Martin Maechler Wrote:
and we should've tried harder to keep things purely functional (R remaining
as closely as possible a "functional language")
This is diverging from the original post.
However, isn't R a multiparadigm programming language (by design)?
[[alternative HTML version delete
PS there's also a "shQoute(tf2)" on line 1063 that will presumably also
cause trouble at some point ...
On 2019-03-14 3:57 p.m., Ben Bolker wrote:
> It looks like the most recent SVN commit changed line 1068 of
> src/library/tools/R/admin.R to include a call to "shQuotee" (sic), which
> is now
It looks like the most recent SVN commit changed line 1068 of
src/library/tools/R/admin.R to include a call to "shQuotee" (sic), which
is now breaking Travis r-devel builds ... ('checking sizes of PDF files
under ‘inst/doc’: .Error in shQuotee(tf) : could not find function
The new
> peter dalgaard
> on Thu, 14 Mar 2019 16:18:55 +0100 writes:
> I have no recollection of the original rationale for,
but I actually think it is fine as it is:
> The classifying _factors_ of a crosstable should be factors unless very
specifically directe
Here is an example:
setGeneric("foo", function(x, y) standardGeneric("foo"))
setMethod("foo", c("numeric", "ANY"),
function(x, y) cat("I'm the foo#numeric#ANY method\n")
Dispatch works as expected but selectMethod() fails to find the method:
> foo(1, TRUE)
I'm the foo#numeric#
At least, unexpected behaviour. The documentation says:
quietly: logical: should progress and error messages be suppressed?
But if you do e.g.
requireNamespace("broom", quietly = TRUE)
requireNamespace("broom.mixed", quietly = TRUE)
You will get messages when broom.mixed overrides broom's meth
I have no recollection of the original rationale for, but I
actually think it is fine as it is:
The classifying _factors_ of a crosstable should be factors unless very
specifically directed otherwise and that should not depend on the setting of an
option that controls the c
Reporting a possible inconsistency or bug in handling stringsAsFactors in
Here is a simple test
> options()$stringsAsFactors
[1] TRUE
> x<-c("a","b","c","a","b")
> d<
> d
x Freq
1 a2
2 b2
3 c1
> class(d$x)
[1] "factor"
> d2<