I stumbled upon this small typo in ?base::NumericConstants:
Index: library/base/man/NumericConstants.Rd
--- library/base/man/NumericConstants.Rd(révision 80490)
+++ library/base/man/NumericConstants.Rd(copie d
Just noticed this: on line 15296 of the current (master) R-exts.texi (section 7
of the compiled document), one reads
would do most likely do different things, to the justifiable
Either one of the "do" is in extra.
Vincent Goulet
Université Laval
Could R-Core consider adding 'RtangleRuncode' and 'RtangleFinish' to the
exports of utils. Their weave equivalent 'makeRweaveLatexCodeRunner' and
'RweaveLatexFinish' are exported, as well as the other tangle utility
functions 'RtangleSetup' and 'RtangleWritedoc'.
The rationale is not just
In trying to change the driver used by Sweave on the command line using
R CMD Sweave --driver=foo
I consistently get the "directory 'foo' does not exist' error. (For any value
of 'foo', even the default 'RweaveLatex'.)
Looking up the source code for function .Sweave that is called by 'R CMD