----- Original Message ----
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, August 2, 2008 2:58:57 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Check out our new website

believe it should be socialized so when someone needs a miracle, we can
dump them in Canada, like Canada does with their socialized system. If
you do not do volunteer time at a hospital or nursing home, you have no
idea what not caring really is. They just cut what doctors can get paid
by Medicare by 10%. The only doctors that care are the ones that do
boob jobs
Best wishes 

> I didn't need a miracle, I just needed attendant care & housing. And here 
> they don't just give it to you, you have to go through a rigorous screening 
> process. In Fl I did all the research; either you're on medicaid waiver(the 
> waiting list for 2 years! and then they'd help me with 6hrs a 
> week(non-medical), IF I had a family member living with me and doing most of 
> the work. The other option was a nursing home, which gives me no life. When I 
> say 'don't care' I'm not talking about nurses, doctors, etc, I meant 
> healthcare policy makers, politicians responsible for healthcare. And housing 
> in Fl.. I'd be either in a home, with familly, or in a ghetto 
> neighborhood(necesarilly with a familly member) where I wouldn't be safe. I 
> don't know what you mean by 'socialized medicine', to me thats a US political 
> slogan to avoid a real functioning healthcare system. Here I'm going through 
> months of thorough evaluations and getting good housing, full medical 
> coverage,
 ac.. so if thats bad, well I'll take it over a nursing home. One thing I will 
say is that my injury was in PA in '86 and I lived there for 6yrs afterward and 
that state was very helpful to me and there were similar measures in place to 
here. I tried to make Fl work because my daughter lives there(I tried vr too 
and it was good until Geb became governor and cut vr big time, so I'm thinking 
that his policies will move to other states, alas. And if you think the medical 
system here somehow weakens this economy, its just not the case. Canada's 
economy is at least as functional as the US(I'm not sure  whether there are 
differences in other provinces). But believe me I wouldn't have left Florida if 
I could have just gotten some functional care with a quality of life. A big 
difference I think is that in Florida it became(after my first vr counselor was 
suddenly replaced by a bearucratic ogre in '03) - everything I needed, 
supplies/housing/ac - it was as if
 being disabled made you a leach and the administrators weren't trying to help, 
but to hinder you so you'd get the least they could do; thats the main 
difference, here they're actually able to assist me to live functionally and 
possibly be productive. The medicaid waiver nurse evaluater who assessed me in 
FL was really understanding and nice, and she told me after finding out about 
my Canadian birth, that 'I think you should move back to Canada. If I were you 
I would.' I'm not sure how I even made it through 4 months of hotel beds and 
friends/families' living rooms but my Dad who left his life to help me move, 
and I, were desperate and willing to do whatever it took, even if it killed me. 
I'm a c5/6 complete quad and I think the US is prosperous enough to give us 
like 4hrs per day and a decent wheelchair-friendly apt in its housing policies. 
I'm not saying every state is like Fl, because PA was very helpful to me 20yrs 
ago.  Truly, Dylan

ps. I never first intended to write anything about this but when I saw that 
post about 'US healthcare in crisis' I felt impulsively compeled to say 
something due to my recent experience. I know there are many caring healthcare 
professionals all over the US and my life has been saved by a number of them.

----- Original Message ----
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Friday, August 1, 2008 9:37:11 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: Check out our new website

Yeah, they're absolutely right about US healthcare being in crisis. I recently 
came back to Canada(lucky for me I have dual citizenship) and its night and day 
compared to the US. The problem with petitioning down there in my opinion is 
that they REALLY DON'T CARE. If there were some caring people in power things 
would be done right, and judging from the evidence, caring is furthest from 
their mind. Not that we shouldn't petition, just try to get these people to 
have a heart. Excuse my rambling but I am shocked by the difference between the 
people in healthcare here, and those in florida where I came from. Dylan  c5/6 
23yrs 08/10/08

----- Original Message ----
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Friday, August 1, 2008 11:30:37 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: Check out our new website


Dear Dana Wray,
Our brand new Stand Up for Health  Care website is already making a big splash.
Thousands of people have visited the site to  learn about the health care 
crisis and take action in support  of guaranteed quality, affordable health 
care for all.   Together, we're going to make a major impact on the national  
health care debate.
But that will only happen if activists like you  continue to come together to 
make a strong, united call for  real health care reform.
You can do your part by signing our petition to  John McCain and Barack Obama. 
The petition sends a clear  message that the American people will hold the 
candidates  accountable for improving our nation's health care system so  that 
no one is left out.
Stand Up for Health Care by signing our petition  right now:
Looking at the comments from the thousands of  petition signers so far, I got a 
strong reminder of why this  issue is so important for all Americans.
Here's what some of our supporters had to  say:
"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" -  these are fundamental 
principles which form the basis of our  Constitution. All of these aims are 
dependent on access to  affordable health care.
-- William from Arizona
We need better health care for our  citizens.  I'm one of the lucky ones.  As a 
 teacher I have good benefits.  But many of my students  and their families 
aren't so lucky, and can't get the  treatment that they need.
-- Meredith from  Pennsylvania
Because one is not in perfect health is no  reason to deny health insurance. 
After all, health insurance  is for when you are sick and in need of it!
-- Jack from  Oregon
Adequate, affordable health care should be a  civil right, guaranteed to all 
residents of the United  States.  It is criminal that insurance companies can  
cherry pick who they cover and what services they feel like  paying for.  The 
frequency of bankrupcy caused by  health care expenses is appalling.  I expect 
whoever  wins the presidency to make health care a priority!!!
--  Carol from Pennsylvania

Join William,  Meredith, Jack, Carol and thousands of others by adding your  
name to our petition for quality, affordable health care for  all:
The movement for health care reform has been  growing for years, and now the 
time has finally come to get  real results.
Thank you for being part of this effort.
Julia Eisman
eAdvocacy Coordinator
p.s. Special note to our longtime Health  Action advocates:  We hope you'll 
find the Stand Up  For Health Care project exciting, but it’s important to  
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