Just to be sure y'all understand -- CentOS 7 installs with firewalld instead of iptables. If you want to use iptables INSTEAD, you need to disable firewalld first, then enable iptables.

NOTE: I *DO* recommend doing this, as iptables is, in my opinion a better firewall solution FOR SERVERS.

to disable the firewalld, issue the commands:
 # *systemctl disable firewalld*
 # *systemctl stop firewalld*

Then you will need to install iptables:
 # *yum install iptables*
 # *systemctl enable iptables*
/<configure your iptables>/
 # *systemctl start iptables**
Dan McAllister

On 10/26/2015 6:12 PM, Eric Broch wrote:

The below section is the firewall rules that are run at install time of QMT for 
CentOS 7 in both the qt_install.sh and qt_grp_install.sh scripts.

<firewall rules>

# Open ports on firewall
ports=(20 21 22 25 53 80 110 113 143 443 465 587 993 995 3306)
for index in ${!ports[*]}
    echo -n "Opening port: ${ports[$index]} : "
    tput setaf 2
    firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=${ports[$index]}/tcp --permanent
    tput sgr0
echo -n "Reload firewall settings : "
tput setaf 2
firewall-cmd --reload
tput sgr0

</firewall rules>

As far as the qt-backup you'll have to download it from github here <https://github.com/QMailToaster/qmailtoaster-util/raw/master/qt-backup>, download as follows: # curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QMailToaster/qmailtoaster-util/master/qt-backup >qt-backup
And, put in the proper location on your server.


On 10/26/2015 4:40 AM, Eric Broch wrote:
The install should have done iptables already.

On 10/26/2015 4:29 AM, Chandran Manikandan wrote:
Dear Eric,
Thanks for your help.
It was working perfect on centos 7 machine.
But am unable to do qt-backup command. it show the below message. should i need to any further thing.

-bash: qt-backup: command not found

Am unable to do the iptables in this machine.
Could you let me know. should i need to do firewalld or iptables.
In which one is good for qmailtoaster

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 12:41 PM, Eric Broch <ebr...@whitehorsetc.com <mailto:ebr...@whitehorsetc.com>> wrote:

    On 10/18/2015 9:03 PM, Chandran Manikandan wrote:
    Hi Folks,

    How are you all ?

    I have installed Centos 7.1 on my new IBM server machine.

    I would like to install qmailtoaster on this machine.

    Could anyone have the experience to install it.

    Please help me to provide the steps and configuration.

    Thanks in advance.

-- *Thanks,*
    *System Administrator*


    There are two methods now

    Method 1)
    a) # curl
    > qt_prep.sh
    b) # chmod 755 qt_prep.sh
    c) # sh qt_prep.sh (Automatic reboot)
    d) # sh qt_grp_install.sh

    Method 2)
    a) # curl
    > qt_prep.sh
    b) # chmod 755 qt_prep.sh
    c) # sh qt_prep.sh (Automatic reboot)
    d) # sh qt_install.sh
    e) # rpm -Uvh

    Updating QMT
    yum --enablerepo=whtc-qmt-testing update


*System Administrator*

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