qmail Digest 6 Apr 2001 10:00:01 -0000 Issue 1326

Topics (messages 60329 through 60380):

different folder visible from Messenger&Sqwebmail.
        60329 by: Massimo Quintini
        60330 by: Kieran Barnes
        60335 by: Tim Hunter

long connection times
        60331 by: Kieran Barnes
        60332 by: Henning Brauer
        60336 by: Kieran Barnes
        60346 by: Iñigo Martínez Lasala

Re: Mail Parsing
        60333 by: Adrian Ho

Re: problems with tcpserver
        60334 by: Tim Hunter
        60353 by: de5-dated-f3e8eb3bfdd8ebaf.sws5.ctd.ornl.gov

delay before checking mail with outlook
        60337 by: Christian Dressend
        60340 by: Charles Cazabon
        60341 by: Chris Johnson
        60342 by: Henning Brauer
        60343 by: Christian Dressend
        60348 by: Charles Cazabon
        60354 by: Aaron L. Meehan

Re: ticketing system?
        60338 by: Chris Shenton

Authenticating with vpopmail
        60339 by: Andrew Wafula

unknown record type in ...
        60344 by: Smith, Lisa
        60347 by: Chris Johnson
        60350 by: Smith, Lisa
        60355 by: Charles Cazabon
        60357 by: de5-dated-f3e8eb3bfdd8ebaf.sws5.ctd.ornl.gov

extra Running Qmail book
        60345 by: Carl Jeptha

Re: Some hints please
        60349 by: de5-dated-f3e8eb3bfdd8ebaf.sws5.ctd.ornl.gov
        60367 by: Marco Calistri
        60368 by: Marco Calistri
        60372 by: Charles Cazabon
        60374 by: Adrian Ho

Re: Estimating needed Inodes
        60351 by: de5-dated-f3e8eb3bfdd8ebaf.sws5.ctd.ornl.gov
        60376 by: Al Sparks

Re: A strange behavior.
        60352 by: de5-dated-f3e8eb3bfdd8ebaf.sws5.ctd.ornl.gov
        60375 by: Kou Sato

simple question
        60356 by: Jan Stifter
        60359 by: Charles Cazabon

        60358 by: Federico Edelman Anaya

EHLO a vulnerability?
        60360 by: Miller, Dustin
        60361 by: Charles Cazabon
        60362 by: Miller, Dustin

Re: IMAP Server Problem
        60363 by: Nick (Keith) Fish

Re: qmail-autoreponder-0.93
        60364 by: Nick (Keith) Fish

dual processors? over 500 connections?
        60365 by: Brett
        60366 by: Charles Cazabon

Error 550 message rejected
        60369 by: Matt Simonsen
        60370 by: Markus Stumpf

smtpd not accepting some messages
        60371 by: David Young
        60373 by: Charles Cazabon

Very slow qmail response
        60377 by: Tom Jackson
        60378 by: Peter Cavender

re-writing headers based on rules
        60379 by: Eric Bonharme
        60380 by: Frank Tegtmeyer


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I have a qmail server with server wu-imap (for Maildir) and sqwebmail
for mail access via web.

my users use the following MUAs:

NetscapeMessenger(with imap protocol)
Netscape Navigator with sqwebmail

If I create a PERSONAL FOLDER with Sqwebmail, i cannot see that folder
with Messenger and vice versa;
(in fact any MUA creates your own folders at different
locations/directory on the server )

Now, the questions!!!:

1) Is there the way to see the SAME folders with the 2 MUAs ???
2) Is there another sw for webmail "compatible" with
imap-folder-location ???


Excuse me for my bad English!!!!

MASSIMO QUINTINI - Osservatorio Astronomico Collurania Teramo (O.A.C.T.) =
Via Mentore Maggini s.n.c. - 64100 TERAMO (Italy)                        =
Tel:39-0861.210490  Fax:39-0861.210492  http://www.te.astro.it           =

sqwebmail doesnt need an imap server, it reads the mail from the maildirs.

If you want webmail software that uses imap, try squirrelmail
www.squirrelmail.org, or IMP
www.horde.org/imp (i think IMP reads from IMAP - not sure)

Either of those might fix your compatability issues.

Probably didnt answer all your questions, but I hope it helps


Kieran Barnes
Signum 1226 Ltd
Use our Web site at...  http://www.1226.net
Phone us on... 01772 622889
Fax us on...   01772 622558

-----Original Message-----
From: Massimo Quintini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 05 April 2001 15:03
Subject: different folder visible from Messenger&Sqwebmail.

I have a qmail server with server wu-imap (for Maildir) and sqwebmail
for mail access via web.

my users use the following MUAs:

NetscapeMessenger(with imap protocol)
Netscape Navigator with sqwebmail

If I create a PERSONAL FOLDER with Sqwebmail, i cannot see that folder
with Messenger and vice versa;
(in fact any MUA creates your own folders at different
locations/directory on the server )

Now, the questions!!!:

1) Is there the way to see the SAME folders with the 2 MUAs ???
2) Is there another sw for webmail "compatible" with
imap-folder-location ???


Excuse me for my bad English!!!!

MASSIMO QUINTINI - Osservatorio Astronomico Collurania Teramo (O.A.C.T.) =
Via Mentore Maggini s.n.c. - 64100 TERAMO (Italy)                        =
Tel:39-0861.210490  Fax:39-0861.210492  http://www.te.astro.it           =

wu-imap does not use the same structure as sqwebmail does for folders.  If
you want to maintain compatability use the courier-imap package from inter7.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Massimo Quintini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 10:03 AM
Subject: different folder visible from Messenger&Sqwebmail.

> I have a qmail server with server wu-imap (for Maildir) and sqwebmail
> for mail access via web.
> my users use the following MUAs:
> NetscapeMessenger(with imap protocol)
> Netscape Navigator with sqwebmail
> If I create a PERSONAL FOLDER with Sqwebmail, i cannot see that folder
> with Messenger and vice versa;
> (in fact any MUA creates your own folders at different
> locations/directory on the server )
> Now, the questions!!!:
> 1) Is there the way to see the SAME folders with the 2 MUAs ???
> 2) Is there another sw for webmail "compatible" with
> imap-folder-location ???
> Thanks
> Excuse me for my bad English!!!!
> --
> ==========================================================================
> MASSIMO QUINTINI - Osservatorio Astronomico Collurania Teramo (O.A.C.T.) =
> Via Mentore Maggini s.n.c. - 64100 TERAMO (Italy)                        =
> Tel:39-0861.210490  Fax:39-0861.210492  http://www.te.astro.it           =
> ==========================================================================


I have a clean install of qmail - as per LWQ
But when I try to connect to the server it takes at least 20 seconds to get
a 220. See below

I am connecting to the SMTP server locally, its running on Redhat 6.2,
kernel 2.4.2

There is no DNS server at the moment - could this be an issue?

