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The Center for Medicare Advocacy, Inc., (the Center), convened a working 
conference in January 2007 that designed a model for resolving Medicare 
beneficiaries' complaints about quality of care. Sponsored by the Commonwealth 
Fund, with assistance from AARP, the conference provided a forum for key 
stakeholders to discuss concerns and develop a blueprint for change.
Medicare beneficiaries and their advocates are concerned that this current 
process for resolving beneficiary complaints about quality of care has not been 
effective in providing fair and timely resolution of complaints. Concerns about 
the process include an inadequate resolution of beneficiary complaints about 
poor quality, a lack of information about proper care protocols, and the 
failure to provide expedited review of denials of care.

Conference Overview

The Center's conference was triggered in part by the national Institute of 
Medicine's (IoM) comprehensive study in 2006 of Medicare's current beneficiary 
quality of care complaint process.  The IoM and others had on many occasions 
called for a beneficiary-focused complaint review process. The current process, 
operated under a contract with Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs) has 
been found to be primarily provider-focused, assisting providers in quality 
improvement activities, rather than beneficiary-focused.  The IoM, as a result 
of its cumulative findings, recommended removing the function of performing 
quality of care investigations from the QIOs and allowing other entities to 
perform this work while QIOs continue to focus more specifically on assisting 
health care providers in quality improvement.

Prior to the conference, the Center commissioned three background papers to 
provide a framework for discussing these topics and others related to quality 
review.  Forty-two experts in fields ranging from direct patient care to 
Congressional staff reviewed these pieces and participated in the day-long 
conference to produce a model complaint process.

The Model Complaint Process

An overview of the quality complaint model designed by the conference and a 
short description of its elements are provided below: 

1. Filing Complaints

Definition of "Complaint" Should be Construed Broadly
Participants agreed that the definition of "complaint" should be construed 
broadly. An ideal system would be able to accept and document the broad array 
of potential complaints. It would also be flexible enough to allow for an 
appropriate method of resolving the complaint, based on its severity and other 

Anyone Can File a Complaint
Participants agreed that anyone should be able to file a complaint. There was 
consensus that an ideal system would receive and follow through on complaints 
from beneficiaries, family members, advocates, health care workers, and anyone 
else with important information. The system would need the means to protect the 
anonymity of staff and comply with HIPAA.

Neither Language nor Technology Should Discourage Complaints
The ability to file a complaint should not be constrained by language, 
literacy, or technological barriers. The complaint process should utilize 
materials that are age-appropriate and should recognize that primarily 
Internet-based systems are not effective with the current Medicare beneficiary 

2. Goals of the Complaint Process

The Primary Goal is Addressing Beneficiary Concerns
Participants agreed that the primary goal of the complaint process system 
should be to address and resolve beneficiary concerns.

A Secondary Goal is Identifying Provider Opportunities for Quality Improvement
In addition to focusing on the beneficiary, it was agreed that the complaint 
system is an overarching part of a system's quality control key to the proper 
function of any system that delivers a service. Participants agreed that a 
well-publicized complaint system that keeps detailed records can identify 
problems with specific providers and identify areas where a specific provider 
or all providers can improve their quality.

3. There Should be a Single Point-of-Entry for Beneficiaries

There should be a single point-of-entry for beneficiaries and anyone else who 
wishes to file a complaint-one number to call regardless of where they live.

The Patient Advocate Link (PAL)
Conferees developed the notion of a PA to help beneficiaries access and work 
through the complaint process.  The PAL would be an outlet for the beneficiary 
for purposes of advice about options or assistance in making preliminary 
inquiries about quality of care concerns and to facilitate provider feedback.

Regulatory Capacity of a "PAL" Single Point-of-Entry Entity
The PAL would not investigate and would not make decisions of right and wrong 
but would make referrals, listen to the beneficiary, and keep the beneficiary 
informed of the progress of the complaint.

4. Qualifications of a Quality Review Entity

Intake and Review
The first person to answer the phone has to be one of the most capable staff 
members-efficient, respectful, culturally competent, and patient.

The referral of the case has to be to the appropriate person or entity for 
investigation and/or resolution.

Centralized Database
The complaint information should be entered in a centralized database.

5. Possible Referral and Resolution Entities

Participants discussed, but did not reach a consensus on, which entity or 
entities should be responsible for investigating and reviewing complaints.

State Survey Agencies
State Medical Boards
QIO Retention of Current Role
Other Potential Entities
A Hybrid Approach

6. Data Should be Gathered and Used for Quality Improvement

Data that are gathered by the complaint system should be used for quality 
improvement purposes.

7. The Complaint System Should be Evaluated on a Regular Basis

The complaint system itself should be regularly evaluated. Participants agreed 
that the system should examine its own interagency communication mechanisms. 

The system needs meaningful feedback to be able to know how satisfactorily it 
resolves problems both from a beneficiary perspective and that of state and 
federal regulators.

Next Steps

The Center for Medicare Advocacy will continue to advance the work of the 
Quality Review Conference in a variety of ways.  These will include the 

Work with CMS staff to (a) expand its approach to the beneficiary quality of 
care complaint process to include exploratory models using medical boards and 
state licensing agencies, at least on a demonstration project basis, to test 
efficacy and efficiency; and (b) to embrace a set of initiatives to provide 
more Medicare beneficiary education about the current Medicare beneficiary 
quality of care complaint process. 

Work with the American Health Quality Association, the organization that 
represents all of the QIOs, pending any movement of the complaint process, to 
improve their education and outreach efforts toward beneficiaries. 

Seek funding for a Public Policy legislative "roundtable" targeting 
Congressional staff to alert members and staff to the issues raised at the 
conference, highlighting the beneficiary complaint model separate from the 
functions of the QIO as a viable legislative goal.
Further Information

Materials from the conference, including the background papers and the 
narrative of the conference proceedings are posted on the Center's website at 

Correspondence, questions, or comments regarding this conference should be sent 
to: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

For more information about the QIO beneficiary complaint process, contact 
Alfred Chiplin (<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) or Toby Edelman (<mailto:[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>) in the Center for Medicare Advocacy's Washington, DC office at 
(202) 216-0028.

Don't Cut Medicare!

The traditional Medicare program is not only more cost-effective than private 
insurance, it is also a better way to provide secure, basic health insurance 
for older and disabled people.  Let your representatives know how much you 
value traditional Medicare. Send a letter now at  

If you would like to know more, please visit our News page at 
<http://www.medicareadvocacy.org/Page_News/Center_NewsMain.htm> for more 
information on this and many other current health care topics. All of this 
year's Alerts are available for viewing.

It is crucial that real voices be heard on health care issues. Please share 
your thoughts on Medicare, health insurance, and related issues. Visit us at 
<http://www.medicareadvocacy.org/TakeAction_BeneForum.htm> to tell your story. 
We welcome submissions of all types, from beneficiary stories to advocate 
triumphs and tribulations.

All our online services and information can be accessed from our home page at 
<http://www.medicareadvocacy.org.> Thank you for your help in advancing fair 
access to Medicare and health care.

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Copyright (c) 2006 Center for Medicare Advocacy, Inc
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