Hi all,

has anyone successfully installed Zoom in a Debian template? If so I would 
be glad of a HowTo. It won't work for me :(

When I downloaded the package from the zoom.us site, and installed it in 
the template with dpkg, it complained of unsatisfied prerequisites, so I 
then used apt-get install -f

Tapt-get asked permision to uninstall a LOT of packages, which raised 
warning bells, especially as polkit was among them. So I backed up the 
template, and ran apt-get install -f again, this time allowing it to make 
the changes it wanted to.
This broke the template and it never worked again: the VMs based on it 
would start but whichever program was supposed to run never appeared.

If anyone has a tested, successful way of doing this install I would be 
glad to know the trick.

If not, if you are willing to talk me through the debugging process to find 
out why this is happening, please tell me how to gather the initial logs 
and any other info that is needed.


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