[root@xenon /root]# telnet xenon 25
Connected to xenon.i9000networks.com.
Escape character is '^]'.

<insert 20 seconds here>

220 xenon.i9000networks.com ESMTP

I only changed one thing from the LWQ install, and that was to run svscan
(from my inittab) on /var/qmail/supervise, but i since changed it back to as
per LWQ - same story.

Everything seems to be running fine...

root       538  0.0  0.5  1124  344 pts/2    S    Apr03   0:00 svscan
root       539  0.0  0.5  1088  320 pts/2    S    Apr03   0:00 supervise
root       540  0.0  0.5  1088  320 pts/2    S    Apr03   0:00 supervise log
root       541  0.0  0.5  1088  320 pts/2    S    Apr03   0:00 supervise
root       542  0.0  0.5  1088  320 pts/2    S    Apr03   0:00 supervise log
qmails     543  0.0  0.6  1140  392 pts/2    S    Apr03   0:00 qmail-send
qmaill     548  0.0  0.5  1100  316 pts/2    S    Apr03   0:00
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail
qmaill     554  0.0  0.5  1100  316 pts/2    S    Apr03   0:00
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail/smtpd
root       555  0.0  0.5  1100  336 pts/2    S    Apr03   0:00 qmail-lspawn
qmailr     556  0.0  0.5  1100  336 pts/2    S    Apr03   0:00 qmail-rspawn
qmailq     557  0.0  0.5  1092  344 pts/2    S    Apr03   0:00 qmail-clean
qmaild     576  0.0  0.7  1152  468 pts/2    S    Apr03   0:00
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c 20 -u 505 -g 5

/var/log/qmail/smtpd/current shows nothing untoward.

Any ideas anyone?


Kieran Barnes
Signum 1226 Ltd
Use our Web site at...  http://www.1226.net
Phone us on... 01772 622889
Fax us on...   01772 622558

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 11:35:44AM +0100, Kieran Barnes wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have a clean install of qmail - as per LWQ
> But when I try to connect to the server it takes at least 20 seconds to get
> a 220. See below

This is not only a FAQ, it is _the_ qmail FAQ.
man tcpserver, search for ident and dns lookups.

Henning Brauer     | BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS    | Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
http://www.bsws.de | Germany


managed to get it working with the -l -R -H flags. I probably dont need them
all, but its fine for the time being!

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -l -p -R -H -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c "$MAXSMTPD" \
-u "$QMAILDUID" -g "$NOFILESGID" 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1


Kieran Barnes
Signum 1226 Ltd
Use our Web site at...  http://www.1226.net
Phone us on... 01772 622889
Fax us on...   01772 622558

-----Original Message-----
From: Henning Brauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 05 April 2001 12:29
To: qmail Mailing List (E-mail)
Subject: Re: long connection times

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 11:35:44AM +0100, Kieran Barnes wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have a clean install of qmail - as per LWQ
> But when I try to connect to the server it takes at least 20 seconds to
> a 220. See below

This is not only a FAQ, it is _the_ qmail FAQ.
man tcpserver, search for ident and dns lookups.

Henning Brauer     | BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS    | Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
http://www.bsws.de | Germany

I solved this changing tcpserver options.
Add -R (tcpserver -v -p -h -R -x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kieran Barnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: jueves, 05 de abril de 2001 12:36
> To: qmail Mailing List (E-mail)
> Subject: long connection times
> Hi, 
> I have a clean install of qmail - as per LWQ
> But when I try to connect to the server it takes at least 20 
> seconds to get
> a 220. See below
> I am connecting to the SMTP server locally, its running on Redhat 6.2,
> kernel 2.4.2
> There is no DNS server at the moment - could this be an issue?
> [root@xenon /root]# telnet xenon 25
> Trying
> Connected to xenon.i9000networks.com.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> <insert 20 seconds here>

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On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Csaba Bobak wrote:

> > Our good buddy DJB has been there and done that.  Take a look at:
> > http://cr.yp.tp/mess822.html
> Sorry for a bit OT question but how to use it?

Looks like you haven't even tried it, so the only applicable advice is:

Download <http://cr.yp.to/software/mess822-0.58.tar.gz>, unpack tarball,
read README, read INSTALL, install, read man pages, play around.


I have nver had a problem with Mandrake, from 6.1 through the 8.0 beta
releases, its something else.  Sounds like configuration problems.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christian Dressend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "todd kennedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Qmail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 2:33 AM
Subject: RE: problems with tcpserver

> Hi!
> I am also having troble with tcpserver under Mandrake 7.1, but with kernel
> 2.4.2.
> The mail system works perfectly on the machine, but the system has
> significant latencies when I'm trying to establsh an SMTP commection with
> qmail-pop3d. I have to try serveral times until the connection is made. I
> getting a timeout error. The PC's are in a local LAN.
> I've had kernel 2.2.15 with the same problem on another installation of
> Mandrake.
> Thanks
> -----Original Message-----
> From: todd kennedy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 5 aprilie 2001 08:18
> Subject: problems with tcpserver
> hi.
> i'm trying to get tcpserver installed and running qmail on my machine
> with a 2.2.18 kernel.  madrake 7.1 to be exact).
> I have qmail installed and running (wondeful program might i ad) and I
> compiled and installed the tcpserver package, but I cannot, for the life
> me, get tcpserver to run qmail for me.
> when i try and issue the tcpserver command from the qmail faq it just runs
> for a second and then quits saying it's finished, but there's no instance
> qmail running to deliever mail.
> any help would be greatly appreciated.
> thanks.
> todd

"todd kennedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>when i try and issue the tcpserver command from the qmail faq it just runs
>for a second and then quits saying it's finished, but there's no instance of
>qmail running to deliever mail.

Show us the command you're using. Show us the message that says it's
finished. Try running the tcpserver command under


Does anyone know why there is a long delay before Outlook checks and/or send mail through qmail? The logging service reports the commenction on the server but then occurs a timeout (after a minute)
Sometimes this delay does not appear.
On the server all is working fine (with pine or through sqwebmail, which I installed)
qmail-smtp, pop3 and the rc file are running supervised..

Christian Dressend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know why there is a long delay before Outlook checks and/or send
> mail through qmail?

Yes, many of us do.  In fact, one member of the list answered this very
question earlier today.  Perhaps you should try reading the documentation, the
FAQ (it's the number-one most commonly asked question about qmail), and the
mailing list archives.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 04:59:38PM +0300, Christian Dressend wrote:
> Does anyone know why there is a long delay before Outlook checks and/or send
> mail through qmail?

Yes, everyone who's been reading this list for more than a day knows the answer
to this question, because it is by *far* the most frequently asked question.
Check the list archives (you won't have to look far).


PGP signature

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 04:59:38PM +0300, Christian Dressend wrote:
> Hi!
> Does anyone know why there is a long delay before Outlook checks and/or send

I'm tired of answering "man tcpserver". Can't one use the archives? 

Henning Brauer     | BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS    | Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
http://www.bsws.de | Germany

I did start reading this mailing list only today, i did not receive the
earlier answers, but someone send me a real answer and it worked...

How can I redirect the tcpserver outputs to /var/syslog? It appears on the
first console at the moment.

Thank you anyway


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 5 aprilie 2001 17:42
To: Christian Dressend
Cc: Qmail
Subject: Re: delay before checking mail with outlook

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 04:59:38PM +0300, Christian Dressend wrote:
> Does anyone know why there is a long delay before Outlook checks and/or
> mail through qmail?

Yes, everyone who's been reading this list for more than a day knows the
to this question, because it is by *far* the most frequently asked question.
Check the list archives (you won't have to look far).


Christian Dressend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I did start reading this mailing list only today, i did not receive the
> earlier answers, but someone send me a real answer and it worked...

Netiquette suggests that you "lurk" on a mailing list for a while before
posting.  That way, you see all the common questions and answers before
posting them, and you get pointers to common documents or websites you should

> How can I redirect the tcpserver outputs to /var/syslog? It appears on the
> first console at the moment.

Again, a FAQ.  The documentation for qmail explains how to send output to

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

> Christian Dressend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Does anyone know why there is a long delay before Outlook checks and/or send
> > mail through qmail?

Yes, the delay is provided by Microsoft so that you have a bit more
time to ponder whether you *really* want to risk automatically
executing "certain MIME types."


On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 23:02:32 +0200, Henning Brauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

Henning> Jay Jarvinen and I started working on an own ticketing
Henning> system, it will appear on sourceforge soon. I'll post a small
Henning> note when we have a useable version up if others are
Henning> interested.
It would be a big win if it were integrated with a source code control
system like RCS, CVS, or Perforce.  In my work I'm using Perforce and
Keystone, and I'm really tired of having to enter the same info both
places ("fixed bug #### with patch blash to file foo.c").  It would be
cool if the integration allowed me to pop to a ticket, open broken
files, fix 'em, check them in, and the ticket system would
automagically update its info like bug status and files affected.

Perforce has sponsored work to integrate their souce code control
system with TeamTrack and Bugzilla. They have an API for integrating
other bug-tracking systems. Might be worth looking at.



I have a proble with authentication with vpopmail. I use user%domain.com for
the username field and the password for the password field in authenticating
for virtual domains but I don't have any success.
I have qmail running with system accounts and one virtual domain which is
set up as per instructions.

Please help.


My apologies if this has already been asked and answered, I've searched the
archives and haven't seen anything on it, I've looked thru the docs that I
have, and the only thing I have found is
"a serious bug in qmail-send or qmail-queue".   

Does anyone know how to determine what the problem is, and how to fix it?  

Thanks in advance for your help.


This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential
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Thank you

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 11:16:53AM -0400, Smith, Lisa wrote:
> My apologies if this has already been asked and answered,

As far as I can tell from your message, the question still hasn't been asked.

> I've searched the archives and haven't seen anything on it


> I've looked thru the docs that I have, and the only thing I have found is "a
> serious bug in qmail-send or qmail-queue".   
> Does anyone know how to determine what the problem is, and how to fix it?  

What problem?


PGP signature

> > My apologies if this has already been asked and answered,

> As far as I can tell from your message, the question still hasn't been

> > I've searched the archives and haven't seen anything on it

> It?

(see subject line)

"unknown record type in..."  errors.

> > I've looked thru the docs that I have, and the only thing I have found
is "a
> > serious bug in qmail-send or qmail-queue".   
> > 
> > Does anyone know how to determine what the problem is, and how to fix
> What problem?

(see subject line)

"unknown record type in ... "  errors that show up in the qmail logs:

Page 339 of the book "Running Qmail" has only this to say in regard to this
error "a serious bug in qmail-send or qmail-queue", which appears to be
taken straight from one of the man pages.  Unfortunately, I haven't seen
anything on how to identify what this bug is, or how to fix it.


986483205.027345 warning: unknown record type in todo/365/640582
986483205.027363 warning: unknown record type in todo/431/643642
986483205.027371 warning: unknown record type in todo/432/643643
986483205.027379 warning: unknown record type in todo/436/640653
986483205.027392 warning: unknown record type in todo/438/640655
986483205.027403 warning: unknown record type in todo/438/643649

My apologies if my message was unclear, I was trying to keep it (my message)

I would be more than happy to RTFM, or read a FAQ, if someone would kindly
and gently point the way to any FAQ's that go into a little more detail
about this error.

Thanks in advance for your help,


This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential
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If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the
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hard copy format.
Thank you

Smith, Lisa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It?
> (see subject line)

It's considered good form to actually include all information in the body of
your message; don't rely on the subject (or other) headers.

> "unknown record type in..."  errors.

