Title: Action Network Newsletter
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy yourself"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 10:22 AM
Subject: So Close to a Big Win on a Difficult Day

Dear Stacy,

Today I write you with a heavy heart, but I want to thank you for all of your efforts this year. We at the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation are deeply saddened and shocked by the sudden death of Christopher. I am sure you join us in extending our condolences to the entire Reeve Family. Should you wish to send a message to the Reeve family, you may do so through our website.

Christopher was our leading advocate and was extremely proud of the Action Network. His legacy will continue through your hard work and commitment to advance medical research and quality of life programs.

I was fortunate to be with Christopher in his final hours, and he was still hopeful that with your help the day will come when Congress passes the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Act (CRPA). We even procured three new co-sponsors in the House of Representatives: Representatives Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), and Pete Sessions (R-TX). In an effort to end the year with a win for the Action Network, we redirected our efforts last week to advance one vital component of the legislation–-collaborative, multi-disciplinary research.

On October 7th the House of Representatives passed the Research Review Act, H.R. 5213, by a recorded vote of 418-0.

The bill calls on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to draft a report on ways they have encouraged the use of multidisciplinary research teams (like those outlined in the CRPA) to advance treatments, develop new therapies, and collaborate on clinical trials with respect to spinal cord injury and paralysis research.

Christopher was making calls to Congressmen just last week urging their support.

A vote on the bill was expected in the Senate Monday night. Unfortunately, an unidentified Senator prevented passage of the legislation. It has been rumored the bill was blocked in response to the coverage of Christopher’s death being focused on stem cell research.

However, we will not be deterred.

We have made great advances this year, and your voices (calls, emails, letters, editorials) have been heard in Washington. We will continue to update you on those issues important to the Action Network and the disability community.

Congratulations and thank you,



Michael Manganiello
Sr. VP, Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation


500 Morris Ave • Springfield, NJ 07081
(800) 225-0292


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