> I created domain.com. After I created a few accounts throught qmailadmin.
> I noticed a problem, the qmailadmin added plain password after quota (see
> NOQUOTA: section) . I have configured vpopmail as not to show plain
> passwords.

You have to recompile qmailadmin if you update vpopmail.

> Well, that is not really a problem for me. The problem is, qmailadmin
> cannot display any accounts, below this plain password line. For example
> testuser2 can not be seen on the 'Email Accounts' list, it is somekinda
> hidden.

This problem is related to above.

> Has anyone expired from samekinda problem?

Yes, this is a well known problem. The fix is simple: recompile
qmailadmin to use the new vpopmail library.

> Thanks.
> Best regards,
> --
> Jussi Salokangas

H. D. Lee

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