The C++ and R code that is part of the R packages
FinancePack and FractalPack may be of some interest
to users of QuantLib and/or R-sig-finance. There you
will find open source implementations of implied tree
construction, volatility surface calibration, credit
modeling, time series generation usin
The xdvi and yap DVI viewers allow inverse (aka reverse) search: you
click on a location in the output display, and your editor moves to the
corresponding location in the input file. yap at least also allows
forward search, where you can have your editor tell it to location where
a particular
> "jorgnsn" == jorgnsn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 22:52:27 +0100 (CET) writes:
jorgnsn> Full_Name: John Jorgensen
jorgnsn> Version: 2.4.0
jorgnsn> OS: Solaris 9
jorgnsn> Submission from: (NULL) (
jorgnsn> This is not a serious problem
Full_Name: John Jorgensen
Version: 2.4.0
OS: Solaris 9
Submission from: (NULL) (
This is not a serious problem, but while trying to understand some difficulties
that R had finding our copy of mozilla, I noticed that the browseURL() function
defined in help.start.R includes the lines
Please read the FAQs in order to learn what a bug is and how to report it.
Have you read the R Installation and Administration manual about details
and quirks with your platform?
Please try the most recent version of R (which is 2.4.1), follow the
details from the manual mentioned and ask again (
Why do you submit a bug report? Please read the FAQs and learn what a
bug is: If some *contributed* package is not available on CRAN, this is
not a bug in R, but maybe of CRAN or the package maintainer or the
package or ... *you*, because the was never intended to be there on CRAN!
> Simon Urbanek writes:
> On Jan 12, 2007, at 7:31 AM, Hin-Tak Leung wrote:
>> I do use Java, just not in relation to R - it has been a while
>> since I played with SJava. Sun's JDK (32-bit) has been working
>> consistently.
>> On FC5 x86_64 the default gcj-based JRE was a bit funny, but