Try backing onto the rug and while you are on it. Works for me.

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Begin forwarded message:

Resent-From: <<>>
From: greg <<>>
Date: March 10, 2017 at 12:35:26 PM EST
To: <<>>
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Power wheelchair getting stuck on oriental rug.

Same issue..I have wood floors and it happens most on a rug by the front door, 
because I have to turn a bit to open it. I double back taped a rubber / 
plastic, chair mat for office rug / chairs. A lot have spikes to they don't 
move, but you can find big flat ones. If you don't mind a slight bump, a 1/8 
sheet of plywood works too. You don't see it much.

> We have hardwood floors, and in one room we have an oriental rug.
> At first I was able to drive my chair into the room without any
> problems. But lately, my wheelchair seems to be grabbing the
> Oriental rug, and the rug and up wrapped around my drive wheels.
> Maybe it is because the rug is getting older. Maybe it is because
> I'm driving a different wheelchair. But I'm wondering, has anyone
> else had this problem? I'm considering buying one of those clear
> plastic mats people buy to put under their desks in office spaces,
> and to use that as a sort of a pathway for bridge onto the rug.
> Does anyone have any experience or suggestions or ideas?
> Thanks so much, and take care,
> Dave Krehbiel

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