On 11/07/2012 12:52 PM, Carlos Herrera Polo wrote:
Can spamassasin pass all mails from blackberry network ?
All emails from blackberry are rejected....

My local.cf <http://local.cf> file have this lines:

whitelist_from *.srs.*.*.blackberry.com <http://blackberry.com>
whitelist_from *blackberry.com <http://blackberry.com>
whitelist_from *.blackberry.com <http://blackberry.com>

but... the mails are blocked...

SPAM REJECT (12.40/9.00):1.8001s:***SPAM***

For SA rejections, it's useful to examine which specific rules were fired to come up with the total score (12.40 in this case). Your spamd log will show this. 12.40 is awfully high, as is 9.00. FWIW, I reject at 5.8 with virtually no FPs.

-Eric 'shubes'

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