I couldn't feel my bad decub.  Nor did it bother me via spasms or AD.  If I sat a certain way at times though would get the odd feelings I get when something is wrong.

Your bum pain and now this new pain must be the pits.  Understatement of the millenium.

Paralysis alone is a wheel in the park compared to pain as I've said so often.

Thanks for your thoughts on my healed wound.  Nearly half a year 'somewhat' wasted as hubby & I had so many plans.  Our weather here in Tucson is wonderful!  Glad I'm not missing it. 

Went to Walmart today to do girl clothes shopping (don't NEED clothes in the least but it's a girl thing) and other shopping.  The temp says 67 but to me today feels a balmy 79!  So glad not to be back in the northeast shivering.  But my 4 hrs up in the chair are up :-(


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