 From: ju...@bu.edu
To: daa...@aol.com
Sent: 6/3/2013 8:52:41 P.M.  Central Daylight Time
Subj: 6-13 SCI Webcast- Advances in Research for  Recovery

Don’t  forget to register for the June 13th webcast! 


Knowledge in Motion
SCI  Webcast Series

For  individuals living with spinal cord injury, 
their  caregivers, & healthcare professionals 

New  Advances in Research 
for  Recovery after SCI 

Presented  by 

Jeffrey  D. Macklis, MD 
Harvard  Stem Cell Institute 
Harvard  University 
Harvard  Medical School  
Lisa  McKerracher, Ph.D. 
BioAxone  BioSciences, Inc.   
Frank  Reynolds 
InVivo  Therapeutics 

Angus  McQuilken 
Mass.  Life Sciences Center 

Thursday, June  13, 2013 
6:30-8:00 PM  Eastern Time 
Register to  attend _Free  Online Webcast and Live Chat_ 
or  contact: 
Judi Zazula  at _judiz@bu.edu_ (mailto:ju...@bu.edu)  
866-607-1804  (toll-free) 
Attendees will  be able to: 
·           Understand  how the corticospinal nerve injury contributes to 
SCI disabilities, and  how it might be repaired. 
·           Understand  what new treatment options based on biomaterials 
will be available for  SCI patients in the near future. 
·           Learn about the 10-year,  $1-billion MA Life Sciences 
Initiative and its relevance to the SCI  community. 
·           Learn about  the current state of drug development to treat 


About this  month’s speakers and their presentations: 
Jeffrey  Macklis, MD, Harvard  Stem Cell institute, Professor of Stem Cell 
and Regenerative Biology at  Harvard University, and Professor of Neurology 
and Neurosurgery at  Harvard Medical School, will discuss the basic neurons 
and circuitry  that connect the brain to the spinal cord.  He will talk 
about the  kinds of nerve injuries that are central to loss of muscle strength 
in  SCI.  Repair, regeneration, and/or replacement of these neurons by  
developmental and stem cell biology might provide useful, real-world  therapies 
for real people who have lost motor function and  bowel/bladder control due 
to SCI. Dr. Macklis will highlight a  brand new set of approaches that his 
lab is using to pursue this  goal. 
Lisa  McKerracher, PhD, Founder,  BioAxone Biosciences, will present on 
some studies showing that neurons  in the spinal cord have the capacity for 
regeneration and repair.  She will also describe BioAxone’s efforts to develop 
a drug called  Cethrin™.  Cethrin is new therapeutic protein in Phase II 
clinical  development for the treatment of acute spinal cord injury.  It has  
shown exceptional promise in promoting motor recovery in quadriplegic  
patients. BioAxone Biosciences Inc. is a privately owned American  Corporation 
with a focus on bringing drugs to market for unmet medical  needs. 
Angus  McQuilken, Vice  President for Communications & Marketing at the 
Massachusetts Life  Sciences Center,  will present on the investments being 
made by the  Massachusetts Life Sciences Center that relate to SCI research and 
 patient treatment.  He will talk about the state’s 10-year,  $1-billion 
Life Sciences Initiative and its relevance to the SCI  community.  The 
Massachusetts Life Sciences Center is a  quasi-public agency of the 
Commonwealth of 
Massachusetts. The Center’s  mission is to create jobs in the life sciences 
and support vital  scientific research that will improve the human 
Frank  Reynolds, Co-Founder,  InVivo Therapeutics, will talk about the 
relationship of biomaterials to  SCI treatments.  Whether minimizing secondary 
injury in the weeks  after the primary injury, or supporting neuroplasticity 
during the  patient’s recovery, biomaterial based interventions led by  
neuroscientists and chemical engineers from MIT are providing new ideas  on how 
SCI patients will be treated in the near future. InVivo’s  technologies 
integrate multiple strategies involving biomaterials, FDA  approved drugs, 
growth factors, and human neural stem cells. Mr.  Reynolds will discuss these 
technologies as well as their impact on SCI         patients. 

New England  Regional Spinal Cord Injury Center 

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