See my proposal in this mailing list from July 2023 where I documented the
same problem:
[Rd] proposal for WRE: clarify that use of S4 classes implies use of
Indeed, many of the caching problems would be avoide
I wonder if there is room for improvement here:
> str2lang("if (a) b1else b0")
if (a) b1 else b0
> str2lang("if (a) b1 \n else b0")
Error in str2lang("if (a) b1 \n else b0") : :2:2: unexpected 'else'
1: if (a) b1
2: else
It only occurs at top level. When t
On 2024-12-02 10:56 a.m., Mikael Jagan wrote:
I wonder if there is room for improvement here:
> str2lang("if (a) b1else b0")
if (a) b1 else b0
> str2lang("if (a) b1 \n else b0")
Error in str2lang("if (a) b1 \n else b0&qu
it's absolutely possible
> that I'm just confused at this point; I don't have a super-simple
> example to show you at the moment. The closest is this example by Mikael
> Jagan:
> whic
On 2024-04-27 10:53 am, Mikael Jagan wrote:
Reading the body of function 'AnswerType' in bind.c, called from 'do_c'
and 'do_unlist', I notice that EXPRSXP and VECSXP are handled identically
in the recurse = TRUE case.
A corollary is that c(recursive = TRUE)
Reading the body of function 'AnswerType' in bind.c, called from 'do_c'
and 'do_unlist', I notice that EXPRSXP and VECSXP are handled identically
in the recurse = TRUE case.
A corollary is that c(recursive = TRUE) and unlist(recursive = TRUE)
treat expression vectors like expression(a, b)
Thanks. I'm a bit confused, because Rmosek does not declare Matrix as a
> tools::package_dependencies("Rmosek", which = "all")[[1L]]
[1] "pkgbuild"
nor does it contain code needing compilation:
> packageDescription("Rmosek", fields="NeedsCompilation")
[1] "n
FWIW, a user on Stack Overflow just reported the same issue with list.files
running R 4.3.z on Windows. They do not observe the issue running R-devel,
with Tomas' patch (r84960). It is still the case that their file names did
not exceed 260 wide characters.
On 2023-11-09 3:13 am, Martin Maechler wrote:
Mikael Jagan
on Wed, 8 Nov 2023 11:13:18 -0500 writes:
> So, to summarize, the open questions are:
> (1) Should as.complex(NA_character_) give complex(r=NA_real_, i=0)
> instead of NA_complex_?
> (2) Shou
So, to summarize, the open questions are:
(1) Should as.complex(NA_character_) give complex(r=NA_real_, i=0)
instead of NA_complex_?
(2) Should the first argument in c(NA, x) and c(NA_integer_, x),
where typeof(x) == "complex", be promoted to complex(r=NA_real_, i=0)
> There is a call to mosek and I assumed that this wasn’t going to be helpful
for most R-devel recipients. I tried Duncan’s very reasonable suggestion about
options() but it didn’t produce the desired error, so perhaps this isn’t really
a warning but something else???
The details are descr
And I think there are quite a few other situations
where looking at Re() and Im() separately makes a lot of sense.
Indeed, and there is no way to "tell" BLAS and LAPACK to treat both the real and
imaginary parts as NA_REAL when either is NA_REAL. Hence the only reliable way
to implement
On 2023-09-22 6:38 am, Martin Maechler wrote:
Mikael Jagan
on Thu, 21 Sep 2023 00:47:39 -0400 writes:
> Revisiting this thread from April:
> where the decision (not yet backported) was
Revisiting this thread from April:
where the decision (not yet backported) was made for as.complex(NA_real_)
to give NA_complex_ instead of complex(r=NA_real_, i=0), to be consistent
with help("as.complex") and as.complex(NA) and
Two quite related and recent threads on R-devel:
[1] proposal for WRE: clarify that use of S4 classes implies use of superclasses
[2] Should package version requirements assume installation from sources?
If a package has
importClassesFrom(P, C)
in its NAMESPACE, then should it _also_ have
importClassesFrom(P, )
importClassesFrom(Q, )
## and so on
... ? I think that WRE could be more clear on this point, and in any case
I _think_ that the answer is yes.
Notably, I think that t
change to using
I glanced at the other non-deprecated and did not
see other usage of the deprecated ones ... a more systematic check could
be worth doing.
On 2023-07-06 11:32 am, Mikael Jagan wrote:
Continuing the thread started on R-package-devel, here:
Continuing the thread started on R-package-devel, here:
The logic of the now soft-deprecated,
> body([[2L]]
if ((sys.nframe() <= 1L ||[[1L]] != quote( &&
Surely this behaviour is just a case of ESS being "too clever", sourcing
*.R files in special way when it detects that a file belongs to a package
(loading dependencies automatically, etc.)?
