Hello my friends I need your prayers I am completely paralyze from the neck
down and connected to a respirator last week on Wednesday I was feeling
short of breath and alarms on the respirator was going off and on so I
thought something was wrong with the respirator so I called the company that
sent me a respiratory to check the respirator and they did in the
respiratory according to him everything was okay she could not understand
why alarms was going on so he put me another respirator that respirator that
he put also the alarms were going on not as much and not as often the
following day I had a doctor appointment to a specialist that checks those
throat and ears and alarm were going on in front of the doctor she checked
my throat and he told me that I had a lot crust on my throat and also on the
tip of my trait tissue touching my trait not letting the air going in to my
body the proper way so he told me that I needed surgery I said okay I ask
him how soon you want to do the surgery if you go to your primary doctor and
admit you to the hospital I could do it tomorrow that was Friday and you can
come out the same day I said okay I was not too thrilled about the news so I
did went to see my primary doctor that same day and my doctor put me in the
hospital on that same date Friday came up I had surgery at 1 o'clock couple
hours after that my doctor came the one that did the surgery and told me she
was not able to remove everything that the hospital did not have the proper
equipment to get everything out she told me that he have to send me
somewhere else so that's what they are doing right now they don't know where
they going to send me both doctors are discussing where they going to send
me yeah I'm a little bit concerned about this and I need you guys to pray
for me thank you and God bless you


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