
Good Morning:

Many of you know the story of the abuse and death of little Kelsey Briggs in Meeker, Oklahoma.  Those of you that don’t can go to and read a wealth of information about her.  Although her step-father has been charged with her murder, and her mother has been charged with child neglect and allowing child abuse, we are still concerned that all of those involved with her abuse and death (whether knowing about it and not doing anything to prevent it, or actually being the abuser) are trying to make deals with the District Attorney to be let go with the least punishment possible (probation).  Kelsey got no deals in her situation, and she endured 10 months of violent abuse and a very violent death.

An on-line petition has been set-up to collect signatures to give to the District Attorney, Richard Smothermon, on or about March 20, 2006.  This petition simply states that all of those involved with the knowledge of or actual abuse of little Kelsey, should be punished to the full extent.    We not only want signatures from those living in Lincoln and Pottawatomie counties, but anywhere we can get them.  I am asking you to please email this to anyone you can so we can spread the word, and get as many electronic signatures as possible.  We only have a week, so time is of the essence.  Let’s show those responsible for finding justice in her death that we all care about the death of this little girl, and the justice that must be found for her!

Here is the link:


Also, if you know anyone that has a webpage or blog that would be willing to put this link for this week out there, please ask them to!













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