The function ss() is defined inside of .ess.source(), which is defined here:
other parameters, usually
have not place in the signature of the generic.
On 6/14/23 20:57, Mikael Jagan wrote:
Thanks all - yes, I think that Simon's diagnosis ("user error") is
in this situation one should define a reasonable generic function
with a call t
it should only be
part of the method implementation. If one was to implement the same default
behavior in the generic itself (not necessarily a good idea) the default would
be ncol = if (complete) nrow(qr.R(qr, TRUE)) else min(dim(qr.R(qr, TRUE))) to
not rely on the internals of the impleme
eless, that's the intended approach as far as i know.
On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 1:07 AM Serguei Sokol via R-devel <> wrote:
Le 03/06/2023 à 17:50, Mikael Jagan a écrit :
In a package, I define a method for not-yet-generic function 'qr.X'
like so:
I was a bit surprised to learn that, if one has an Rd file as below:
%% zzz.Rd
\description{ \zzz{} \eqn{\zzz{}} \deqn{\zzz{}} }
then the macro is _not_ expanded inside of \eqn{} or \deqn{} when parsed to text
or HTML. Is th
In a package, I define a method for not-yet-generic function 'qr.X' like so:
> setOldClass("qr")
> setMethod("qr.X", signature(qr = "qr"), function(qr, complete, ncol) NULL)
The formals of the newly generic 'qr.X' are inherited from the non-generic
function in the base namespace. Notabl
The deparse options used by default by 'deparse' and 'dput' are
c("keepNA", "keepInteger", "niceNames", "showAttributes")
but Defn.h still has
calls */
i.e., with the SHOWATTRIBUTES bit turned off. Is that o
On 2023-04-15 6:00 am, wrote:
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2023 13:38:00 +0300
From: Ivan Krylov
Subject: [Rd] sum(), min(), max(), prod() vs. named arguments in ...
Message-ID: <20230414133800.75383dae-6792@arachnoid>
Content-Type: text/plain; ch
I know that it has been discussed in the past, but I wanted to ask
to revisit the idea of exporting
is.formula <- function(x) inherits(x, "formula")
from 'stats', parallel to in 'base', given how
widely formulae are used these days in conjunction with data frames,
even outside
It is possible that the underlying issue in DGETRF (INFO>0 due to NaN
pivots rather than 0 pivots {=> singular}) still exists for matrices
less trivial than my 2-by-2 examples. Will have to experiment ...
On 2022-11-09 3:58 pm, Mikael Jagan wr
Currently, m4/gettext.m4 contains an old version of Autoconf macro
AM_GNU_GETTEXT relying on internal symbols (e.g., _nl_expand_alias)
to detect broken implementations of GNU gettext. System libraries
are searched for the internal symbols unconditionally, i.e., even
when linking against a static
On 2022-11-10 1:10 pm, Mikael Jagan wrote:
Currently, solve.default() is defined such that
> identical(dimnames(solve.default(a, b)),
list(dimnames(a)[[2L]], dimnames(b)[[2L]]))
is always TRUE, i.e., ignoring names(dimnames(a)) and names(dimnames(b)).
Hence we
Currently, solve.default() is defined such that
> identical(dimnames(solve.default(a, b)),
list(dimnames(a)[[2L]], dimnames(b)[[2L]]))
is always TRUE, i.e., ignoring names(dimnames(a)) and names(dimnames(b)).
Hence we see:
> a <- b <- diag(2L)
> dimnames(a) <- list(A1 = c("a
Currently, determinant(A) calculates the determinant of 'A' by factorizing
A=LU and computing prod(diag(U)) [or the logarithm of the absolute value].
The factorization is done by LAPACK routine DGETRF, which gives a status
code INFO, documented [1] as follows:
[Arguably also appropriate for R-package-devel, but posted to R-devel
as the discussion is aimed primarily at "experts" ... ]
We, the authors of Matrix, have encountered a somewhat subtle issue
induced by caching of S4 classes and methods in package namespaces.
The namespaces of three revers
This seems entirely avoidable, given that there is a relatively simple
formula for converting 2-ary indices [i,j] of S to 1-ary indices k of
S[lower.tri(S, TRUE)]:
k <- i + round(0.5 * (2L * n - j) * (j - 1L)) # for i >= j
I ought to be slightly more precise here: _coercion_ is avoidable,
Currently, the class for dense symmetric matrices in packed storage,
"dspMatrix", inherits its subset (i.e., `[`) methods from the "Matrix"
class. As a result, subsetting "dspMatrix" requires coercion to
"matrix". If memory cannot be allocated for this "matrix", then an error
n <- 30
35 matches
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