by: Dave Sill
        60610 by: Nick (Keith) Fish
        60611 by: Henning Brauer

Re: How to block an email id in qmail?
        60605 by: Dave Sill

Re: Again on "Mail-Follow-Up" plus other...
        60606 by: Dave Sill
        60618 by: Marco Calistri
        60622 by: Tim Legant
        60629 by: Marco Calistri
        60631 by: Tim Legant

qmail and MX
        60609 by: esl
        60624 by: Tim Legant

vadduser core dumping w/ segmentation fault
        60612 by: Eric Bonharme

Problem with occational duplicate e-mails
        60613 by: chris
        60617 by: Henning Brauer
        60619 by: Tim Hunter
        60628 by: dan.kelley
        60632 by: John Chapman
        60633 by: dan.kelley
        60635 by: Henning Brauer

mysterious "0" directory where new accts are created
        60614 by: Rick Updegrove

SUMMARY: Problem forwarding/keeping copies with .qmail
        60615 by: Rafael Angarita

Re: OpenBSD 2.8 & "You have new mail in /var/mail/root"
        60616 by: Rick Updegrove
        60620 by: Rick Updegrove
        60637 by: Henning Brauer
        60638 by: Rick Updegrove

Error Message during install
        60621 by: Carl Jeptha
        60625 by: Carl Jeptha

Using vpopmail with qmail -- with or without procmail?
        60623 by: Steven Katz

defaultdelivery method seperate from /var/qmail/rc ?
        60626 by: Steven Katz

Update: Error Message during install
        60627 by: Carl Jeptha

tcpserver - pop3d logging
        60630 by: Kurth Bemis
        60640 by: Willy De la Court

/usr/local/sbin/qmail: No such file or directory
        60634 by: Steven Katz

synchronize two maildirs
        60636 by: Clemens Hermann

pine + courier-imap
        60639 by: Massimo Quintini


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On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 05:49:10PM -0700, Sean Chittenden wrote:
>       Only suid or suid & guid?  qmail-qstat and qmail-qread both
> rely on the qmail group to run through the queue.


>       Here's a quick binary wrapper that I was thinking about using
> that'd run as root, but would only have permission to run if you're in
> the staff or wheel group.  Thoughts?  -sc

Why, again, root?

You really ought to use either the tcpserver or ucspi-unix/ucspi-local
solution that bg proposed.

Greetz, Peter.

Please help

Thanks in advance

Thanks a lot for that one word. I'll start configuring fetchmail for qmail.
Thanks a lot.

BTW can u point to any doc that shows host to do it.


On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, you wrote:
> no
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Rizwan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 1:24 PM
> Subject: Can qmail fetchmail
> > 
> > Please help
> > 
> > Thanks in advance
> > 
> >
            In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 
         Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the world; 
                       Most Gracious, Most Merciful; 
                       Master of the Day of Judgment. 
                Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. 
                         Show us the straight way, 
           The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, 
         those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray. 
                                                        Qur'aan Ch:1

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 04:54:49PM +0530, Rizwan wrote:
> Please help
> Thanks in advance

fetchmail can fecthmail, therefore the name. getmail can fetch (get) mail,
therefore the name. qmail is an mta ancannot fetch mail itself of course.

Henning Brauer     | BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS    | Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
http://www.bsws.de | Germany

In comp.security.unix, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, DJB wrote:

>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (D. J. Bernstein)
>Subject: Re: sendmail replacement?
>Newsgroups: comp.security.unix
>Date: 10 Apr 2001 20:22:36 GMT
>Organization: IR
>Daniel Roesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 1) Qmail development is _dead_ since years.
>A complete rewrite is in progress. Several pieces have already been
>released. In the meantime, the current qmail version works.

I wonder what pieces he's referring to. Maybe daemontools and


* Dave Sill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010411 09:22]:
> In comp.security.unix, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, DJB wrote:
> >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (D. J. Bernstein)
> >Subject: Re: sendmail replacement?
> >Newsgroups: comp.security.unix
> >Date: 10 Apr 2001 20:22:36 GMT
> >Organization: IR
> >
> >Daniel Roesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> 1) Qmail development is _dead_ since years.
> >
> >A complete rewrite is in progress. Several pieces have already been
> >released. In the meantime, the current qmail version works.
> I wonder what pieces he's referring to. Maybe daemontools and
> ucspi-tcp?


It looks like he's talking (at least) about djbdns as the resolver library
for future qmail. I wouldn't consider daemontools or ucspi-tcp a *part* of
qmail, unless that's the plan for a future version.

Peter Green : Gospel Communications Network, SysAdmin : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"...Unix, MS-DOS, and Windows NT (also known as the Good, the Bad, and
the Ugly)."
(By Matt Welsh)

you need to set up their PCs with the correct local time. 

On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, you wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> We have recently changed to Qmail and since doing so anyone with outlook and
> outlook express is logging time at grenwich time.... How do we change the
> time, oh by the way in the mail itself the time is correct just not in the
> log in the inbox.
> Robin

I'm trying to determine how to control where mail gets forward to when mailed to 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" (one of my hosts).

1. africaalive.org is a CNAME for virtual.jhuccp.org. (This seems to be backwards in 
the DNS, where looking up virtual.jhuccp.org determines that the canonical name is 
africaalive.org. Odd...) In the DNS records, this is recorded as "africaalive.org 
internet address =". This is the IP address of virtual.jhuccp.org. 
However, there are no MX records in the DNS for either africaalive.org or 
virtual.jhuccp.org. There is an MX record for jhuccp.org. This is my first question, 
how is mail to africaalive.org even finding us to begin with? This address does work 

2. In reading the qmail manuals, I learned the importance of 
/var/qmail/control/rcpthost and virtualdomains. Here's the content of these files:
virtual:/var/qmail/control # cat rcpthosts
virtual:/var/qmail/control # cat virtualdomains
virtual:/var/qmail/control # 
>From my reading, the first value in the virtualdomains files identifies a local user 
>to send mail to which arrived addressed to the second value. However, I have no user 
>"africaalive.org" on host virtual. There's also no /etc/aliases file, though I do 
>have an /etc/aliases.db file. I can't figure out how to get into the aliases.db file 
>to see if there's an alias for africaalive.org in there.

I'm not very familiar with qmail and probably haven't read the documentation as 
throughly as I should, but none of this is making sense. Would someone please give me 
a hand and point me in the right direction to figure this out.

Thanks for your help.

-Kevin Zembower

E. Kevin Zembower
Unix Administrator
Johns Hopkins University/Center for Communications Programs
111 Market Place, Suite 310
Baltimore, MD  21202


>I'm trying to determine how to control where mail gets forward to
>when mailed to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" (one of my hosts). 
>1. africaalive.org is a CNAME for virtual.jhuccp.org. (This seems to
>   be backwards in the DNS, where looking up virtual.jhuccp.org
>   determines that the canonical name is africaalive.org. Odd...) In
>   the DNS records, this is recorded as "africaalive.org internet
>   address =". This is the IP address of
>   virtual.jhuccp.org. However, there are no MX records in the DNS
>   for either africaalive.org or virtual.jhuccp.org. There is an MX
>   record for jhuccp.org. This is my first question, how is mail to
>   africaalive.org even finding us to begin with? This address does
>   work correctly.

If there's no MX entry, CNAME (or A) are used.

>2. In reading the qmail manuals, I learned the importance of
>   /var/qmail/control/rcpthost and virtualdomains. Here's the content
>   of these files: 
>virtual:/var/qmail/control # cat rcpthosts
>virtual:/var/qmail/control # cat virtualdomains
>virtual:/var/qmail/control # 
>From my reading, the first value in the virtualdomains files
>identifies a local user to send mail to which arrived addressed to
>the second value.

Close. It's a *prefix*. Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be delivered
locally to africaalive.org-foo.

>However, I have no user "africaalive.org" on host

That could be a problem, especially if you also don't have a
~alias/.qmail-africaalive:org-default file to "catch" the virtual
domain's mail.

>There's also no /etc/aliases file, though I do have an
>/etc/aliases.db file. I can't figure out how to get into the
>aliases.db file to see if there's an alias for africaalive.org in

qmail doesn't use /etc/aliases unless you have fastforward
installed. It never uses /etc/aliases.db.

>I'm not very familiar with qmail and probably haven't read the
>documentation as throughly as I should, but none of this is making
>sense. Would someone please give me a hand and point me in the right
>direction to figure this out. 

Start with "Life with qmail":



Though my topic has been discussed n times on list
I get to know that for a millions users yu should
netapp/nfs storage talking to many frontends which may
be one or two smtp and/or pop and/or imap servers
talking to the same mailstore(netapp)

My doubt is to is there a certain metric where yu
decide how many such fronts will be required  if i
have 1 million users and about  1000 transactions at
ANY GIVEN POINT OF TIME (transaction can be incoming
outgoing etc -total transactions-any nature)

I am sure this topic has been a much discussed topics
a number of times,but this is all i need 

Thanx in advance


Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

qmail qmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>My doubt is to is there a certain metric where yu
>decide how many such fronts will be required  if i
>have 1 million users and about  1000 transactions at
>ANY GIVEN POINT OF TIME (transaction can be incoming
>outgoing etc -total transactions-any nature)
>I am sure this topic has been a much discussed topics
>a number of times,but this is all i need 

That depends heavily on lots of variables including what those 1000
transactions are doing (SMTP, POP, IMAP, encryption, LDAP, SQL, spam
checking, virus checking), how the front-ends are configured (h/w,
OS), what response time is acceptable, and how much "headspace" you


Yes, actually the home file is there.  That was why I didn't understand the
compile error.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jos Backus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "qmail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: AIX 3.25 install?

On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 02:00:51PM -0700, Leitha discount wrote:
> Thanks for that suggestion, I guess I didn't see the reference to that one
> the first time out.  It did help us get further.  But, now we are getting
> this message:
>        ./install
> install: fatal: unable to read home: file does not exist

One of the things ``make'' does is create a file named ``home'' in the build

<make output>
cat home.sh  | sed s}QMAIL}"`head -1 conf-qmail`"}g  > home
chmod 755 home
</make output>

lizzy:/usr/ports/mail/qmail/work/qmail-1.03# ls -l home
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  204 Apr 10 20:17 home

Is it there?


> The error code from the last failed command is 111.
> Make Quitting.
> Well, home is there.  So I'm not sure what it is looking for?
> Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
> Leitha
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jos Backus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Leitha discount" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 10:45 AM
> Subject: Re: AIX 3.25 install?
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 10:09:06AM -0700, Leitha discount wrote:

> >     0706-317 ERROR: Unresolved or undefined symbols detected:
> >     .fchdir
> AIX 3 doesn't have fchdir(). You should be able to find the answer to this
> in
> the archives, as this has come up a couple of times before.
> --
> Jos Backus                 _/  _/_/_/        "Modularity is not a hack."
>                           _/  _/   _/                -- D. J. Bernstein
>                          _/  _/_/_/
>                     _/  _/  _/    _/
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]     _/_/   _/_/_/            use Std::Disclaimer;

Jos Backus                 _/  _/_/_/        "Modularity is not a hack."
                          _/  _/   _/                -- D. J. Bernstein
                         _/  _/_/_/
                    _/  _/  _/    _/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     _/_/   _/_/_/            use Std::Disclaimer;

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 08:12:34AM -0700, Leitha discount wrote:
> Yes, actually the home file is there.  That was why I didn't understand the
> compile error.

