NEEDSYOUR VOTES for bachelor of the year (yes, really)!

What fun! You should've seen Sheri trying to explain this one - proud, yet 
slightly embarassed - so cute!  For those you who don't know her - 
She sent me this link to vote for her son in Cosmo's bachelor contest. I think 
he is adorable and I'm sure you will too - if you would please, cast your vote 
for him and pass this on to anyone you think will vote! Thanks! 


  > Subject: Ripley is Cosmopolitan's Virginia Bachelor...I NEED YOUR VOTES!
  > Hey everyone. I was selected to be the Virginia Bachelor for Cosmos annual
  > bachelor issue. I was entered into the contest by a very special person
  > named Heather. Somehow they chose me for Virginia. 
  > Each state has a bachelor and the winner is chosen by who gets the most
  > online votes. The voting starts tonight at midnight (9 Oct at 12:00 AM) and
  > ends on Thursday at 11:59 PM. There are only 3 days to get as many votes as
  > possible and then the winner is chosen from the guy who gets the most votes!
  > The magazine comes out on the 16th of October and the winner is announced on
  > the 18th.
  > I would appreciate you help by voting for me on cosmos website. Here is the
  > web address:
  > Just click on Virginia from the drop down menu and vote as many times as you
  > want. You can only vote 1 time per day per email address you have (the
  > survey will let you vote multiple times with a different email address
  > entered each time). It would be awesome if you would pass on this message
  > to your other friends in your address book and have them vote too. 
  > I appreciate all of your support and for those of you who will, your spears
  > and funny comments. 
  > This is the link to vote for Dustin as Bachelor of the year. Please pass on 
to your email contacts. Thanks.


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