I thought I would share my morning rant that I sent to "OUR" Politicians, with my quad peeps.

--- On Sun, 6/14/09, tim <t...@whoopiekat.com> wrote:

From: tim <t...@whoopiekat.com>
Subject: FW: Health Care....
To: onemofor...@yahoo.com
Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009, 9:35 AM




From: tim [mailto:t...@whoopiekat.com]
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 8:51 AM
To: 'presid...@messages.whitehouse.gov'; 'Vice President Joe Biden'; 'tom_har...@harkin.senate.gov'; 'chuck_grass...@grassley.senate.gov'; 'c...@chetculver.com'; 'tom.rie...@legis.state.ia.us'; 'eric.pal...@legis.state.ia.us'
Subject: Health Care....


Dear Mr. President and others-


I am writing this email because I have concerns about the future of the ill and handicap waiver I am on. Health Care Reform is a hot topic right now and rightfully so; corruption and fraud is everywhere, including the health care system. I just want my voice heard loud and clear; FIX the broken parts, but DO NOT scrap what is working.

For example:  The first Medicaid waiver was given to a little girl from Iowa named Katie Beckett who lived most of the first 3 years of her life in a hospital hooked up to equipment to help her breathe. Katie could have just as easily and more cheaply been cared for in her home, but a Medicaid regulation allowed her medical expenses to be paid for only when she was hospitalized. Her mother lobbied in Washington , and President Ronald Reagan demanded that the income limit rule for Medicaid be "waived." By making this exception to the rule, Katie got home just in time to celebrate Christmas, 1981 and spend the rest of her childhood with her family. Plus, this was a huge savings for Medicaid to pay for Katie's care in the home instead of in the hospital. The Medicaid waiver programs began shortly thereafter in 1982 when President Reagan signed the Katie Beckett waiver into effect. This made Medicaid funds available to similar families with special needs children who otherwise did not qualify for assistance and care in the home. Since then, states have developed a variety of Medicaid waivers which have allowed people to receive needed services in their homes and communities rather than in an institutional setting.

Programs such as the ill/handicap and elderly waivers are programs that have saved tax payer dollars rather than creating more deficit than what would be in an institution. I know that the quality of my life has been significantly better since I have been on the waiver; I am able to choose my provider, and am not forced to be a prisoner in my own home (which I was when on Medicare only) or in an institution. President Reagan freed (and saved life’s) of many physically less fortunate people, and saved tax payer dollars along the way. I am not a Republican, but Ronald Reagan sure made my life easier, happier and healthier!

This great state of Iowa is doing a good job in allowing people to be cared for in the home, PLEASE do not force budget cuts that will get in the way of home care based services and waivers!  



Tim Crook (a quadriplegic since August 1988)





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