Weird. I wonder whether the right subdir is used. Can you apply this patch and
show me the output?

--- install.c.orig      Wed Apr 11 09:50:52 2001
+++ install.c   Wed Apr 11 09:51:23 2001
@@ -78,9 +78,11 @@
   int fdin;
   int fdout;
+  system("/bin/pwd");
   if (fchdir(fdsourcedir) == -1)
     strerr_die2sys(111,FATAL,"unable to switch back to source directory: ");
+  system("/bin/pwd");
   fdin = open_read(file);
   if (fdin == -1)
     strerr_die4sys(111,FATAL,"unable to read ",file,": ");

Jos Backus                 _/  _/_/_/        "Modularity is not a hack."
                          _/  _/   _/                -- D. J. Bernstein
                         _/  _/_/_/             
                    _/  _/  _/    _/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     _/_/   _/_/_/            use Std::Disclaimer;

  I'm trying to forward all the messages received by an user and keep
copies in his local Maildir,  the local copies are working fine but the
forward is not. I tested the .qmail file running qmail-local manually
and in this case everything worked correctly (keep copies and forward
the message).

  The .qmail file looks like this (and the permissions are 644):


  Any suggestions?

  BTW, I'm using qmailldap.

Rafael Angarita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I'm trying to forward all the messages received by an user and keep
>copies in his local Maildir,  the local copies are working fine but the
>forward is not. I tested the .qmail file running qmail-local manually
>and in this case everything worked correctly (keep copies and forward
>the message).
>  The .qmail file looks like this (and the permissions are 644):
>  Any suggestions?

What Do The Logs Say? (tm)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rafael Angarita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   The .qmail file looks like this (and the permissions are 644):
> /qspool/mydomain/n_s5/e6/raadvip/Maildir/
> &user2@otherdomain
>   Any suggestions?
>   BTW, I'm using qmailldap.

    | forward user2@otherdomain
on the second line.

- Keith

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 12:00:04PM -0400, Rafael Angarita wrote:
>   I'm trying to forward all the messages received by an user and keep
> copies in his local Maildir,  the local copies are working fine but the
> forward is not. I tested the .qmail file running qmail-local manually
> and in this case everything worked correctly (keep copies and forward
> the message).
>   The .qmail file looks like this (and the permissions are 644):
> /qspool/mydomain/n_s5/e6/raadvip/Maildir/
> &user2@otherdomain
>   Any suggestions?
>   BTW, I'm using qmailldap.

Check the dotmode. qmail-ldap does not use .qmail-files for ldap deliveries
unless dotmode is set to both. Check http://www.lifewithqmail.org/ldap/ for
more, section and 8.1.2 in special.

And, btw, you don't need a .qmail-file for this task. Just set the ldap

mailForwardingaddress: user2@otherdomain
deliveryMode: localdelivery

The deliverymode=localdelivery forces an local delivery even if a forwarding
is done. This is also explained in life with qmail-ldap, section 8.1.2.



Henning Brauer     | BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS    | Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
http://www.bsws.de | Germany

"Sunil ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I understand that putting an entry into the badhostfrom file should be able 
>to block all mails from sent from an email source such as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's "badmailfrom", and it only blocks messages that include the
listed user/domain in the SMTP "MAIL" command--which doesn't always
match the From header field.

>My mail server is currently hosting multiple domains. I wish to block 
>senders according to my different domains. For example, is it possible to 
>block an email address for myfirstdomain.com and not for myseconddomain.com 
>?? Is there multiple "badhostfrom" files from different domains ??

No, but you could use something like a virus scanner or spam checker
that lets you write customized validation scripts.


Marco Calistri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I create $HOME/.lists which contains the mailing list rcpt@domain
>this file has chmod 644 chown user chgrp user,
>then I firstly add these lines into $HOME/.bash_profile,
>then into /etc/profile because I get no the result:
># .bash_profile
># Get the aliases and functions
>if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
>        . ~/.bashrc
># User specific environment and startup programs
>                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^
># /etc/profile
># System wide environment and startup programs
># Functions and aliases go in /etc/bashrc
>ulimit -c 1000000
>if [ `id -gn` = `id -un` -a `id -u` -gt 14 ]; then
>        umask 002
>        umask 022
>USER=`id -un`
>if [ -z "$INPUTRC" -a ! -f "$HOME/.inputrc" ]; then
>        INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc
>                                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^
>for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do
>        if [ -x $i ]; then
>                . $i
>        fi
>unset i
>But this still does not works,
>any idea?

Have you verified that QMAILMFTFILE is set in the shell you're sending
the test mail from? Show us the contents of your .lists file, the test
message you sent, and the message you received.

>Beside this I wonder ask if are there any ways to configure
>a mail filtered forwarding toward a second host connected into LAN.
>Actually all the mail coming from my ISP's POP3 server is retrieved
>via fetchmail and passed to qmail,
>I have the .qmail file where I added the line:
>so all the mail arriving for my hostname is forwarded to the above rcpt.
>Is there a way to filter the mail so only specific recipients be
>i.e. only retrieved mail From:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>can goes to [EMAIL PROTECTED]?

Yes, use a filtering utility like procmail or maildrop--or clever
.qmail script hackery, perhaps using mess822 tools.


