This may get delayed as I am away from my usual mail system.
Since (thanks to Dirk and Charles) there is the cran2deb project giving us
most R packages in debian package format, could the alien package help?
John Nash
On Wed, 2010-01-06 at 13:35 -0500, Max Kuhn wrote:
> Before I try to write any code, does anyone see any issues with this
> (or has it already been done)? Is this a ridiculous approach?
You are for sure not alone in this effort to package R. A number of RPMs
have already made their way into Fedor
On Jan 6, 2010, at 12:35 PM, Max Kuhn wrote:
My company is trying to manage R installations across a number large
SMP machines. We're thinking out the best way to manage the packages
installs and updates. They would be happy if we could work out RPM's
for package installations (traceable, easily
My company is trying to manage R installations across a number large
SMP machines. We're thinking out the best way to manage the packages
installs and updates. They would be happy if we could work out RPM's
for package installations (traceable, easily facilitated with existing
sw management tools).