
I have the same problem, but it can by solved. You just need to edit ui form
file in text mode, to match class name in it.
For example:

<widget class="QWidget" name="MainForm">

And also you need to modify your class .h file to add namespace and private
class member.

You can make one class by File->New->Qt Designer Form Class ant see what
need to add to your class.


Whenever I try to edit slots of a widget in the form editor, it gives me
the error: "Error: Finding/Adding A Slot" "No documents matching
'ui_MainWindow.h' could be found. Rebuilding the project might help." I
have tried rebuilding the project, deleting the header and all other
generated source files and had them regenerated, and this just refuses to
work. This was working fine and then it abruptly stopped. I have googled
and searched through the forums with no luck. I would appreciate some help.

Hamel Ajay Kothari
Qt-creator mailing list

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