Dear all,

Does someone has any idea how to forward with qmail all the e-mail's received by one mailserver to another

mailserver ? Actually I want to forward only thouse users e-mails to another server which has no mailbox in the first server.


We have server A and server B. Server A is MX for and server B is MX fot

Server B has user called John Doe with e-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What I really like to achive is if someone send's email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] then server A checks if it has user Joe Doe

with e-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED] and if it doesn't find any reference to that user it just forwards e-mail to

server B which accepts it . It can be easily achieved by modifing /etc/aliases/ files but I want to get rid of modifing /etc/aliases/ files.

Any idea ?

I hope example wasn't too hazy.

Thank you in advance,

VM Testing


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