On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, John Fox wrote:
Dear John,
-Original Message-
From: John Maindonald [mailto:john.maindon...@anu.edu.au]
Sent: February-18-09 4:57 PM
To: John Fox
Cc: 'Martin Maechler'; r-devel@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [Rd] plot.lm: "Cook's distance" label can overplot point
Regarding interior point methods, you can find a list of relevant packages in
the Optimization and Mathematical Programming Task View at
But it doesn't look like there is anything like an interface to a
comprehensive interio
in approximately one months time mentoring institutions can propose
projects for the Google Summer of Code 2009, see
Last year the R Foundation succesfully participated with 4 projects,
see http://www.r-project.org/SoC08/ for details. We want to
participate ag
Dear John,
> -Original Message-
> From: John Maindonald [mailto:john.maindon...@anu.edu.au]
> Sent: February-18-09 4:57 PM
> To: John Fox
> Cc: 'Martin Maechler'; r-devel@r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [Rd] plot.lm: "Cook's distance" label can overplot point
> Dear John -
> The tit
Dear John -
The title above the graph is also redundant for the first of the
plots; do we want to be totally consistent? I am not sure.
It occurs to me that the text "Cook's distance", as well as the
contours, might be in red.
John Maindonald email: john.maindon.
Dear all,
I'm wondering if there are some ongoing projects for interior point methods
in R (e.g. linking ipopt from Coin written in C++ to R) and for automatic
differentiation in R (e.g. linking openAD available in C++ and Fortran) ?
Many thanks,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]
Greg Snow a écrit :
Just wrap the example in either \dontrun{} or
Thanks. Your solution gives me an other idea :
try(myFunction) works as well.
That way that example will be skipped when the automatic tests are done, but
will still be available for a read
Emails to the maintainers of the CRAN packages listed below recently
adbro...@stat.ncsu.edu: Rlab
adbro...@unity.ncsu.edu VIA atina.bro...@alumni.ncsu.edu: knnflex
adi...@hsph.harvard.edu: LoopAnalyst
ae...@hutchison-mrc.cam.ac.ac: mlica
alexandra.imb...@met.no: anm