On 11-Apr-2001 Dave Sill wrote:
> Marco Calistri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>if [ -z "$INPUTRC" -a ! -f "$HOME/.inputrc" ]; then
>>        INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc
>>                                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do
>>        if [ -x $i ]; then
>>                . $i
>>        fi
>>unset i
>>But this still does not works,
>>any idea?
> Have you verified that QMAILMFTFILE is set in the shell you're sending
> the test mail from? Show us the contents of your .lists file, the test
> message you sent, and the message you received.
Hi Dave,honoured for your answer!
I'am sending mail through XFMail-1.4.7p2...I really ignore what's the shell
used in this case :-(

...here my file contents:

[ik5bcu@linux ik5bcu]$ cat .lists

Then I can show you the latest message's header I received from that M.L.:
XF-Source: ik5bcu
X-RDate: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 20:18:54 +0200 (CEST)
Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Delivered-To: ik5bcu@localhost
Received: (qmail 1324 invoked from network); 11 Apr 2001 18:18:28 -0000
Received: from localhost (HELO box.tin.it) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) by localhost with
 SMTP; 11 Apr 2001 18:18:28 -0000
Received: from dns.systems.it ([]) by fep10-svc.tin.it
 (InterMail vM. 201-229-121-113) with SMTP id
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 11 Apr 2001 17:34:02 +0200
Received: (qmail 18504 invoked by alias); 11 Apr 2001 15:33:12 -0000
Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
Precedence: bulk
X-No-Archive: yes
List-Post: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
List-Help: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
List-Subscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Delivered-To: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: (qmail 18499 invoked from network); 11 Apr 2001 15:33:12 -0000
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 17:32:18 +0200
X-Mailer: KMail [version 1.1.99]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Fetchmail-Warning: recipient address [EMAIL PROTECTED] didn't match any
 local name
XFMstatus: 0000
From: Criss74 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [angolinux] ide-scsi e Mdk 7.2
As you can see this M.L. is using qmail and ezmlm!!

Another very annoying line is the X-Fetchmail-Warning that I'm unable
to wipe away.

Probably I missed some other rules to insert the Mail-Follow-Up,
but I thought to made all the needed settings(!).

>>Beside this I wonder ask if are there any ways to configure
>>a mail filtered forwarding toward a second host connected into LAN.
>>Actually all the mail coming from my ISP's POP3 server is retrieved
>>via fetchmail and passed to qmail,
>>I have the .qmail file where I added the line:
>>so all the mail arriving for my hostname is forwarded to the above rcpt.
>>Is there a way to filter the mail so only specific recipients be
>>i.e. only retrieved mail From:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>can goes to [EMAIL PROTECTED]?
> Yes, use a filtering utility like procmail or maildrop--or clever
> .qmail script hackery, perhaps using mess822 tools.
I think that to perform a clever .qmail script,
I'm not the right people ;)

May be using qmail-alias for any specific recipients we want
to forward,then writing the line "&[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in each alias(?)

BTW:Many Thanks!


> -Dave

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 10:21:03PM +0200, Marco Calistri wrote:
> On 11-Apr-2001 Dave Sill wrote:
> > Have you verified that QMAILMFTFILE is set in the shell you're sending
> > the test mail from? Show us the contents of your .lists file, the test
> > message you sent, and the message you received.
> Hi Dave,honoured for your answer!
> I'am sending mail through XFMail-1.4.7p2...I really ignore what's the shell
> used in this case :-(

But a shell must run at some point to set the QMAILMFTFILE variable.
If you open an XTerm and run printenv, is it set?

Next, how do you start X? Do you type "startx" at a command prompt? Or
do you use XDM and log in through a graphical window? In the second
case, do you have a .xsession file in your home directory? If so, does
it set the QMAILMFTFILE variable?

Also, do you know how XFMail sends mail? If it runs the sendmail
program, make sure that sendmail (/usr/sbin/sendmail) is a symbolic link
to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail. On the other hand, if it talks directly to
an SMTP server, the QMAILMFTFILE variable won't work at all. 


On 11-Apr-2001 Tim Legant wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 10:21:03PM +0200, Marco Calistri wrote:
>> On 11-Apr-2001 Dave Sill wrote:
>> > Have you verified that QMAILMFTFILE is set in the shell you're sending
>> > the test mail from? Show us the contents of your .lists file, the test
>> > message you sent, and the message you received.
>> Hi Dave,honoured for your answer!
>> I'am sending mail through XFMail-1.4.7p2...I really ignore what's the shell
>> used in this case :-(
> But a shell must run at some point to set the QMAILMFTFILE variable.
> If you open an XTerm and run printenv, is it set?

Hi Tim...:
[ik5bcu@linux ik5bcu]$ printenv
LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s
[ik5bcu@linux ik5bcu]$ 

> Next, how do you start X? Do you type "startx" at a command prompt? Or
> do you use XDM and log in through a graphical window? In the second
> case, do you have a .xsession file in your home directory? If so, does
> it set the QMAILMFTFILE variable?

Oh,well...I'm starting X using startx after the login at runlevel=3;
my unique xsession file is the xsession-errors (!)

> Also, do you know how XFMail sends mail? If it runs the sendmail
> program, make sure that sendmail (/usr/sbin/sendmail) is a symbolic link
> to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail. On the other hand, if it talks directly to
> an SMTP server, the QMAILMFTFILE variable won't work at all. 

Great!= Tim you guess the problem:XFMail actually uses SMTP,
and sincerly I ignored completely that Mail-Follow-Up can't
works with SMTP;however XFMail can works with sendmail too
which was the default setting...

if I would choice to use the symbolic link to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
(I've completely wiped away original SENDMAIL from disk)
would I have some worsing performances respect to use qmail via SMTP?


> Tim

On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 02:19:12AM +0200, Marco Calistri wrote:
> Great!= Tim you guess the problem:XFMail actually uses SMTP,
> and sincerly I ignored completely that Mail-Follow-Up can't
> works with SMTP;however XFMail can works with sendmail too
> which was the default setting...
> if I would choice to use the symbolic link to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
> (I've completely wiped away original SENDMAIL from disk)
> would I have some worsing performances respect to use qmail via SMTP?

Nothing that you'd notice. And you'd gain the benefit of QMAILMFTFILE.


When a qmail server is listed as a low priority MX among 3 others, do I
have to put something under /var/qmail/control/* even if this server is
really not the ultimate destination? Thanks.


