        I'm a free-lance writer in Seattle doing a story for Horizon
Airlines Magazine (partners with Alaska Air) on speech recognition
technology.  I am very interested in contacting someone who is a
quadriplegic and is using speech recognition technology to help overcome
mobility and access issues.
        I would like to talk to a willing person by phone.  The interview
would take about 45 minutes.  If a willing person lives in the Seattle area,
I would also like to meet you so I can see first hand how you use the speech
recognition technology.  Whether we meet in person or not would of course be
strictly up to you. 
        I'm running pretty tight against my deadline, so a prompt response
would be greatly appreciated.  When you respond, please be sure to let me
know where you live and what is the best way to get in contact with you, and
what times work best for you.
        Thank you.  I think this article (a 2500 word feature) will help
bring before the public eye a sense of the obstacles that people in your
situation have to daily overcome, and how technology can help level the
playing field.
                 Please contact me by email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], or by
phone, 206-782-8587. 
        I look forward to hearing from you.  Scott Driscoll

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