ok, gotcha.  I will start looking into that.  Was thinking the same thing
except option 3 since I don't have a lot of data on the other machine and I
suspect the Windows HVM is a huge hassle.  I will give it a shot first,

As for Dislocker I tried to do it again, following the directions even more
carefully this time, and got a "Segmentation Error"

Since I don't know wtf I am doing and am 50% certain that I have already
broken it, I am definitely not going to keep fiddling with it.


On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 2:01 AM, cooloutac <raahe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Monday, July 17, 2017 at 9:50:54 PM UTC-4, mil...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > It's possible this issue has nothing to do with qubes and I am talking
> to dislocker as well, but I didn't find anything about it in the search
> here, so...
> >
> > I am using qubes 3.2 and need to access a Windoh's-10-bitlocker-encrypted
> external hard drive.
> >
> > SOB story so you know why I must do such a silly thing:
> >
> > My windows 10 laptop was locked with syskey configured to read a
> USB-drive as A:, and also encrypted with bitlocker.  That USB drive was
> stolen (thankfully nothing else important on it) but now my windows laptop
> is inaccessible, and to even be able to wipe/restore it I need the
> bitlocker recovery key.  I have the recovery key for the external hard
> drive and within it is the recovery key for the laptop.
> >
> > I had (or thought I had) the recovery key written down but the key is
> not working which has me somewhat concerned the one in the external won't
> either but I have to try.
> >
> > My current usable machine is Qubes-only.  I see three options:
> >
> > 1) use dislocker if possible to decrypt the external hard drive and get
> my data that way
> >
> > 2) set up a windows 10 HVM and use bitlocker from it to open up the
> external
> >
> > 3) Just make a new usb windows10 recovery drive and wipe that way (would
> rather not)
> >
> >
> >
> > link to dislocker:
> >
> > https://github.com/Aorimn/dislocker
> >
> > Currently I am trying option 1 but I think dislocker is having trouble
> with the Qubes filesystem.  I am able to create the dislocker-file.ntfs
> image of the drive with minimal fuss.
> >
> > (Note: external drive is larger capacity than onboard, so I cannot image
> the whole drive onto disk, must use the "fuse" method)
> >
> > However, when I try to mount it, I have to use the -T option or it
> complains about fstab not having the mount point and if I use the -T option
> it says that:
> >
> > /mnt/dislocker-file.ntfs: failed to parse
> >
> > and I'm dead in the water.  It also seems to keep the created file
> active since during an earlier attempt I created a file with no extension
> and was unable to rename it as it was in-use.
> >
> > So, I am concerned that if I delete it I'm going to wipe the external
> drive because of the way dislocker works...
> >
> > As far as I can tell, I am following the dislocker instructions
> precisely. I am also performing all the operations in my sys-usb VM which
> has been tested and works fine otherwise.
> >
> > Is it possible that I need to do some of this in dom0?
> >
> > Any other reason I would be running into this fail?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > sudo dislocker -vvv -l dislocker.txt -r -V /dev/sda1
> -p######-######-######-######-######-######-######-###### --
> /mnt/dislocker-file.ntfs
> >
> > Mon Jul 17 20:04:22 2017 [INFO] dislocker by Romain Coltel, v0.5.1
> (compiled for Linux/x86_64)
> > Mon Jul 17 20:04:22 2017 [INFO] Volume GUID (INFORMATION OFFSET)
> supported
> > Mon Jul 17 20:04:22 2017 [INFO] BitLocker metadata found and parsed.
> > Mon Jul 17 20:04:22 2017 [INFO] Stretching the recovery password, it
> could take some time...
> > Mon Jul 17 20:04:23 2017 [INFO] Stretching of the recovery password is
> now ok!
> > Mon Jul 17 20:04:23 2017 [INFO] Used recovery password decryption method
> > Mon Jul 17 20:04:23 2017 [INFO] Found volume's size: 0xe8e0da7e00
> (1000204828160) bytes
> > Mon Jul 17 20:04:23 2017 [INFO] Running FUSE with these arguments:
> > Mon Jul 17 20:04:23 2017 [INFO]   `--> 'dislocker'
> > Mon Jul 17 20:04:23 2017 [INFO]   `--> '/mnt/dislocker-file.ntfs'
> I would do option 2.

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