perl = FALSE) :
> invalid regular expression '(invalid', reason 'Missing ')''
> In addition: Warning message:
> In grepl("(invalid", "subject", perl = FALSE) :
> TRE pattern compilation error 'Missing ')''
ng" before any regex is actually executed.
At a bare minimum this is a good place to return a classed warning (say
invalid_regex_warning) to allow finer control than tryCatch(condition=).
On Mon, Oct 9, 2023, 11:30 PM Tomas Kalibera
> On 10/10/23 01:57, Michael Chirico
It will be useful to package authors trying to validate input which is
supposed to be a valid regular expression.
As near as I can tell, the only way we can do so now is to run any
regex function and check for the warning and/or condition to bubble
valid_regex <- function(str) {
MRE to produce the message is the following:
setAs("Bar", "Foo", \(x) x)
# NOTE: arguments in definition for coerce changed from (x) to (from)
In an interactive setting, that may be fine, but I first encountered
this message in the install log of a package for w
re(x = "double", y = "double"), \(x,
y, ...) x + y)
BaseGeneric(X = 1, Y = 2)
# Error: unable to find an inherited method for function ‘BaseGeneric’
for signature ‘x="missing", y="missing"’
On Fri, Aug 11, 2023 at 2:26 AM Martin Maechler
> >
cents that I think it would be very useful and
> beneficial to improve S4 to surface that information as well.
> More information about the way that the dispatch failed would be of great
> help in situations like the one Michael pointed out.
> ~G
> On Thu, A
("conn", "statement"))
> dbGetQuery(connection = NULL, query = NULL)
> #> Error: Can't find method for generic `dbGetQuery(conn, statement)`:
> #> - conn : MISSING
> #> - statement: MISSING
> Hadley
> On Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 10:02 PM Mi
I fielded a debugging request from a non-expert user today. At root
was running the following:
dbGetQuery(connection = conn, query = query)
The problem is that they've named the arguments incorrectly -- it
should have been [1]:
dbGetQuery(conn = conn, statement = query)
The problem is that the
I personally wouldn't like using a string, and this comment makes me
think it's against the r-core preference as well:
Thanks both for catching the sloppy mistake in vapply() :)
Let's continue discussion on the bug/PR.
On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 1
Great suggestion! I've started a patch:
On Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 1:56 AM Ivan Krylov wrote:
> В Wed, 1 Mar 2023 01:36:02 -0800
> Michael Chirico via R-devel пишет:
> > +comps[non_syntactic] <- paste0("`",
x <- list(`a b` = 1)
(i.e., press the 'tab' key after typing 'x$a')
The auto-complete mechanism will fill the buffer like so:
x$a b
This is not particularly helpful because this is now a syntax error.
It seems to me there's a simple fix -- in
utils:::specialCompletions(), we can
I have three use cases in mind for an argument to load specifying
which variables to load from the input 'file':
1. Avoid overwriting existing variables. ?load recommends using envir=
or attach() to avoid overwrites. An argument like names= would allow
even finer control to avoid collisions.
2. Av
('\n' is in the list of valid items after '\')
I don't see any special handling for '\r', so there may be a gap in
the R parser? Or I just don't understand w
I'm coming across some code that uses the fact the parser ignores a
line-terminal '\', e.g.
", "\n")
# [1] TRUE
x = "abc \
y = "abc \ndef"
identical(x, y)
# [1] TRUE
identical("\\n", "\n")
# [1] FALSE
This appears to be undocumented behavior; the closest thing I see i
require() and library() both emit this message immediately before
running library():
"Loading required package: %s"
> back against your linter were using messages from .onLoad for...
> Best,
> ~G
> On Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 12:37 PM Duncan Murdoch
> wrote:
>> On 04/11/2021 2:50 p.m., Michael Chirico via R-devel wrote:
>> > I wrote a linter to
I wrote a linter to stop users from using packageStartupMessage() in
their .onLoad() hook because of the R CMD check warning it triggers:
However, this received some pushback which I ultim
today <- Sys.Date()
# [1] "double"
typeof(seq(today, by=1, length.out=2))
# [1] "integer"
Clearly minor as it doesn't seem to have come up before (e.g. coercion
to numeric will happen automatically whenever fractional dates are
needed); I only noticed because of a test using identica
18 matches
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