# This plugin enables relaying for any IP address that
# has done a successful vpopmail POP3 session within
# last 60 minutes.
# vpopmail must have been compiled with SQL roaming support
# i.e. something like:
# ./configure  \
# --enable-mysql=y \
# --enable-roaming-users=y \
# --enable-relay-clear-minutes=180 \
# --enable-rebuild-tcpserver-file=n
# To avoid doing an SQL DB lookup for every rcpt, one lookup is
# done at the beginning of the connection, and the result is cached.
# the rcpt_handler uses this cached result to process each rcpt request.

# Config
# ------
# create a file called: check_relay_after_pop
# in the config directory
# file must contain 4 values, one per line
# sql DB Host name or IP
# sql DB Name (usually 'vpopmail')
# sql DB user name
# sql DB user password
# in the 'plugins' file in the config directory
# add a line like this:
#   check_relay_after_pop
# just BEFORE the line that says: check_relay
# Relaying will be enabled if the IP is OK with this plugin,
# or if OK with the check_relay plugin
# If you want to run this plugin without also using the check_relay plugin
# then you may need to change the DECLINED in the rcpt_handler to DENY
James H. Thompson

Attachment: check_relay_after_pop
Description: Binary data

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