On Thu, 7 May 2015, Dave Taht wrote:

now understand that that merge did not include a revert of the original commits, preserving original authorships.

We can still do that.

However, note that commit author does not generally == code author. That's not true in Quagga for *many* commits (and I'm sure many other projects), and it's obviously simply impossible to have that as a required rule.

Attribution should be *in the source code*.

When I want to find out who wrote code, I grep -i for 'copyright' in the source code and I might look at the "LICENCE" file. I might also git log and sort -u the authors to try catch anyone who forgot to put a Copyright line in the source.

Anyone who does this will see Juliusz and Matthieu are the authors (though Matthieu is missing from the credits in the LICENCE file, in every babeld version I know of - funny that).

Using the method of "go the /first/ git commit and look at the author, and declare that to be the only code author" - I don't know anyone who does that.

It seems to me the clearest path to be able to do useful future work in quagga is to be assured that my commits remain mine so I can apply whatever licenses I want to other implementations of the same idea and my version of the code, and to keep sane, try to make sure that anything substantial enters the less restrictive codebases first.

I at least am happy to cater to people who want dual-licensing on some contribution and setup policies to ensure no further contributions are accepted to such code unless they give a dual-licence grant.

E.g. read the Quagga babeld/LICENCE file. We /require/ that other contributors update that file, to ensure Juliusz and Matthieu can use such contributions in the standalone MIT/X11 version.

We've bent over backwards to meet the /practical/ aspects of what Juliusz seemed to want. In return Juliusz seems to think I am the devil incarnate (it was a collective decision though).

Also, I have always treated bug fixes and small bits of code (< 10
lines) as basically license-free, but that is yet another untested
legal theory (that I am willing to leave untested.)

Yeah. I'd like to update our HACKING document to try at least set the default expectation to be that contributions come with the widest set of licence grants relevant to the files touched.

My biggest concern remains that unless there is a maintainer willing to keep the two babel protocol implementations correct and up to date that the partial support in quagga is a major barrier to future protocol revisions emerging from the ietf standardization process.

I'm willing to do the work of tracking any external quagga-babeld development and keeping Quagga synced up to that at least.

IF people think that's what should be done. Right now, most people seem to think it should be deleted though.

Paul Jakma      p...@jakma.org  @pjakma Key ID: 64A2FF6A
Sho' they got to have it against the law.  Shoot, ever'body git high,
they wouldn't be nobody git up and feed the chickens.  Hee-hee.
                -- Terry Southern

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