To help you, we need the following information:

    -version of qmail
    -any and all patches applied, and other qmail-related software in use
    -what OS and version you have
    -how you installed (compile from source, etc)
    -type and version of your compiler

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

"Smith, Lisa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>986483205.027345 warning: unknown record type in todo/365/640582
>986483205.027363 warning: unknown record type in todo/431/643642
>986483205.027371 warning: unknown record type in todo/432/643643
>986483205.027379 warning: unknown record type in todo/436/640653
>986483205.027392 warning: unknown record type in todo/438/640655
>986483205.027403 warning: unknown record type in todo/438/643649

How about some history. When did you install? How did you install? Any
patches? Any add-ons? Platform? Anything unusual in the set-up: weird
h/w, s/w, n/w?

Next time, try searching the list archives, e.g. via:


They aren't too helpful in this case, though. This error has only been
reported once and seems to have been due to a botched virus scanner


If this is not the right place for this I apologise.

Due to a misunderstanding with my local bookstore I have an extra copy of
the book Running Qmail that I would like be rid of. I paid $52.00CDN for it.
Any offers????

I am in Ontario, Canada.

You have a good day now

Carl A Jeptha

Marco Calistri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>1) May I remove now all my rcpthosts names except my hostname?


>2) Shall I use supervise with tcpserver?

That's a good idea. It makes it easier to control the tcpserver
process, and will restart it if it dies (or is killed).

>I also installed djbdns aiming to use it for DNSCACHE and to enhance my small
>LAN,but I guess it is not working since a "dnsqr a" to my host failed:
>[ik5bcu@linux bin]$ dnsqr a linux.ik5bcu.ampr.org
>1 linux.ik5bcu.ampr.org:
>timed out
>while a query to localhost works ok:
>[ik5bcu@linux bin]$ dnsqr a localhost
>1 localhost:
>43 bytes, 1+1+0+0 records, response, noerror
>query: 1 localhost
>answer: localhost 655360 A

You have to tell dnscache which hosts to talk to. For an internal
cache, is sufficient--just point to it via /etc/resolv.conf.

>Beside this do you think I made a good choice (attempting)to install a dns
>considering that:
>1) I have not any BIND on my system
>2) I have only private hostnames and IPs
>3) My INTERNET connection uses a dynamic IP supplied by my ISP

Yes, a dnscache is a good idea.


On 05-Apr-2001 Charles Cazabon wrote:
> Marco Calistri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,I passed to tcpserver and all seems to work correctly: now I have
>> /etc/tcp.smpt file with :allow rules, but I'd have some doubts to resolve:
>> 1) May I remove now all my rcpthosts names except my hostname?
> Yes; more precisely, remove all hosts for which your server does not handle
> mail.  For example, you may want to send mail to hotmail.com; this does NOT
> mean that hotmail.com should be in rcpthosts.  Only _your_ domains should be
> in it (with a few exceptions you don't need to worry about).
>> 2) Shall I use supervise with tcpserver?
> If you want.
> Charles
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
> Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Thanks Charles you are very clear,I appreciated.

On 05-Apr-2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Marco Calistri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>1) May I remove now all my rcpthosts names except my hostname?
> Yes.

>>2) Shall I use supervise with tcpserver?
> That's a good idea. It makes it easier to control the tcpserver
> process, and will restart it if it dies (or is killed).
I'll try!

>>I also installed djbdns aiming to use it for DNSCACHE and to enhance my small
>>LAN,but I guess it is not working since a "dnsqr a" to my host failed:
>>[ik5bcu@linux bin]$ dnsqr a linux.ik5bcu.ampr.org
>>1 linux.ik5bcu.ampr.org:
>>timed out
>>while a query to localhost works ok:
>>[ik5bcu@linux bin]$ dnsqr a localhost
>>1 localhost:
>>43 bytes, 1+1+0+0 records, response, noerror
>>query: 1 localhost
>>answer: localhost 655360 A
> You have to tell dnscache which hosts to talk to. For an internal
> cache, is sufficient--just point to it via /etc/resolv.conf.

Hi Dave,Thank you very much,about dns I put the as 3rd nameserver
into my /etc/resolv.conf,the previous 2 are the ISP's nameservers.
I was aiming to avoid some of the "unknown" messages from my mail's headers
Anyway it sounds strange (to me) that my localdns can't find my hostname!!
>>Beside this do you think I made a good choice (attempting)to install a dns
>>considering that:
>>1) I have not any BIND on my system
>>2) I have only private hostnames and IPs
>>3) My INTERNET connection uses a dynamic IP supplied by my ISP
> Yes, a dnscache is a good idea.

Oh,Good!...BTW now Fetchmail[OT] is reporting this message:

 X-Fetchmail-Warning: recipient address [EMAIL PROTECTED] didn't match any
 local name

How could I solve this?

> -Dave

Marco Calistri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BTW now Fetchmail[OT] is reporting this message:
>  X-Fetchmail-Warning: recipient address [EMAIL PROTECTED] didn't match any
>  local name

Mailing list mail will not have your email address in the headers; you should
either tell fetchmail to look at the Delivered-To: header (if the MTA on the
POP3 server/IMAP server is qmail), or give it some sort of instruction for
default deliveries.

Or use getmail, my replacement for fetchmail.  You can find it at the link in
my .sig.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, Marco Calistri wrote:

> Hi Dave,Thank you very much,about dns I put the as 3rd nameserver
> into my /etc/resolv.conf,the previous 2 are the ISP's nameservers.

Since most (all?) resolver libraries query resolv.conf's nameserver list
in order, your dnscache will _never_ be queried so long as either or both
of your ISP's nameservers are reachable and responding.

I have never found any reason to list a locally-maintained dnscache
anywhere else but #1 in resolv.conf.  I'm curious to know if you've found
such a reason.

> I was aiming to avoid some of the "unknown" messages from my mail's headers
> Anyway it sounds strange (to me) that my localdns can't find my hostname!!

As noted above, your ISP's nameservers are being queried first.  Since (I
presume) they don't know about your domain, what you're getting is not
surprising at all.


Al Sparks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I realize this is a little off-topic for this list, but there must be
>email administrators that have had to deal with this.  We’re running
>Linux (Red Hat 6.2, kernel 2.2.14) with ext2 file system.  How many
>inodes would be sufficient for that kind of setup?

