I'm not sure if the issue is with creator or with the qt tools (qmake
& moc) so I'm giving both lists a try.
I accidentally set my system time to a date in the future and only
realized it a day or so later. After I changed back the time and try
to build my project, the tools goes into a endles
"make distclean" will clean the target and the makefile(s) too.
On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 4:49 PM, August Hörandl wrote:
> Am Mittwoch 10 März 2010 schrieb Eric Anderson:
>> Suggestions, anecdotes of experience, and pointers to specific
>> documentation sections or books on QT will be greatly appre
Am Mittwoch 10 März 2010 schrieb Eric Anderson:
> Suggestions, anecdotes of experience, and pointers to specific
> documentation sections or books on QT will be greatly appreciated.
I am a teacher and some colleges an i use qtcreator for some time now:
Just tell the students to do build/"clean all
> The problem that I am having is with project management. I'm working
> through the example projects but I'm not seeing how to copy projects, or
> relocate them. I need to come up with a system that will allow many
> similar projects to not interfere with each other, and promote ease of
> r
I am looking at QT Creator as a possible platform for teaching C++ to High
School Students. I am the software mentor for a FIRST Robotics team that
uses C++ to program its robots. For the actual robot programming, we use
Eclipse (Wind River Workbench) but that environment is limited by the amount
FYI, my probably was actually my own time.h in one of my added include
paths. I see that the GCC documentation says that the -I option adds include
paths ahead of the system includes, but I always thought that using the
angle-bracket form of #include only search system include paths, not user
Wow, thank you! I didn't know there was a FIND_PACKAGE module for
libxml2. This makes things much easier. And Creator seems to recognize
the INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES command, so it parses the header files. For
the record, my experimental CMakeLists.txt looks like this: