---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: explodingbee . <exploding...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 12:23 PM
Subject: Fwd: [qubes-users] I recently installed Qubes and I now have
several problems
To: Andrew David Wong <a...@qubes-os.org>, Foppe de Haan <
0spinbo...@gmail.com>, dumbcyber <dumbcy...@riseup.net>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: explodingbee . <exploding...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: [qubes-users] I recently installed Qubes and I now have
several problems
To: Andrew David Wong <a...@qubes-os.org>

*Hi Andrew Wong,*
*See my comments below.*

On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 9:20 AM, Andrew David Wong <a...@qubes-os.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA512
> On 2016-12-13 18:29, explodingbee . wrote:
> > [...]
> >
> > 2) *In Qubes the computer often gets slow as molasses.*  I get
> > error messages saying "Warning: unresponsive script" sometimes.
> > When I try to open a VM it says that there is not enough memory and
> > that I should close a VM first.  When the computer gets like this
> > sometimes I click on things and nothing happens or it takes forever
> > for something to happen; sometimes I can't even close windows
> > because they don't respond.  (I am using an HP Elitebook 8540w
> > laptop.  It has 4 GB of RAM and an i7 CPU.)  Also, when I shut down
> > the computer sometimes it gets stuck and does not shut down all the
> > way.  It freezes with the Qubes splash screen there and the
> > progress bar indicating partial or complete progress.
> >
> I think this is just due to a lack of RAM. 4 GB is the bare minimum.
> Any chance you can add some more?

*I have not had any problems with lack of RAM in Windows 7.  Maybe Qubes
needs more RAM than Windows 7?  If you are correct I can certainly get more
RAM.  After I reinstall Qubes if the problem persists I may get more RAM.*

> > 3) *Problem relating to program installation:*  When I install
> > programs in the Fedora or Debian templates they don't appear in the
> > list of available programs in the templates or in the VMs based on
> > those templates so I don't see how I can create shortcuts for
> > programs in my VMs.
> >
> Are you installing these programs from the Fedora and Debian repos? If
> so, are you fully shutting down the template after installing the
> program? This should trigger qvm-sync-appmenus, but you can try to run
> it manually from dom0:
> qvm-sync-appmenus <templatevm-name>

*Yes, I was installing from within the Fedora VM (which is what I think you
mean).  Yes, I fully shut everything down, including the whole computer,
after installing the programs and then at no time did the installed
programs appear on the list of available programs in the Fedora VM or in
the AppVMs.  If the problem persists after I reinstall Qubes I may try to
manually enter the phrase you provided above.*

> > 4) *Problem in getting a video player to work:*  I have installed
> > four different video players (Snappy, Budgie, Banshee and Parole)
> > and none of them seem to be able to play videos I have downloaded
> > (with Video Download Helper and Firefox in an App VM).  (I can get
> > the video players to launch not with the proper shortcuts but in
> > another, awkward way, by going to Domain: personal -> personal:
> > Software and then clicking around until I get to the right app
> > which was previously installed and then clicking on "launch.")
> > Also, the default player, apparently called "Videos," doesn't work.
> > Am I missing something here?
> >
> I haven't had any problems with VLC. I'd recommend giving that a try,
> if you're willing. You can easily enable the RPMFusion repos to get it:
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/software-update-vm/#rpmfusion-for-a-fedora-
> templatevm

*I have also used VLC before in Windows and I liked it.  It is a video
player which can play almost any type of video file.  After I reinstall
Qubes if I am still having video problems I will probably try to install
it.  Thanks for sending the page to help with that.*

> > [...]
> >
> > 5) *I can't update Fedora:*  I have tried to update Fedora 23 to
> > Fedora 25.  I am able to download the update but then I click
> > "Install" and nothing happens.  I also click "restart and install"
> > just below that and again nothing happens.  What is going on with
> > that?  (I just tried that again and I got the following error
> > message this time:  *"Sorry this did not work  Upgrade to Fedora
> > failed.  Details    Detailed errors from the package manager
> > follow:**  Error running transaction: installing package
> > filesystem-3.2-37.fc24.x86_64 needs 135168 on the /rw
> > filesystem")*
> >
> Instead of trying to upgrade to Fedora 25, I'd recommend upgrading to
> Fedora 24 for now (unless you specifically require 25 for some
> reason). Fedora 24 templates are supported (assuming you're running
> Qubes 3.2), whereas Fedora 25 is not yet supported:
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/supported-versions/#templatevms
> Here are instructions on upgrading an existing Fedora 23 template to
> Fedora 24:
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/template/fedora/upgrade-23-to-24/
> If you just want a fresh Fedora 24 template, it's much easier:
> $ sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-fedora-24

*Thanks.  I don't even know Fedora very well at all.  So I have no problem
with trying Fedora 24 instead of Fedora 25.  I think I will try that after
I reinstall Qubes.*

> > So I am frustrated.  I had a whole life on Windows 7 and now I
> > can't do most of what I used to do.  (Do you think that maybe I
> > downloaded and installed a bad copy of Qubes?)  Help would be
> > appreciated.
> >
> You really should verify the ISO before installing from it:
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/verifying-signatures/

*I did read that I was supposed to do that before I installed Qubes.  But I
am coming from a Windows environment.  There seemed to be a number of
concepts and terms used in that page that you provided (which I previously
read) that I did not understand.  For example, where do I type that text?
If I am in Windows does that go into a DOS prompt window?   Also, I am
supposed to import a key with GPG?  I had never heard of GPG before and I
did know what I was importing the key into.  But I guess that now, seeing
the problems I had (at least some of which may be due to a bad installation
file of Qubes) I guess I will spend the time and try to figure out how to
understand that page and verify the signature of the file.  *

*Thanks.  Regards,*

> - --
> Andrew David Wong (Axon)
> Community Manager, Qubes OS
> https://www.qubes-os.org
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> +VG6InfKq+cuyEHQ7al9
> =9oH3

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