On 05/03/2018 11:48 AM, Etienne Sanchez wrote:
There are probably more unmatched parentheses around:
detect <- function(file) {
text <- paste(readLines(file), collapse = "")
nchar(gsub("[^(]", "", text)) != nchar(gsub("[^)]", "", text))
docs <- list.files("r-source-trunk/src/library",
There are probably more unmatched parentheses around:
detect <- function(file) {
text <- paste(readLines(file), collapse = "")
nchar(gsub("[^(]", "", text)) != nchar(gsub("[^)]", "", text))
docs <- list.files("r-source-trunk/src/library",
pattern = "\\.Rd$",
> Hugh Parsonage
> on Mon, 5 Mar 2018 13:39:24 +1100 writes:
> Lines 129-131: \code{grep(value = FALSE)} returns a vector
> of the indices of the elements of \code{x} that yielded a
> match (or not, for \code{invert = TRUE}. This will be an
> integer vector unless the
Lines 129-131:
\code{grep(value = FALSE)} returns a vector of the indices
of the elements of \code{x} that yielded a match (or not, for
\code{invert = TRUE}. This will be an integer vector unless the input
There should be a closing parenthesis after \code{invert = TRUE}