I am running VMWare Horizon in a trusted VM in order to WFH. It is able to 
detect and use both monitor geometries for what you might call a 
"double-full screen mode" - however, even though I have enabled full-screen 
mode for this trusted AppVM in /etc/qubes/guid.conf on dom0, Qubes 
unfortunately does not recognise what it's doing as "full-screen" and 
retains the title bar over the virtual window (which spans both screens) 
and over the Windows Remote Desktop widget (which appears as a separate 
window fully obscured by the Qubes window title bar, rather than a widget). 

Yes, I am running Remote Desktop, on a remote computer, that I am 
connecting to with VMWare Horizon, to connect to yet *another* computer! So 
many levels of desktop virtualisation here, hehe

If I right-click on the Qubes window title bar and choose Full screen, it 
of course goes to full screen on only the first display, and no second 
virtual monitor on the remote computer is accessible to me. If I leave it 
like it is, I can't see what's at the bottom of any maximised windows on 
the remote machine - and since I like to maximise all of my windows, this 
is pretty much unusable for me.

Gonna have to reboot my local machine into Windows for now so that I can 
use both screens with VMWare Horizon and Remote Desktop, but I would like 
to figure out a way to get this to work... that doesn't involve manually 
resizing all the windows on the remote computer!

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