
                I do this manually after looking at one of Jake's Videos.
Here is my notes on what to do.


Blackberry addresses may not work correctly so we need to allow the "/" that
some Blackberry system put in place.


Go to our QMT downloads directory

cd /QMT


Start "screen" to operate in a separate shell



Now we need to install the source code for qmail-toaster (Note: - you may
need to check for the latest version files, especially if you have done an
upgrade, also look for the architecture it might be i686).


rpm -Uvh qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.18.src.rpm

cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS

vim qmail-toaster.spec


Now we need to get to line 843 or so, look for "sleep 5".  Change this to
"sleep 300".  This will give us time to modify the configuration during the
compile section.


rpmbuild -bb qmail-toaster.spec

exit screen by "Ctrl+A+D" to detach


vim /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/qmail-1.03/chkuser_settings.h



Adjust the line below to allow the "/" Special Character





/* #define CHKUSER_ALLOW_SENDER_CHAR_3 '' */ 




(NOW has the "/" included)






Save and quit


Reconnect to the detached screen

screen -r

Wait until the build completes


Now we need to reinstall the qmail-toaster packages.  This will update all
of the Qmail packages to allow the Special Character.

cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/x86_64/

rpm -Uvh --replacefiles --replacepkgs qmail-*.rpm


After this has completed, we need to stop and restart qmail.

qmailctl stop

Maks sure all has stopped

qmailctl stat

Then restart

qmailctl start


I hope this helps.




From: John Kagan [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 June 2010 1:01 PM
Subject: [qmailtoaster] ***SPAM*** [qmailtoaster] Re: Blackberry invalid
sender address format


Hi Eric,

I'm experiencing the problem you addressed below, but I haven't figured out
how to apply your solution. I wonder if you could point out what I'm

I've downloaded the RPM you indicated and confirmed it with md5sum. I didn't
initially delete the previous file from the SRPMS directory, but the
download seems to have overwritten it anyway.

However, when I run qtp-newmodel it says that the package is up to date
(which, going by the version number, it is) and doesn't process it - as
confirmed by checking the CHKUSER_ALLOW_SENDER_CHAR_3 entry in

I think maybe "remove the existing package first" means more than deleting
the .rpm file, but when I try "rpm -e" it complains about a bunch of

Should I force the rpm -e, or is there a better way to get qtp-newmodel to
re-process the package. I notice in  <> that you identify allowing the script to rebuild
packages as an outstanding enhancement :)




I'm guessing that since the variable is commented out, it doesn't exist, so
cannot be changed (We're not real certain about how chkuser is handling

 <> is
a version of the package that contains the / character for chkuser. This is
the only change in it from the stock package. Download (wget) it into
/usr/src/qtp-upgrade/SRPMS/ (don't forget to remove the existing package
there first), then run qtp-newmodel and have it rebuild the qmail-toaster
package. That'll fix you up. 

Jake, please refresh my memory. Why is it that this '/' character hasn't
been added to the stock package? It's becoming a real PITA for me as well as
others. ;) 


-Eric 'shubes'

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