On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 11:57:57AM -0400, esl wrote:
> When a qmail server is listed as a low priority MX among 3 others, do I
> have to put something under /var/qmail/control/* even if this server is
> really not the ultimate destination? Thanks.

At a minimum you should the name of the server in the "me" file and the
name of all domains you are secondary MX for in the "rcpthosts" file.


Title: vadduser core dumping w/ segmentation fault

I think the subject says it all. The only thing to add is that it only seems to happen for one perticular domain.

Here is the result of a truss, if someone would care to take a look - I can't interpret this data :)

# truss -p 4174

read(3, 0xEF626A1C, 1) (sleeping...)

read(3, " r", 1) = 1

read(3, " e", 1) = 1

read(3, " d", 1) = 1

read(3, " h", 1) = 1

read(3, " a", 1) = 1

read(3, " t", 1) = 1

read(3, "\n", 1) = 1

ioctl(3, TCSETAW, 0xEFFFFB54) = 0

write(2, "\n", 1) = 1

sigaction(SIGINT, 0xEFFFFA30, 0xEFFFFAB0) = 0

close(3) = 0

open("/dev/tty", O_RDONLY) = 3

sigaction(SIGINT, 0xEFFFFA30, 0xEFFFFAB0) = 0

ioctl(3, TCGETA, 0xEFFFFB54) = 0

ioctl(3, TCSETAF, 0xEFFFFB54) = 0

write(2, " e n t e r p a s s w o".., 22) = 22

read(3, 0xEF626A1C, 1) (sleeping...)

read(3, " r", 1) = 1

read(3, " e", 1) = 1

read(3, " d", 1) = 1

read(3, " h", 1) = 1

read(3, " a", 1) = 1

read(3, " t", 1) = 1

read(3, "\n", 1) = 1

ioctl(3, TCSETAW, 0xEFFFFB54) = 0

write(2, "\n", 1) = 1

sigaction(SIGINT, 0xEFFFFA30, 0xEFFFFAB0) = 0

close(3) = 0

umask(077) = 02

brk(0x0002EFF0) = 0

brk(0x00030FF0) = 0

stat("/home/vpopmail/domains/motortrak.com/vpasswd", 0xEFFFFAD0) = 0

stat("/home/vpopmail/domains/motortrak.com/vpasswd.cdb", 0xEFFFFA48) = 0

open("/home/vpopmail/domains/motortrak.com/vpasswd.cdb", O_RDONLY) = 3

lseek(3, 928, SEEK_SET) = 928

read(3, " Q\t\0\0\0\0\0\0", 8) = 8

llseek(3, 0, SEEK_CUR) = 936

close(3) = 0

chdir("/home/vpopmail") = 0

chdir("domains") = 0

chdir("motortrak.com") = 0

open(".dir-control", O_RDONLY) = 3

fstat64(3, 0xEFFFF5E0) = 0

brk(0x00030FF0) = 0

brk(0x00032FF0) = 0

ioctl(3, TCGETA, 0xEFFFF56C) Err#25 ENOTTY

read(3, " 5 9\n 0\n 3\n 0 0 0".., 8192) = 35

read(3, 0x0002F604, 8192) = 0

read(3, 0x0002F604, 8192) = 0

llseek(3, 0, SEEK_CUR) = 35

close(3) = 0

mkdir("", 0700) Err#2 ENOENT

chown("", 116, 105) Err#2 ENOENT

open(".dir-control", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 3

fstat64(3, 0xEFFFEBC8) = 0

ioctl(3, TCGETA, 0xEFFFEB54) Err#25 ENOTTY

write(3, " 6 0\n 0\n 3\n 0 0 0".., 35) = 35

close(3) = 0

chdir("") Err#2 ENOENT

mkdir("caroline", 0700) = 0

chdir("caroline") = 0

mkdir("Maildir", 0700) = 0

chdir("Maildir") = 0

mkdir("cur", 0700) = 0

mkdir("new", 0700) = 0

mkdir("tmp", 0700) = 0

chdir("../..") = 0

chown("caroline", 116, 105) = 0

chdir("caroline") = 0

open64(".", O_RDONLY|O_NDELAY) = 3

fcntl(3, F_SETFD, 0x00000001) = 0

fstat64(3, 0xEFFFF9D8) = 0

getdents64(3, 0x0002F610, 1048) = 80

stat("Maildir", 0xEFFFFAD0) = 0

chown("Maildir", 116, 105) = 0

chdir("Maildir") = 0

open64(".", O_RDONLY|O_NDELAY) = 4

fcntl(4, F_SETFD, 0x00000001) = 0

fstat64(4, 0xEFFFF8E0) = 0

getdents64(4, 0x0002FA40, 1048) = 120

stat("cur", 0xEFFFF9D8) = 0

chown("cur", 116, 105) = 0

chdir("cur") = 0

open64(".", O_RDONLY|O_NDELAY) = 5

fcntl(5, F_SETFD, 0x00000001) = 0

fstat64(5, 0xEFFFF7E8) = 0

getdents64(5, 0x0002FE70, 1048) = 48

getdents64(5, 0x0002FE70, 1048) = 0

chdir("..") = 0

close(5) = 0

stat("new", 0xEFFFF9D8) = 0

chown("new", 116, 105) = 0

chdir("new") = 0

open64(".", O_RDONLY|O_NDELAY) = 5

fcntl(5, F_SETFD, 0x00000001) = 0

fstat64(5, 0xEFFFF7E8) = 0

getdents64(5, 0x0002FE70, 1048) = 48

getdents64(5, 0x0002FE70, 1048) = 0

chdir("..") = 0

close(5) = 0

stat("tmp", 0xEFFFF9D8) = 0

chown("tmp", 116, 105) = 0

chdir("tmp") = 0

open64(".", O_RDONLY|O_NDELAY) = 5

fcntl(5, F_SETFD, 0x00000001) = 0

fstat64(5, 0xEFFFF7E8) = 0

getdents64(5, 0x0002FE70, 1048) = 48

getdents64(5, 0x0002FE70, 1048) = 0

chdir("..") = 0

close(5) = 0

getdents64(4, 0x0002FA40, 1048) = 0

chdir("..") = 0

close(4) = 0

getdents64(3, 0x0002F610, 1048) = 0

chdir("..") = 0

close(3) = 0

chdir("/home/vpopmail/domains/motortrak.com") = 0

time() = 987011604

open("/home/vpopmail/domains/motortrak.com/.vpasswd.lock", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0600) = 3

