It is very beautiful in the beginning for everybody walking or not walking a
year or two is still the same more than that problems starts and that is
human nature the Bucs starts the arguments starts more often and it is your
fault is a miracle nowadays a couple will last more than 38 years together
is more hard for a quadriplegic for sample I know this person that is a quad
she used to be in a nursing home and met this girl that it was a CNA working
there they fall in love and he got out from the nursing home and that girl
stopped working at the nursing home to take care of him at home they got
government housing she was going to college CNA was take care of him and up
that CN date his caregiver everywhere they went together after eight years
things started changing for him he lost desire of getting up and also she
quit of going to college he was away two semesters to graduate and he quit
for the same reason that he started having problems with the girl he met
arguments after arguments he lost desire of getting up going to the store
them all and also going out she still goals to see his doctor but sometimes
even he doesn't go sometimes she gets up in a chair once a week and
sometimes he gets up until three months guess the same girl it is take care
of him but things change in between them she does what she does Thursday I
was talking to him to motivate him but she was telling me I think I did a
mistake to getting out of the nursing home I don't regret meeting her he
thinks that she is seeing somebody that is walking the trusts is that there
anymore he told me I told him why you don't spread out she told me a lover
too much I don't think I could make it I ask him why you say that she is
seeing somebody thinks are not the same anymore between us kissing the
hugging the sex the laughing and joking is not there anymore I don't think I
could trust another woman in my life I tried to motivate him the best I can
but I really don't know if he is in depression that's about what I think any
ideas you guys have that I could help my friend thank you and God bless you


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