You should think in terms of the average size of a mail message.
That's the number you'll need to provide to mkfs via "-i". If you
guess too high, you'll run out of inodes while there's still free space
on the filesystem. If you guess too low, you'll run out of space
before inodes. I try to err on the side of allocating a few too

BTW, with SGI's xfs file system, which I'm now running under Linux,
inodes aren't preallocated, so you don't have to worry about this
issue. You also don't have to worry about 8-hour fsck's on a 200 GB
RAID 5 or poor performance on a directory with 10000 files. :-)


Well, though it wasn’t what I expected, I appreciate the answer.  By
the way, I don’t have "man mkfs.ext2" on my system (again RH 6.2
install) just "man mkfs".  I did some web searches for it, and the one
I found was very terse and didn’t indicate how to specify inodes.

What’s important is that between the 2 answers I got, I at least know I
can specify more i-nodes which will do for now.  I can get more
detailed information later.  Thanks again and sorry I offended.
    === Al

p.s.  I’ve seen worse posts than mine get treated better on this list.

--- Charles Cazabon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Al Sparks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > I realize this is a little off-topic for this list
> [...]
> Yup.
> > What’s the largest number of inodes you can configure for on a partition?
> > (How do you?  man mkfs isn’t very helpful.)
> How is it not helpful?  It refers to you to the man page for mke2fs, which
> contains exactly the information you're looking for.
> Charles
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
> Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Kou Sato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry.  I found a typo in my previous message;
>>>>>> On Thu, 05 Apr 2001 12:46:05 +0900,
>   Kou Sato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>    >>   Hello.  I am thinking about using qmail 1.03, instead of sendmail,
>    >> but still have a problem.  It seems so wierd that I cannot solve it
>    >> by myself.
>    >>   Suppose that there are 2 SMTP servers for a domain 'my.domain'.
>    >> One is smtp1.my.domain and the other is smtp2.my.domain.  Both
>    >> servers are confirmed that they accept the messages from other
>    >> domain(e.g., to [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
>    >>   But when you send a message from smtp1 to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
>    >> smtp2 tries to send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
>    >> then of course it fails.
>       smtp2 tries to sent it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hmm. I bet if we knew the details of the configuration of smtp1 we
might be able to answer this. Start with the unedited output of
qmail-showctl. Are you doing any fancy to route mail from smtp1 to


>>>>> On Thu, 5 Apr 2001 12:43:18 -0400 (EDT),

    >> >> Suppose that there are 2 SMTP servers for a domain 'my.domain'.
    >> >> One is smtp1.my.domain and the other is smtp2.my.domain.  Both >>
    >> servers are confirmed that they accept the messages from other >>
    >> domain(e.g., to [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
    >> >> But when you send a message from smtp1 to [EMAIL PROTECTED], >>
    >> smtp2 tries to send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED], >> then
    >> of course it fails.
    >> smtp2 tries to sent it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    Dave> Hmm. I bet if we knew the details of the configuration of smtp1 we
    Dave> might be able to answer this. Start with the unedited output of
    Dave> qmail-showctl. Are you doing any fancy to route mail from smtp1 to
    Dave> smtp2?

  Thanks for your response. 

  Actually I use sendmail as an MTA on smtp1.  And the above problem happens
not only when I send messages using MUA, but even when I connect from smtp1
to smtp2's port 25 via telnet and try to send a message by speaking SMTP.

  smtp1 receives messages from smtp2 to [EMAIL PROTECTED],   both
via smtp2's MUA & manual SMTP sessions.  So it seems for me that the
problem is in the configuration of qmail on smtp2.  Should I send the
output of qmail-showctl on smtp2?

Koh Sato

my qmail box receives mail for 2 domains, domain A and domain B.

domain A is handled locally with vmailmgr and virtual users it is in
the virtualdomains control file). 

mails for domain B are only relayed to another box (it is in the
smtproutes control file as domainB:ip-adr:25).

the problem:
I would like to forward one users mail joe@domainB to joe@domainA (and
only this user). how can i do this, when there is no local user for

many thanks in advance

Jan Stifter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> domain A is handled locally with vmailmgr and virtual users it is in the
> virtualdomains control file). 
> mails for domain B are only relayed to another box (it is in the smtproutes
> control file as domainB:ip-adr:25).

So domain B (use real domains next time, it's easier) is only in rcpthosts
and smtproutes, not locals or virtualdomains?

> the problem: I would like to forward one users mail joe@domainB to
> joe@domainA (and only this user). how can i do this, when there is no local
> user for domainB?

You'll have to make domain B a virtual domain, controlled by a local user
(such as alias).  Do this with a virtualdomains entry like:


Then, have a .qmail file for joe:


which contains a forward directive ("&[EMAIL PROTECTED]")

Then handle the remainder of the domain in another .qmail file:


which contains something like:

    |forward "$DEFAULT"@domainb-different.org

and possibly an smtproutes entry for domainb-different.org.  domainb-different
might be a domain literal (IP address), or another name for which domainb's MX
will receive their mail.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

I compile the qmail with conf-spawn 509 value ... How can I setup a big
value? sample: 1000 ?


Can't find this in the mailing list archives (perhaps I'm not searching well
enough) but is EHLO really a security vulnerability in qmail?  ISS reports
that EHLO can be used by potential attackers.  Personally, I've never really
seen that EHLO can be a bad thing on must MTAs, but I'm not sure 'bout
qmail.  Any takers on this question?

Dustin Miller, Contractor
EAD/900 - G-18
(630) 252-6749

Miller, Dustin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can't find this in the mailing list archives (perhaps I'm not searching well
> enough) but is EHLO really a security vulnerability in qmail?

No.  All EHLO tells an attacker is your hostname, plus that you support

> ISS reports that EHLO can be used by potential attackers.

Who is ISS?  I think they're either badly mistaken or spreading FUD.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

ISS is a software package -- Internet Security Scanner, if memory serves.

Thanks for the info.

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Cazabon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: EHLO a vulnerability?

Miller, Dustin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can't find this in the mailing list archives (perhaps I'm not searching
> enough) but is EHLO really a security vulnerability in qmail?

No.  All EHLO tells an attacker is your hostname, plus that you support

> ISS reports that EHLO can be used by potential attackers.