fcntl(3, F_SETLKW, 0xEFFFFAB8) = 0

unlink("/home/vpopmail/domains/motortrak.com/vpasswd.bak") Err#2 ENOENT

rename("/home/vpopmail/domains/motortrak.com/vpasswd", "/home/vpopmail/domains/motortrak.com/vpasswd.bak") = 0

open("/home/vpopmail/domains/motortrak.com/vpasswd", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 4

open("/home/vpopmail/domains/motortrak.com/vpasswd.bak", O_RDWR) = 5

fstat64(5, 0xEFFFF9F8) = 0

ioctl(5, TCGETA, 0xEFFFF984) Err#25 ENOTTY

read(5, " p o s t m a s t e r : B".., 8192) = 224

fstat64(4, 0xEFFFEC30) = 0

brk(0x00032FF0) = 0

brk(0x00034FF0) = 0

ioctl(4, TCGETA, 0xEFFFEBBC) Err#25 ENOTTY

read(5, 0x0002FADC, 8192) = 0

write(4, " c a r o l i n e : T j e".., 315) = 315

close(4) = 0

llseek(5, 0, SEEK_CUR) = 224

close(5) = 0

unlink("/home/vpopmail/domains/motortrak.com/vpasswd.bak") = 0

open("/home/vpopmail/domains/motortrak.com/vpasswd", O_RDONLY) = 4

open("/home/vpopmail/domains/motortrak.com/cdb.tmp", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 5

fstat64(5, 0xEFFFE800) = 0

ioctl(5, TCGETA, 0xEFFFE78C) Err#25 ENOTTY

fstat64(4, 0xEFFFE868) = 0

ioctl(4, TCGETA, 0xEFFFE7F4) Err#25 ENOTTY

read(4, " c a r o l i n e : T j e".., 8192) = 315

brk(0x00034FF0) = 0

brk(0x00036FF0) = 0

Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS %pc = 0x00015CA4

siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0xF0000000

Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [default]

siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0xF0000000

*** process killed ***




Eric Bonharme, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MotorTRAK Ltd, AC Court, High Street, Thames Ditton, Surrey KT7 0SR
Tel: +44 (20) 8335 2000, Fax: +44 (20) 8335 2001

The information contained in this message is for the intended addressee only and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended addressee, please delete this message and notify the sender; do not copy or distribute this message or disclose its contents to anyone. Any views or opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of MotorTRAK Limited or of any of its associated companies. No reliance may be placed on this message without written confirmation from an authorised representative of the company.

Lately several of the virtual domains have been getting duplicate e-mails.
The have leave a copy of message on server but the same e-mail client on the
same machine will download the same message twice. There does not seem to be
any consistency to it at all. The e-mail clients that this has been
experienced with are, Eudora 5 for the Mac and Outlook Express 5.5 for
Windows and Outlook Express for the Mac.


On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 02:36:43PM -0400, chris wrote:
> Lately several of the virtual domains have been getting duplicate e-mails.
> The have leave a copy of message on server but the same e-mail client on the
> same machine will download the same message twice. There does not seem to be
> any consistency to it at all. The e-mail clients that this has been
> experienced with are, Eudora 5 for the Mac and Outlook Express 5.5 for
> Windows and Outlook Express for the Mac.


(for newbies: What do the logs say?)
two deliveries or one? in the latter case their pop3 is broken, in the
former the remote host has sent it twice.

Henning Brauer     | BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS    | Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
http://www.bsws.de | Germany

Actually it could be a bit more difficult than just the remote host has sent
it twice. If I remember a thread from a few weeks back this was traced to a
bad cisco firewall option being turned on.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Henning Brauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with occational duplicate e-mails

> On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 02:36:43PM -0400, chris wrote:
> > Lately several of the virtual domains have been getting duplicate
> > The have leave a copy of message on server but the same e-mail client on
> > same machine will download the same message twice. There does not seem
to be
> > any consistency to it at all. The e-mail clients that this has been
> > experienced with are, Eudora 5 for the Mac and Outlook Express 5.5 for
> > Windows and Outlook Express for the Mac.
> (for newbies: What do the logs say?)
> two deliveries or one? in the latter case their pop3 is broken, in the
> former the remote host has sent it twice.
> --
> Henning Brauer     | BS Web Services
> Hostmaster BSWS    | Roedingsmarkt 14
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
> http://www.bsws.de | Germany

for us, it was a cisco problem (smtp fixup), but i don't think that
there's been enough info given here to determine if that's the problem. if
you're seeing dups on a smtp level, the firewall may be the issue. the
same behavior can be caused by pop/mailbox problems; that's easier to

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Tim Hunter wrote:

> Actually it could be a bit more difficult than just the remote host has sent
> it twice. If I remember a thread from a few weeks back this was traced to a
> bad cisco firewall option being turned on.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Henning Brauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:14 PM
> Subject: Re: Problem with occational duplicate e-mails
> > On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 02:36:43PM -0400, chris wrote:
> > > Lately several of the virtual domains have been getting duplicate
> e-mails.
> > > The have leave a copy of message on server but the same e-mail client on
> the
> > > same machine will download the same message twice. There does not seem
> to be
> > > any consistency to it at all. The e-mail clients that this has been
> > > experienced with are, Eudora 5 for the Mac and Outlook Express 5.5 for
> > > Windows and Outlook Express for the Mac.
> >
> > WDTLS?
> >
> > (for newbies: What do the logs say?)
> > two deliveries or one? in the latter case their pop3 is broken, in the
> > former the remote host has sent it twice.
> >
> > --
> > Henning Brauer     | BS Web Services
> > Hostmaster BSWS    | Roedingsmarkt 14
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
> > http://www.bsws.de | Germany
> >

I am curious. How does the firewall cause this problem?

