
I don't know much about "eventloop.h" (yet) but according to the
manual statement "for add-on front-ends and for packages that need to
share in the R event loops (on all platforms)" I thought it might make
sense to translate this to Pascal too.

But I have a couple of questions:

- no function declarations show up in the export tables of the R.dll
(or in any other dll)
- what good is this header file declaration when I don't have any entry points?
- why are all functions declared with the "extern" keyword. According
to my C++ information this would mean that the functions would have to
be declared somwhere else, but the only reference I could find was in
devX11.c and \unit\Sys-std.c. I don't understand this.

- is eventloop.h (maybe) a unix-only-thing?



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