Who is ISS?  I think they're either badly mistaken or spreading FUD.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Anselmo Daniel Adams wrote:
> Hi,
> I use imap-4.7 on my server. Sometimes the server gives to me wrong
> arrival dates for all messages. Anyone can help me?
> Anselmo Daniel Adams

This is usually caused by system times set wrong on computers somewhere
along the route of the e-mail.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 05:52:11PM -0300, Jairo Marciano Silva wrote:
> >Im trying to install qmail-autoreponder-0.93 but when i run the "make"
> >command I got the following error:
> >
> >qmail-autoresponder.c:4: getopt.h: No such file or directory
> You need to install the development headers -- on my Redhat/KRUD 7.0 box it
> tells me that getopt.h is in the glibc-devel package.
> Sean

Did you install the glibc-devel package?  You might try just copying it
into the directory you are trying to make qmail-autoresponder in.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Does qmail recognize or take advantage of a dual processor setup? I'm
assuming that with the big concurrencyremote patch, regardless of the number
of processors, we're sill relegated to, at most, 500 simultaneous
connections. We need to send a lot of messages within a short period of time
and are thinking our best bet is to simply add more machines to our strategy
to increase the number of simultaneous connections as this seems to be where
improvement is needed. As far as I can tell, the speed of the processors is
largely irrelevant since 90% of the speed issue comes from how fast the SMTP
connections connect and complete and that variable's out of our hands and
dependent on the receiving machine's end. It's quite possible I'm making
several erroneous assumptions here so feel free to correct as you see fit
and I'll be happy to hear the truth. Thanks a lot!

Brett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does qmail recognize or take advantage of a dual processor setup?

If your OS is multi-processor-capable, then it will schedule qmail's multiple
processes across the processors.  qmail itself is not multithreaded.

> I'm assuming that with the big concurrencyremote patch, regardless of the
> number of processors, we're sill relegated to, at most, 500 simultaneous
> connections.

Depends on your system; conf-spawn can be set higher if the FD_SETSIZE of your
system is large enough, and you have a high enough file descriptor limit.

> We need to send a lot of messages within a short period of time and are
> thinking our best bet is to simply add more machines to our strategy to
> increase the number of simultaneous connections as this seems to be where
> improvement is needed.

How many is "a lot"?  Some people on this list report sending out most of a
100,000 member mailing list in the first hour or so after injection into the
queue.  There's a section at www.qmail.org on large-volume servers.

It's also a subject which has come up many, many times on the mailing list.
Look through the mailing list archives for the results others have had.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

>From what I can tell this message was rejected by the lhh.com server,
perhaps an email gateway which was not setup correctly? Can anybody help me
translate what this means? Is there anything I can do to fix it from my end?
My guess is I just need to talk to their IT group (which is not available
right now)- thanks, I just need to be sure I am doing everything I can and
that when I talk to them I have enough information.

Matt Simonsen

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 3:50 PM
Subject: failure notice

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at email.careercast.com.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 Mail relay not allowed at this server
Giving up on

--- Below this line is a copy of the message.

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: (qmail 21519 invoked from network); 5 Apr 2001 22:49:54 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO careercast8) (
  by email.careercast.com with SMTP; 5 Apr 2001 22:49:54 -0000
To: "'David Estrada'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Fleet and CareerCast
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 15:43:52 -0700
Message-ID: <003d01c0be21$e3ef8fa0$e3e62f40@careercast8>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook CWS, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
Importance: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6700

For some reason your mail service bounced this.

Mike Cavallo
5963 La Place Court, Suite 309
Carlsbad, CA 92008
760-602-9502 ext. 16
Fax 760-602-9260

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 04:29:58PM -0700, Matt Simonsen wrote:
> From what I can tell this message was rejected by the lhh.com server,
> perhaps an email gateway which was not setup correctly?


> does not like recipient.
> Remote host said: 550 Mail relay not allowed at this server
> Giving up on

$ host -t mx lhh.com
lhh.com mail is handled (pri=10) by fc.lhh.com
lhh.com mail is handled (pri=10) by mail.lhh.com
lhh.com mail is handled (pri=10) by seattle.lhh.com
lhh.com mail is handled (pri=20) by seattle2.lhh.com

DNS indicates that these four hosts are to be used as mail exchangers
for lhh.com

fc.lhh.com has address
mail.lhh.com has address

seattle.lhh.com is a nickname for lhhmail.dedicatednet.com
lhhmail.dedicatednet.com has address
lhhmail.dedicatednet.com has address

seattle2.lhh.com is a nickname for mx.dedicatednet.com
mx.dedicatednet.com has address
mx.dedicatednet.com has address

seattle.lhh.com and seattle2.lhh.com are configured wrong in DNS.
MX records may not point to CNAMEs ... thats one (not critical) problem.

> does not like recipient.

So it looks like none of the prio=10 hosts was available at that time
so the message was sent to  seattle.lhh.com  and this smtp server is
misconfigured according to DNS as it is a MX host for lhh.com but does
not accept messages for lhh.com.
The same holds for  seattle2.lhh.com:

$ telnet smtp
Connected to ns1.dedicatednet.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ns1.dedicatednet.com NTMail (v4.30.0013/NU7670.00.0cc0ca14) ready for ESMTP 
HELO sucker
250 ns1.dedicatednet.com sucker
250 OK.
550 Mail relay not allowed at this server
221 Goodbye sucker

So, either the DNS for lhh.com is set up wrong in terms of MX records
or the mail servers at dedicatednet.com are set up wrong according to


P.S. At the moment the prio 10 MX hosts work (again) for me.

SpaceNet AG            | Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 | Fon: +49 (89) 32356-0
Research & Development |       D-80807 Muenchen    | Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299
Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't fallen
asleep yet.

We just put qmail in production use. All our clients are running Outlook,
and most work fine. However some are unable to send mail if their SMTP
server is set to the INSIDE interface of our mail server. If we change their
SMTP server to the outside interface (ie, they go through the firewall) then
it's fine.

Network does not seem to be the issue - client can ping the inside
interface, and can telnet to port 25 and send a message. Seems to be
something specific to Outlook. Outlook progress bar goes halfway, hangs for
about 30 seconds, and then reports that the remote server terminated the
session error 0x88ccc05.

I used recordio to capture the SMTP conversation of a failed attempt on the
inside interface and a successful message on the outside interface (user is
smarsh, see below). However I don't see anything obvious, except maybe the
client neglects to send a QUIT on the first attempt? I dunno the piece of
junk mail in the middle makes me lose the track.

Any advice?

