On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 11:49:06AM +0100, Paul Jakma wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Jul 2016, David Lamparter wrote:
> > Thanks; the problem there is a different one though - my hosting setup 
> > has a separate reverse proxy doing all TLS handling; i.e. the 
> > patchwork setup can't access its own certificates.  I'm using the ACME 
> > DNS method to get my LetsEncrypt certificates for my own domains 
> > (which the TLS box handles perfectly on its own, and I like the clear 
> > security zoning with that);  on the other hand the HTTP method becomes 
> > very cumbersome to use since I'd need to push either the auth-tokens 
> > or certificates around between zones.
> Ah, ok.
> > For now I'm very tempted to not sink additional time into it and leave
> > it as https://patchwork.diac24.net -- is there a real demand/need to
> > have https://patchwork.quagga.net too?
> I don't know! I guess HTTPS-by-default is better, if easy to do, but 
> probably not important enough for this.
> There apparently is a way to do the LetsEncrypt validation via DNS 
> records, but I don't know if ACME clients support that (the ACME client 
> I use does not). If that was a fairly static key to setup and your 
> client worked with that, could try that.

That's what my setup uses for everything else; my ACME client writes to
my zonefiles through a small script.

The solution with minimal total sum of work for both of us is probably
if you change the dns record for patchwork.quagga.net to:
  patchwork.quagga.net. IN NS ns.diac24.net.
so I can put the acme challenge there and get the certificate.

(My DNS server already serves the zone, set that up in the past 5 min)


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