Dear R devel,

being constrained to a windows environment at work and having colleagues being 
accustomed to the Microsoft Office Suite, I was looking for a way to have the 
RweaveLatex driver for Sweave automatically generating 'win.metafile's in 
addition to the pdf graphics.
Without this functionalilty, the generation of emf-graphics is quite laborious, 
I think:

plotit <- function () {
   # code which generates the graphic

I would like to have something like:

<<foobar, fig=true, pdf=true, emf=true>>
# code which generates the graphic

SweaveHooks are not applicable for this feature. Therefore, I thought it would 
be best to extend the typical 'RweaveLatex' driver by an option 'emf' - like 
eps and pdf. So, here is the result of some handicrafts:

RweaveLatexEMF <- function ()
        # add option emf (= FALSE) and set default for eps to FALSE
        setup <- utils::RweaveLatexSetup
        setupsrc <- deparse(setup)
        epsline <- grep("eps", setupsrc)
        setupsrc[epsline] <- sub("eps = TRUE", "eps = FALSE, emf = FALSE", 
        setup <- eval(parse(text=setupsrc))
        # 'makeRweaveLatexCodeRunner' function
        makeruncode <- function(evalFunc=utils::RweaveEvalWithOpt) {
                runcode <- utils:::RweaveLatexRuncode
                runcodesrc <- deparse(runcode)
                epsline1 <- grep("cat(.. eps..)", runcodesrc)
                runcodesrc <- append(runcodesrc, "            if (options$emf) 
cat(\" emf\")", after=epsline1)
                epsline2 <- grep("options\\$fig && options\\$eval", runcodesrc)
                runcodesrc <- append(runcodesrc, 
                                if (options$emf && .Platform$OS.type == 
"windows") {
"emf", sep="."),
width=options$width, height=options$height)
                            err <- try({SweaveHooks(options, run=TRUE)
                                        eval(chunkexps, envir=.GlobalEnv)})
                            if(inherits(err, "try-error")) stop(err)
                , after=epsline2)
                runcode <- eval(parse(text=runcodesrc))
        runcode <- makeruncode()
        list(setup = setup, runcode = runcode, 
        writedoc = utils::RweaveLatexWritedoc, finish = 
        checkopts = utils::RweaveLatexOptions)

This enhanced Sweave driver works for me like a charm, but it is a very poor 
What about allowing for all available grDevices on the current platform - 
besides the standard eps and pdf devices? The only building block is the 
section "if (options$fig && options$eval)" in 
utils:::makeRweaveLatexCodeRunner. The TODO list of Seth Falcon's weaver 
package also states "For Sweave: multiple graphic formats besides just pdf and 
eps (perhaps
as a separate driver?)".
However, since so many packages depend on the basic Sweave implementation by 
Fritz Leisch, I don't know if there is an easy route to tackle.

Looking forward to your opinions and pointers.
Best regards,
  Sebastian Meyer

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