The server is a headless lights-out deal, and actually what I'd like to do is 
connect x2go to dom0. But I do not know enough yet so tried to connect VNC.

A VNC server session is running on localhost:5900 in sys-gui-vnc.

This is clear enough, although I have to take its word for it since a terminal 
in sys-gui-vnc will not accept my username for unknown reasons.

I really want to set its port to 5904 in this instance though, and I presume 
this would be done in the template, although that would mean it’s set that way 
globally which is undesirable.

In order to reach the VNC server, we encourage to not connect sys-gui-vnc to a 
NetVM but rather to use another qube for remote access, say sys-remote. First, 
you need to bind port 5900 of sys-gui-vnc into a sys-remote local port (you may 
want to use another port than 5900 to reach sys-remote from the outside). For 
that, use qubes.ConnectTCP RPC service (see Firewall. Then, you can use any VNC 
client to connect to you sys-remote on the chosen local port (5900 if you kept 
the default one). For the first connection, you will reach lightdm for which 
you can log as user where user refers to the first dom0 user in qubes group and 
with corresponding dom0 password

This is indecipherable.

Running sudo qubesctl --all state.highstate took a long time, until the first 
stage timed out as unable to reach the network. No wonder, /etc/resolv.conf 
symlinks to a non-existant file under /run. Have no idea why.

The remaining stages completed though and for some reason it chose the Fedora40 
template even though I’ve set Debian as the system default.
No idea what to do now.

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