OK, I included this information in a follow-up a few minutes ago and almost immediately got a request/suggestion to re-post so it's not lost in the other message history.

The issue being brought up was one of 3rd party "tools" that help in managing a QMT installation.

Erick brought up one, *qmlog*, that does a GREAT job of helping manage QMT log files -- especially since the standard timestamps on those qmail logs are in an unusual format, not easily human decipherable. (*qmlog *is included in the *QTP *-- Qmail Toaster Plus -- package).

The one I was adding is called *mtrack *(and a sister, called *strack*)... and I mentioned that I stick a pre-fix on them in my systems to keep my feeble little head on straight, so to me they're /*qmtrack */and /*qmstrack*/.

[q]*mtrack *groups together log entries from qmail-send (either raw, or output from qmlog -- I prefer the latter). [qm]*strack *does the same for qmail-smtpd log files.

As an example -- to make finding "bad actors" easier, I use qmlog, grep, and wc to count (every 15 minutes) how many failed attempts have happened today (so far)... when they reach a certain threshold, I send an automated email to my cell phone and run a [q]mtrack on the log files over the same time which shows me the same messages, but grouped by failed attempt.

To show you the value of this, let me show you a snippet (redacted to protect client data):

   11-01 14:13:17 new msg 135400183
   11-01 14:13:17 info msg 135400183: bytes 20503 from <f...@m.com> qp
   29365 uid 89
   11-01 14:13:17 starting delivery 10363: msg 135400183 to remote
   11-01 14:13:41 delivery 10363: deferral:
   11-01 14:19:58 starting delivery 10560: msg 135400183 to remote
   11-01 14:20:55 delivery 10560: success:
   11-01 14:20:55 end msg 135400183

This snipped is pulled from a log file containing over 100K lines of messages (and the full output of my [q]mtrack query shows 30+ failed messages) -- but here I can see QUICKLY (and grouped together) that THIS message had only a temporary failure, and was delivered with only a 7-minute delay ... a delay caused by the remote server (I suspect a grey-listing similar to what a QMT install does!).

My only real issue with [q]mtrack and [qm]strack is that both sometimes have perl-script errors (due to unexpected line formats)... which I conveniently send to /dev/null.

I have not attempted to reach the guy who wrote these (see http://qmail.jms1.net/scripts/) -- in part because they haven't been updated in SOOO long (though he did update the (C) notice to 2013 <grin>).... in any case, I'm afraid if I point out problems he may take the site (or the scripts) down... and I've only just begun to mine the plethora of stuff he's got on there...

I might suggest some of these make it into the QTP package at some further date... or something like them.... withouth [q]mtrack, I don't know how many hours I'd spend tracking messages through the log files... since I've got a client with users who love to get us blacklisted, it has saved me countless hours!

Just my ideas...

Dan McAllister
QMT DNS/Mirror Admin (at least for as long as there are still mirrors)


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