- John Chapman
> > Actually it could be a bit more difficult than just the remote host
> > has sent it twice. If I remember a thread from a few weeks back this
> > was traced to a bad cisco firewall option being turned on.
> > 

John Chapman
CNI Consulting

some cisco firewalls (pix 520 and 515; not sure if others as well) provide
facilities for rewriting connections through certain ports (smtp, sqlnet,
ftp, http).  the smtp rewrite is turned on by default.  it only allows rfc
822 smtp commands to be passed.  any other text that appears in a smtp
conversation where a command should be found is replaced with XXXXX.

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, John Chapman wrote:

> I am curious. How does the firewall cause this problem?
> - John Chapman
> > 
> > > Actually it could be a bit more difficult than just the remote host
> > > has sent it twice. If I remember a thread from a few weeks back this
> > > was traced to a bad cisco firewall option being turned on.
> > > 
> John Chapman
> CNI Consulting
> www.cniconsulting.com
> 817-774-0369

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 05:06:48PM -0400, Tim Hunter wrote:
> Actually it could be a bit more difficult than just the remote host has sent
> it twice. If I remember a thread from a few weeks back this was traced to a
> bad cisco firewall option being turned on.

Yep, but these options are more common and easier to track down. Another
good analysis is to check the message headers, especially msgid and

But twithout this guy supplying information we won't be able to help him.

Henning Brauer     | BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS    | Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
http://www.bsws.de | Germany


It is probably just me, but one of my domains started creating this extra 
directory named "0" as you see illustrated below.  Is this a feature or a 
misconfiguration on my part somehow? 

I am still using vpopmail 4.9.9 I have downloaded 4.9.10 but everything is 
working so well I would hate to break it by upgrading. 

bash-2.04# pwd
bash-2.04# ls -la
total 10
drwx------   5 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Apr 10 23:12 .
drwx------  24 vpopmail  vchkpw  1024 Apr 11 11:38 ..
drwx------   3 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Apr 10 23:12 test1
drwx------   3 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Apr 10 23:03 test2 

So far this is the only domain that this is happening to. 

The accounts seem to work ok. 

Is this normal? 

Thanks in advance 

Rick Up 

  Thanks everybody for your help.

  Henning Brauer was right, like I'm using qmail-ldap, it's neccesary to
indicate  in the control/ldapdefaultdotmode the  interpretation of the
.qmail files

Henning Brauer wrote:

> Check the dotmode. qmail-ldap does not use .qmail-files for ldap
> unless dotmode is set to both. Check
http://www.lifewithqmail.org/ldap/ for
> more, section and 8.1.2 in special.
> And, btw, you don't need a .qmail-file for this task. Just set the
> attributes
> mailForwardingaddress: user2@otherdomain
> deliveryMode: localdelivery
> The deliverymode=localdelivery forces an local delivery even if a
> is done. This is also explained in life with qmail-ldap, section

Robin S. Socha writes:

> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):(/home/robin)$ cat /usr/ports/mail/qmail/files/mailer.conf.sample
> # Configuration for mailwrapper is kept in /etc/mail/mailer.conf.
> # Replace that file with this one to enable qmail under a sendmail
> # disguise. Very useful. 
> sendmail        /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
> send-mail       /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
> mailq           /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qread
> newaliases      /var/qmail/bin/newaliases

bash-2.04# cat /etc/mailer.conf
# Configuration for mailwrapper is kept in /etc/mail/mailer.conf.
# Replace that file with this one to enable qmail under a sendmail
# disguise. Very useful. 

sendmail        /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
send-mail       /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
mailq           /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qread
newaliases      /var/qmail/bin/newaliases 

bash-2.04# ls -la /var/qmail/bin/newaliases
ls: /var/qmail/bin/newaliases: No such file or directory 

bash-2.04# which newaliases

Please forgive my ignorance.  Do I want /usr/bin/newaliases or 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-newu or something else there instead? 

I never used sendmail so I don't know what I am replacing there exactly. 

Thanks in advance 

Rick Up 

Rick Updegrove writes:

Ok I did find this thread 


I am prety sure it was "Henning Brauer" who wrote: 

> in OpenBSD you shouldn't touch /usr/sbin/sendmail, you should modify
> /etc/mailer.conf like 
> sendmail /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
> send-mail /var/qmail/bin/sendmail 
> and so on. works without any problem.

Therein lies the irony, he stopped short of the line in question which is 

The "mailwrapper issue" even the "mailer.conf issue" doesn't seem to be 
exactly agreed upon by everybody.  Or am I missing something? 

I am not trying to start a fight, just a discussion on the subject, or mauye 
someone knows another good thread on the list I could read. 

Thanks in advance, 

Rick Up 

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 09:55:11PM +0000, Rick Updegrove wrote:
> Rick Updegrove writes:
> Ok I did find this thread 
> http://www.ornl.gov/its/archives/mailing-lists/qmail/2001/03/threads.html#00 
> 800 
> I am prety sure it was "Henning Brauer" who wrote: 
> > in OpenBSD you shouldn't touch /usr/sbin/sendmail, you should modify
> > /etc/mailer.conf like 
> > 
> > sendmail /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
> > send-mail /var/qmail/bin/sendmail 
> > 
> > and so on. works without any problem.
> Therein lies the irony, he stopped short of the line in question which is 
> "/var/qmail/bin/newaliases" 

The two lines above are enough for normal operations. you can point the
other stuff to /usr/bin/true or so.

