There is a double "the" in x11.Rd:
"...which is faster will depend on the the X11 connection"
Thank you,
Rochester, Minn. USA
R-devel@r-project.org mailing list
Dear Jeroen,
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Jeroen Ooms
> Sent: September-30-08 3:10 PM
> To: r-devel@r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [Rd] weird behavior of drop1() for polr models (MASS)
> Sorry for posting in -dev; I assumed a t
Sorry for posting in -dev; I assumed a technical issue. Thanks very much for
the responses, I've realized that interaction effects of categorical
predictors are more complicated than I thought. I've read the contrasts help
file and paragraph in the R manual about contrast, however I'm not quite
There will be upcoming maintenance work on one of main network's server
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Wednesday October 1, from 9 p.m. (UTC+2)
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Jeroen Ooms wrote:
> I would like to do a SS type III analysis on a proportional odds logistic
> regression model. I use drop1(), but dropterm() shows the same behaviour. It
> works as expected for regular main effects models, however when the model
> includes an interaction effect it seems to have
Dear Jeroen,
drop1() respects relationships of marginality among the terms in a model and
won't drop a lower-order term (e.g., a main effect) when a higher-order
relative (e.g., an interaction to which the main effect is marginal) is in
the model. If you want a complete "type-III" ANOVA table and
I would like to do a SS type III analysis on a proportional odds logistic
regression model. I use drop1(), but dropterm() shows the same behaviour. It
works as expected for regular main effects models, however when the model
includes an interaction effect it seems to have problems with matching th
This is because format.dates has become non-callable from outside the chron
package. Until the next release of Hmisc you can download a fixed version of
the describe function at
Full_Name: Kem P
> Michael Lawrence writes:
> On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 7:04 AM, Simon Anders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> Michael Lawrence wrote:
>> >>> For processing events, RGtk2 has moved away from using the old tcl_do
>> hack
>> >>> and now synchronizes on the Windows event loop. In Rgu