@400000003acd13ed296da104 tcpserver: status: 0/20
@400000003acd141138c276d4 tcpserver: status: 1/20
@400000003acd141138c564d4 tcpserver: pid 8239 from
@400000003acd141138e00d0c tcpserver: ok 8239 -H:
 400000003acd14113ae3d41c 8239 > 220 mail.nettonettech.com ESMTP
 400000003acd14113af131fc 8239 < HELO stefmarshpc
 400000003acd14113af1ed7c 8239 > 250 mail.nettonettech.com
 400000003acd14113b50900c 8239 < MAIL FROM: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 400000003acd14113b515744 8239 > 250 ok
 400000003acd14113b752b24 8239 < RCPT TO: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 400000003acd14113b75e6a4 8239 > 250 ok
 400000003acd14113b7f8f4c 8239 < DATA
 400000003acd14113b9574c4 8239 > 354 go ahead
 400000003acd141200250684 8239 < From: "Stefanie Marsh"
 400000003acd141200250e54 8239 < To: "Stefanie Marsh"
 400000003acd141200251a0c 8239 < Subject:
 400000003acd141200251df4 8239 < Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 20:58:18 -0700
 400000003acd1412002529ac 8239 < Message-ID:
 400000003acd14120025317c 8239 < MIME-Version: 1.0
@400000003acd14120025394c 8239 < Content-Type: text/pla+
 400000003acd14120025411c 8239 < in;
 400000003acd14120025588c 8239 <        charset="iso-8859-1"
 400000003acd14120025605c 8239 < Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 400000003acd14120025682c 8239 < X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
 400000003acd141200256ffc 8239 < X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
 400000003acd1412002577cc 8239 < X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build
9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
 400000003acd141200257f9c 8239 < Importance: Normal
 400000003acd14120025876c 8239 < X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE
 400000003acd141200259af4 8239 <
 400000003acd14120025a2c4 8239 <
 400000003acd141200263b1c 8239 <
 400000003acd1412002642ec 8239 < Stefanie S. Marsh
 400000003acd1412002646d4 8239 < Operations Manager
 400000003acd141200264ea4 8239 < Net to Net Technologies
 400000003acd141200265674 8239 < Tel: (603) 427-0600 x310
 400000003acd141200265e44 8239 < Fax: (603) 422-0610
@400000003acd141200266614 8239 < e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]+
@400000003acd144a18186f24 tcpserver: status: 2/20
@400000003acd144a18199bec tcpserver: pid 8293 from
@400000003acd144a28bea03c tcpserver: ok 8293 -H:
 400000003acd144a28c0fdb4 8293 > 220 mail.nettonettech.com ESMTP
 400000003acd144a2c7e8e6c 8293 < HELO top-greetings.com
 400000003acd144a2c7ff5cc 8293 > 250 mail.nettonettech.com
 400000003acd144a302ae8e4 8293 < MAIL
 400000003acd144a302c542c 8293 > 250 ok
 400000003acd144a33d2bf1c 8293 < RCPT To:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 400000003acd144a33d3a1ac 8293 > 250 ok
 400000003acd144a377e237c 8293 < DATA
 400000003acd144a3794b4d4 8293 > 354 go ahead
 400000003acd144b003eb0d4 8293 < From: "Top-Greetings.com"
 400000003acd144b003ebc8c 8293 < Subject: Funny Rules, Your Resume, Rooster
 400000003acd144b003ec45c 8293 < To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 400000003acd144b003ecc2c 8293 < Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 19:58:17 +0000
 400000003acd144b003ed7e4 8293 <
 400000003acd144b003edbcc 8293 <
 400000003acd144b003ee39c 8293 < *** http://Top-Greetings.com newsletter ***
 400000003acd144b003eeb6c 8293 <
@400000003acd144b003eef54 8293 < **** Subscribe / Unsubscribe inst+
 400000003acd144b003f0e94 8293 < ructions are at the bottom ******
 400000003acd144b003f1664 8293 <
 400000003acd144b003f1e34 8293 < Today's Featured FunPages:
                               [...snip some junk mail content...]
@400000003acd144b006c8734 8293 < <a+
 400000003acd144b006d275c 8293 <  href="
http://top-greetings.com/U.py?C=Zn6CjXwAHkhM3b-UIOj-UA "> Unsubscribe Link
 400000003acd144b006d36fc 8293 <
 400000003acd144b006d3ae4 8293 <
 400000003acd144b06a4a53c 8293 < .
 400000003acd144b06c97704 8293 > 250 ok 986518593 qp 8297
 400000003acd145808966704 8293 < QUIT
@400000003acd1458089a2bdc tcpserver: end 8293 status 0
@400000003acd1458089a6a5c tcpserver: status: 1/20
 400000003acd1458089e3aec 8293 > 221 mail.nettonettech.com
@400000003acd1458089e46a4 8293 > [EOF]
@400000003acd147503b26f1c tcpserver: status: 2/20
@400000003acd147503b57874 tcpserver: pid 8341 from
@400000003acd147503bd8ec4 tcpserver: ok 8341 -H:
 400000003acd1475040722b4 8341 > 220 mail.nettonettech.com ESMTP
 400000003acd14750413c8fc 8341 < HELO stefmarshpc
 400000003acd14750414847c 8341 > 250 mail.nettonettech.com
 400000003acd147505efdfe4 8341 < MAIL FROM: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 400000003acd147505f0a71c 8341 > 250 ok
 400000003acd14750618cc74 8341 < RCPT TO: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 400000003acd1475061987f4 8341 > 250 ok
 400000003acd14750623b954 8341 < DATA
 400000003acd14750639cdac 8341 > 354 go ahead
 400000003acd14750654049c 8341 < From: "Stefanie Marsh"
 400000003acd147506541054 8341 < To: "Stefanie Marsh"
 400000003acd147506541824 8341 < Subject:
 400000003acd147506541ff4 8341 < Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 20:59:57 -0700
 400000003acd1475065427c4 8341 < Message-ID:
 400000003acd14750654337c 8341 < MIME-Version: 1.0
@400000003acd147506543b4c 8341 < Content-Type: text/pla+
 400000003acd14750654431c 8341 < in;
 400000003acd147506545e74 8341 <        charset="iso-8859-1"
 400000003acd147506546644 8341 < Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 400000003acd147506546e14 8341 < X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
 400000003acd1475065475e4 8341 < X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
 400000003acd147506547db4 8341 < X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build
9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
 400000003acd147506548584 8341 < Importance: Normal
 400000003acd147506548d54 8341 < X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE
 400000003acd14750654a8ac 8341 <
 400000003acd14750654b07c 8341 <
 400000003acd147506554cbc 8341 <
 400000003acd1475065550a4 8341 < Stefanie S. Marsh
 400000003acd147506555874 8341 < Operations Manager
 400000003acd147506556044 8341 < Net to Net Technologies
 400000003acd147506556814 8341 < Tel: (603) 427-0600 x310
 400000003acd147506556fe4 8341 < Fax: (603) 422-0610
@400000003acd1475065573cc 8341 < e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]+
@400000003acd14b01848b684 tcpserver: status: 3/20
@400000003acd14b0184c44ac tcpserver: pid 8395 from
@400000003acd14b018ad871c tcpserver: ok 8395 -H:
 400000003acd14b018f6fbcc 8395 > 220 mail.nettonettech.com ESMTP
 400000003acd14b0190e67e4 8395 < HELO stefmarshpc
 400000003acd14b0190f274c 8395 > 250 mail.nettonettech.com
 400000003acd14b0196fa284 8395 < MAIL FROM: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 400000003acd14b019706da4 8395 > 250 ok
 400000003acd14b019949f44 8395 < RCPT TO: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 400000003acd14b019957234 8395 > 250 ok
 400000003acd14b019a70e04 8395 < DATA
 400000003acd14b019b45474 8395 > 354 go ahead
 400000003acd14b019f04c04 8395 < From: "Stefanie Marsh"
 400000003acd14b019f05ba4 8395 < To: "Stefanie Marsh"
 400000003acd14b019f0675c 8395 < Subject:
 400000003acd14b019f06f2c 8395 < Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 21:00:57 -0700
 400000003acd14b019f076fc 8395 < Message-ID:
 400000003acd14b019f082b4 8395 < MIME-Version: 1.0
@400000003acd14b019f08a84 8395 < Content-Type: text/pla+
 400000003acd14b019f08e6c 8395 < in;
 400000003acd14b019f0dc8c 8395 <        charset="iso-8859-1"
 400000003acd14b019f0e45c 8395 < Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 400000003acd14b019f0ec2c 8395 < X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
 400000003acd14b019f0f3fc 8395 < X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
 400000003acd14b019f0fbcc 8395 < X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build
9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
 400000003acd14b019f1039c 8395 < Importance: Normal
 400000003acd14b019f10b6c 8395 < X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE
 400000003acd14b019f11ef4 8395 <
 400000003acd14b019f126c4 8395 <
 400000003acd14b019f1c304 8395 <
 400000003acd14b019f1cad4 8395 < Stefanie S. Marsh
 400000003acd14b019f1d2a4 8395 < Operations Manager
 400000003acd14b019f1da74 8395 < Net to Net Technologies
 400000003acd14b019f1e244 8395 < Tel: (603) 427-0600 x310
 400000003acd14b019f1e62c 8395 < Fax: (603) 422-0610
@400000003acd14b019f1edfc 8395 < e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]+
 400000003acd14b01a57956c 8395 <
 400000003acd14b01a579d3c 8395 < .
 400000003acd14b01a7c3c3c 8395 > 250 ok 986518694 qp 8397
 400000003acd14b01ced4024 8395 < QUIT
@400000003acd14b01cf14b4c tcpserver: end 8395 status 0
@400000003acd14b01cf185e4 tcpserver: status: 2/20
 400000003acd14b01cf6ae34 8395 > 221 mail.nettonettech.com
@400000003acd14b01cf6b9ec 8395 > [EOF]
@400000003acd14d52afd747c tcpserver: status: 0/20

David Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

re: Outlook hanging

> I used recordio to capture the SMTP conversation of a failed attempt on the
> inside interface and a successful message on the outside interface (user is
> smarsh, see below). However I don't see anything obvious, except maybe the
> client neglects to send a QUIT on the first attempt? I dunno the piece of
> junk mail in the middle makes me lose the track.
> Any advice?

Throw Outlook away?  This is apparently a known bug in Outlook; it's been
brought up before on this list (check the archives).  I'm not sure if there
are fixes/upgrades for all of its bugs.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

My qmail has been running fine for a year or more. Now it is very slow
to accept connections on SMTP or POP3 ports. 

I get this behavior from other computers on the local network, but
everything works as usual from the qmail server.

I've tried it with telnet, Netscape and other software with the same

What can/should I check?


--Tom Jackson

Have there been any changes on the DNS setup for your system; i.e., your
nameservers.  In my experience this has been the #1 cause of delays,
because email/qmail depends heavliy on DNS service.  I have several
nameserver changeovers, and when things are not exactly kosher, qmail
grinds to a crawl.

Secondly, look at the que and see what is there.

my $0.02


On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Tom Jackson wrote:

> My qmail has been running fine for a year or more. Now it is very slow
> to accept connections on SMTP or POP3 ports. 
> I get this behavior from other computers on the local network, but
> everything works as usual from the qmail server.
> I've tried it with telnet, Netscape and other software with the same
> results.
> What can/should I check?
> Thanks,
> --Tom Jackson

Title: re-writing headers based on rules

Hi there,

I have the following setup.

A Web server which sends email from forms. The web server box runs sendmail (sorry!). This gets relayed through mail server which runs qmail. I'm looking to rewrite the headers at the qmail end to achieve the following:

All emails relayed to @xxx.com (which is remote) need to be Bcc'ed to another address.

I don't really want to do this with sendmail. Is there a way to do this with qmail?

Thanks for your help


Eric Bonharme, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MotorTRAK Ltd, AC Court, High Street, Thames Ditton, Surrey KT7 0SR
Tel: +44 (20) 8335 2000, Fax: +44 (20) 8335 2001

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> All emails relayed to @xxx.com (which is remote) need to be Bcc'ed to 
> another address.

You may catch all mail from the webserver (by it's IP address, see 
the RELAYCLIENT trick) and within the processing you may check if the 
envelope receiver matches the wanted domain.

The RELAYCLIENT setup is described in the FAQ (look for FIXME).

Regards, Frank

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