RE: [qmailtoaster] no folders!

2006-06-15 Thread Özgür Kolukısa
Hi Josh, Can you provide us your OS, Distro, arch information.. I think about some compilation errors when you update.. I hope so, you have a recent database backup.. Regards -Original Message- From: Eric "Shubes" [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 15 Haziran 2006 Perşembe 22:09 To: qmailt

Re: [qmailtoaster] simscan update -- no spam check

2006-06-15 Thread K Anand
OK..I got the problem..I was checking with webmail...There was a setting in simscan not to check spam for authenticated users..when I tried from OE, it went thro fine.. Anand - Original Message - From: "K Anand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 9:52 AM Subject: Re: [q

Re: [qmailtoaster] simscan update -- no spam check

2006-06-15 Thread K Anand
I noticed another thing..When I sent mail from my production server to my test server, that mail went through spamassassinSo has any change been made so that only mails coming from other domains will go thro spamassassin ?? Anand - Original Message - From: "K Anand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[qmailtoaster] Mail advice when quota exceed.

2006-06-15 Thread Kaven Gagnon
Hi, is it possible to make qmail send mail to user when they reach 90% of their mailbox capacity? Thanks! Regards, Kaven G. - QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted --

Re: [qmailtoaster] Qmail Log Rotate

2006-06-15 Thread Erik Espinoza
You'll need to edit the following: Specifies how big the log file should get: /var/qmail/control/logsize Specifies how many rotations should happen: /var/qmail/control/logcount Thanks, Erik On 6/15/06, Robin W. Sanchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi I need Know how configure the log Rotate

[qmailtoaster] Qmail Log Rotate

2006-06-15 Thread Robin W. Sanchez
Hi I need Know how configure the log Rotate for qmail because I need have more time the /var/log/qmail/send/   Thanks     Rob      

Re: [qmailtoaster] admin password and mysql problems

2006-06-15 Thread Erik Espinoza
1) from Edit /etc/php.ini and set register_globals = On service httpd restart Bring up your browser and go to: Username: admin Password: toaster Change your password . . . Edit /

[qmailtoaster] admin password and mysql problems

2006-06-15 Thread Fernando Azevedo
Hi all!   I’m having some troubles with my latest qmail-toaster installation.   Apparently everything is OK, but… I stil have 2 problems:   1st) Whenever I try to change de admin password, although there is no message in the toaster interface, the password never changes. My httpd logs

[qmailtoaster] QmailToaster with Cyrus-Imapd?

2006-06-15 Thread Md Mooktakim Ahmed
Hello, Has anyone ever tried cyrus-imapd with qmail toaster? I mean i never tried it. But this is something i'm very interested in. You won't need maildrop anymore since cyrus has sieve. Talk to me people. I want to know if anyone tried this before :) ---

Re: [qmailtoaster] no folders!

2006-06-15 Thread Eric \"Shubes\"
Josh Dinsdale wrote: Hi Again guys Please see my last email subject ‘[qmailtoaster] vqadmin blank domain’, ive noticed another issue in relation to my botched upgrade. When I add a new user to the domain the files ‘courierimapsubscribed’ and ‘courierimapuiddb’ are not created. This mea

Re: [qmailtoaster] #4.4.2 connection died

2006-06-15 Thread Ole J
When i look on the header of the emails i have this Received: from unknown (HELO ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@ipadress) by mymailserver with SMTP; 15 Jun 2006 20:00:41 - Header of email reaching my inbox on hotmail, send from my emailserver. This Helo aint good right?, when i do uname -

[qmailtoaster] #4.4.2 connection died

2006-06-15 Thread Ole J
Hello, I get problems by sending emails with zip attachment, the email is discarded/connection died, without attachments no problem, this problem happens occassionally, so many email w/attachments goes thru successfully. Is it hotmail or me? Attachment is less than 1mb, standard QT toaster, n

Re: [qmailtoaster] package rebuild

2006-06-15 Thread slamp slamp
Thanks guys, I will be doing this tonight.On 6/15/06, Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Jake Vickers wrote:> slamp slamp wrote:>>> Hello list, is it safe to build new packages on a non production >> system and then transfer the rpms and install it on a production>> system? the machines will be iden

Re: [qmailtoaster] package rebuild

2006-06-15 Thread Warren
Jake Vickers wrote: > slamp slamp wrote: > >> Hello list, is it safe to build new packages on a non production >> system and then transfer the rpms and install it on a production >> system? the machines will be identical on a software level. > > Yes it is. > > -

Re: [qmailtoaster] package rebuild

2006-06-15 Thread Jake Vickers
slamp slamp wrote: Hello list, is it safe to build new packages on a non production system and then transfer the rpms and install it on a production system? the machines will be identical on a software level. Yes it is. -

[qmailtoaster] package rebuild

2006-06-15 Thread slamp slamp
Hello list, is it safe to build new packages on a non production system and then transfer the rpms and install it on a production system? the machines will be identical on a software level.

[qmailtoaster] no folders!

2006-06-15 Thread Josh Dinsdale
Hi Again guys   Please see my last email subject ‘[qmailtoaster] vqadmin blank domain’, ive noticed another issue in relation to my botched upgrade.   When I add a new user to the domain the files ‘courierimapsubscribed’ and ‘courierimapuiddb’ are not created. This means that they have

[qmailtoaster] simscan update -- no spam check

2006-06-15 Thread K Anand
Hi all, I have upgraded my simscan to current version -- 1.3.1.. I did this on a test server..I find that simscan is not using spamassassin... qmailctl shows that spamd and spamd/log are runningwhen I do qmailctl stop and start, in the spam log I can see the restart...but mails are not showing

[qmailtoaster] vqadmin blank domain

2006-06-15 Thread Josh Dinsdale
Hi Guys   I tried updating my qmail-toaster install a week back and cocked it up a bit, and way I managed to recover everything I needed.   Anyway, the problem is that now for some reason when I got to view the domain info via vqadmin, I click on my domain name and it just shows a blan

Re: [qmailtoaster] send-email-toaster, install &

2006-06-15 Thread Jake Vickers
Eric "Shubes" wrote: I think I came across a bug in the and install scripts. I doubt that it's impacting anyone to any degree. The control-panel-toaster*.src.rpm generates a send-emails-toaster*.noarch.rpm (binary) file, which doesn't appear to get installed nor updated. Can someone