Henning Brauer     | BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS    | Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
http://www.bsws.de | Germany

Henning Brauer writes:
> The two lines above are enough for normal operations. you can point the
> other stuff to /usr/bin/true or so.

Thank you very much. 

Rick Updegrove writes:
> Therein lies the irony, he stopped short of the line in question which is 
> "/var/qmail/bin/newaliases"

For anyone else anxiously awaiting the answer to that question : ) 

(and running OpenBSD 2.8 or openbsd-stripped/2.8) with the latest ports 

This is what I did today: 

bash-2.05# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/daemontools/; make; make install; cd 
/usr/ports/net/ucspi-tcp/pkg; make; make install; cd /usr/ports/mail/qmail/; 
make; make install& 

If you actually stay and watch you should see this: 

#qmail is installed
#qmail does NOT automatically work yet at this point.
#To activate qmail, please read /var/qmail/doc/INSTALL
#Steps 1, 2, 3 and 5 have been done by this port/package.
#The config command from step 4 can be found in /var/qmail/setup
#It is recommended to use tcpserver instead of inetd for qmail-smtpd
#and/or qmail-pop3d. It is installed as a dependency.
#If you want to replace Sendmail on your system, be sure to look
#at mailwrapper(8). Here's a sample /etc/mailer.conf:
sendmail /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
send-mail /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
mailq /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qread
# you will need fastforward for newaliases to work
#newaliases /var/qmail/bin/newaliases
hoststat /usr/bin/true
purgestat /usr/bin/true 

I definitely missed that the first time I did the ports install.  It and man 
mailwrapper eventually answered all of my questions. 

Thanks again 

Rick Up 

During install of version 1.03 when running "make setup check" I receive the
following error message:
make: *** [qmail-local.0] error 127

Can I have more information please or where to find these error codes. I am
following LWQ.

You have a good day now

Carl A Jeptha

It appears that Service provider is n't doing to well I will try a repost.
If it duplicates I apologise.
You have a good day now

Carl A Jeptha
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl Jeptha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:14 PM
Subject: Error Message during install

> Hi,
> During install of version 1.03 when running "make setup check" I receive
> following error message:
> make: *** [qmail-local.0] error 127
> Can I have more information please or where to find these error codes. I
> following LWQ.
> You have a good day now
> Carl A Jeptha

I'm installing qmail according to the Life with qmail instructions. 
I'd like to have traditional UNIX mailboxes, and use vpopmail to allow 
smtp relay after pop authentication. Does vpopmail work alongside 
procmail or maildrop, or is it a replacement? How should I proceed 
from section 2.8.1. (/var/qmail/rc) of the installation guide?


Why does Life with qmail suggest separating the defaultdelivery from 
the /var/qmail/rc file? The advantage isn't obvious to me.


The line before the make error message is :
bin/sh: nroff: command not found

It appears that I am missing something on my system. I will check and report

You have a good day now

Carl A Jeptha
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl Jeptha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:14 PM
Subject: Error Message during install

> Hi,
> During install of version 1.03 when running "make setup check" I receive
> following error message:
> make: *** [qmail-local.0] error 127
> Can I have more information please or where to find these error codes. I
> following LWQ.
> You have a good day now
> Carl A Jeptha

i know that its been asked on the list before.....but i can't remember when 
or the answer for that matter.

i'd like to log the usernames from my pop users...to see who is getting 
their mail and whose not :-)

i thought that there was a tcpserver or multilog switch for it...but i 
can't remember...can someone help me out :-)



I wrote a logging patch to do just that. see http://www.quint.be/projects/


On Thursday, April 12, 2001 02:20, Kurth Bemis [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> i know that its been asked on the list before.....but i can't remember when 
> or the answer for that matter.
> i'd like to log the usernames from my pop users...to see who is getting 
> their mail and whose not :-)
> i thought that there was a tcpserver or multilog switch for it...but i 
> can't remember...can someone help me out :-)
> ~kurth

I get the following message when running any part of /usr/local/sbin/qmail

  /usr/local/sbin/qmail: No such file or directory

I don't appear to have /var/run/svscan.pid, though I've gone over the
daemontools installation a few times already..

Any ideas?



is there a common way to synchronize two maildirs? These are two
qmail-servers that both only offer imap to the outside. One is a dialin
I had a look at Michael Elkins' isync but if I got it right it only
works if you use mutt as direct client and it might not work if the
mails are polled via imap.
Furthermore I thought of a synchronisation with unison. This would be a
two-way synchronisation of the files in the maildirs. Should one
encounter problems doing it this way because the mails never pass
qmail when they enter the system? The files are just copied into the
maildirs and if necessary deleted there. Is this a bad idea?

thanks for any hint


excuse me for question too particular!!!

I have a problem with PINE version <4.00

How can I see the all folders created on the server ?? With the PINE versions >4.00 
it's possible with CollectionList option but with version <4 it'is impossible for me

I have tried (without success) with "folder-collection" option (in setup) specifying 
{server-imap-name}inbox[] or {server-imap-name}Maildir/[] or {server-imap-name}/[] and 
so on...

I have downloaded from internet many manual written by System Managers of American 
Universities for PINE configuration but I haven't found the solution!!

Where is the solution or is there the solution ?? thanks.

MASSIMO QUINTINI - Osservatorio Astronomico Collurania Teramo (O.A.C.T.) =
Via Mentore Maggini s.n.c. - 64100 TERAMO (Italy)                        =
Tel:39-0861.210490  Fax:39-0861.210492  http://www.te.astro.it           =

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