Hi everybody,


Currently I'm in the process of developing an R library, where I make
use of  "pointLabel" in the "maptools" package. I've defined the
dependency on package "maptools" via the DESCRIPTION file in the root
directory of my library.


Since the loading of package "maptools" issues a warning, "R CMD check"
complains about this uncaught warning:


> library(maptools)

Loading required package: foreign

Loading required package: sp


Attaching package: 'maptools'



        The following object(s) are masked from package:sp :




Warning message:

Multiple methods tables found for 'spChFIDs'


If I tried to circumvent this warning in usual  R code, I would do
something like




However, this is not an option as the library is loaded via the depends


Can anybody advise me what do do?


Thanks + BR,



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