Re: [Rd] Rscript -e does not accept newlines under Linux?

2018-09-17 Thread Rainer Krug
Same on Mac: $ Rscript -e 'ls() > ls()' ARGUMENT 'ls()' __ignored__ character(0) as well as using ā€œ\nā€ as a line separator: $ Rscript -e 'ls()\nls()' ARGUMENT 'ls()' __ignored__ character(0) > On 16 Sep 2018, at 10:53, Voeten, C.C. wrote: > > Rscript -e 'ls() -- Rainer M. Krug, PhD

Re: [Rd] Creating a private CRAN with webpages

2017-06-08 Thread Rainer Krug
If I understand you correctly, you want to have a mirror of CRAN on a private server behind your firewall. Check out which gives instructions on how to do this. Cheers, Rainer > On 8 Jun 2017, at 23:29, J