Hi Ron, yeah I get short tempered a lot too....especially when pain lasts long 
periods and don't seem to let up much. I still pretty much take the same meds 
as you still---Elavil--Lorazapam at times and vicodin, also oxybutinin for 
bladder spasm pains. My family Doc sent me to a bone specialist because of all 
the left arm pain and heaviness and that doc said it is all from my 
neck--probably pinched nerves and syrinx and the x-rays need to be seen by a 
brain-spinal euro doc-----so far I have not gone to the last Doc yet--I doubt 
there is much they can do anyway. My pains are intense some days and other days 
it seems to go into remission where it is at least tolerable.                   

RONALD L PRACHT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    hey dan,
  i wanted to ask you if your pain has gotten worse?mine seens to have gotten 
sonme worse, and i have to watch myself as i get angry very easy when im in 
pain. have you tried any other meds?

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