Since you don't seem to recognize the term "sessionInfo", you definitely need
to read the posting guide. See the link at the bottom of the message.
> RSiteSearch("XML")
is a good tool to know about.
Jeff Newmiller
Thank you so much.. it worked well correctly..
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Jeff Newmiller> writes:
> problems. You also didn't supply the output of sessionInfo so we don't
> even know your environment.
I thought the output was provided, as I copied the output directly from my
terminal. By the way the OS system is Ubuntu Linux 12.4
> If you are bou
For the example you gave, the regex below works:
> txt1<-"my name name name is micky"
> gsub("\\b(\\w+)\\b(\\s+)\\1\\2","",txt1)
[1] "my name is micky"
But, the expression is not a generalized one.
- Original Message -
From: shilpa rai
Sent: W
Rui Barradas wrote
> Sorry, but the output of dput() starts with 'structure', not like what
> you've posted.
> And there are much more than 20 dates in the beginning.
> The posting guide is easy to find
apologies for my earlier ignorance.
It seems the output of dput(head(data, 20) is t
On 13/06/2012, at 12:35 AM, Rui Barradas wrote:
> Hello,
On 13/06/2012, at 12:36 AM, Jean V Adams wrote:
> Geoff,
Thanks Rui and Jean, merge appears to be what I was looking for, and much
better than my workaround for loop.
Try this:
- Original Message -
From: sathya7priya
Sent: Wednesday, June 13
David Winsemius wrote
> And that is the only problem you see? The background is completely
> distracting the viewer from the data Yuck. This is a system for
> statistics. If you want to make movies go to Pixar.
Wow... well ok..
View this message in context:
I am performing a BACI analysis with ANOVA using the following glm:
fit1<-glm(log(Cucs_m+1)~(BA*Otter)+BA+Otter+ID+Primary, data=b1)
The summary(aov(fit1)) shows significance in the interaction; however, now I
would like to determine what combinations of BA and Otter are significantly
Hi guys,
I am doing a project to evaluate the 7 individual fund performance from a
portfolio compared with all fund performance utilizing the same strategy.
Lets say in total there are 10 strategies and in the portfolio there exist 5
First, i use the BOXPLOT() and SUBSET() to produc
I still don't have any idea about your schema [eg CREATE TABLE (blah,
blah, ...);], but I guess you don't have the right database type for
"id" when you are storing a date.
In PostgreSQL:
In R:
dbGetQuery(conn, paste("INSE
On Jun 13, 2012, at 11:00 PM, Brent Hendrixson wrote:
Hi David -
Thanks for the response.
On Jun 13, 2012, at 6:29 PM, Brent Hendrixson wrote:
Hi all –
My apologies if this is a redundant message. I am a newbie to R and
have had a terrible time trying to figure out how to set up an
Hi David -
Thanks for the response.
> On Jun 13, 2012, at 6:29 PM, Brent Hendrixson wrote:
> >
> > Hi all –
> >
> > My apologies if this is a redundant message. I am a newbie to R and
> > have had a terrible time trying to figure out how to set up an
> > analysis. I have installed and l
Your expectations of response time are out of line for a mailing list. The
subject of your question might or might not be appropriate here depending on
how portable you want the solution to be.
Your dependence on operating-system-specific features (ctrl-d as eof) and
expectation that such fea
On Jun 13, 2012, at 6:29 PM, Brent Hendrixson wrote:
Hi all –
My apologies if this is a redundant message. I am a newbie to R and
have had a terrible time trying to figure out how to set up an
analysis. I have installed and loaded the appropriate package
(phyloclim), but I'm not sure
Julio Sergio> writes:
> I'm trying to write a Rscript program capable of reading several tables from
> standard input. The problem is that the tables aren't in files because they
> ...
> Do you have any comments on this?
> Thanks,
Well, maybe I'm not posting this message
Hello to all --
I'm hoping that someone more knowledgeable than me can shed some light
on a problem I have been having. In point form:
- I am running XP on a 64-bit processor
- I run 5 automated R tasks every morning using .bat files and a
little utility called System Scheduler by Splinterware.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
I have added an EXAMPLE. Here I am plotting few data with the relative
median values. The median are added ad hoc using the points() function,
which is not really professional and is time consuming. With boxplot() the
median values are automatically drawn, with striplot
This question apparently relates to the mask() function from the
"raster" package. This should have been made clear.
You might find the function complement.owin() in the "spatstat"
package helpful.
Rolf Turner
On 14/06/12 08:42, Celine wrote:
I need some help with th
Hi all –
My apologies if this is a redundant message. I am a newbie to R and have had a
terrible time trying to figure out how to set up an analysis. I have installed
and loaded the appropriate package (phyloclim), but I'm not sure I have defined
the arguments correctly.
The usage for the c
On Jun 13, 2012, at 4:28 PM, Maaike_020 wrote:
David Winsemius wrote
[1] 2
# First add standard axes
lines3d( x=c(-1,1), y=c(-1,1), z=c(-1,1) ,col="red")
Thank you so much, it works! I have set a photo as a background by
On Jun 13, 2012, at 4:37 PM, Tanu Soni wrote:
I am trying to plot two heatmaps on same page .
I am using heatmap() so that i can draw symmetrical heatmap but
par() does
not work with heatmap .
Not exactly true or, at the very least, misleading.
Is there a way to plot two symmetrical
David Winsemius wrote
> > open3d()
> [1] 2
> > points3d(rnorm(10),rnorm(10),rnorm(10))
> >
> > # First add standard axes
> > axes3d()
> > lines3d( x=c(-1,1), y=c(-1,1), z=c(-1,1) ,col="red")
Thank you so much, it works! I have set a photo as a background by
I'm trying to write a Rscript program capable of reading several tables from
standard input. The problem is that the tables aren't in files because they are
coming from another process that is generating them. From the R-console the
following works pretty well:
|> f <- stdin()
|> t <-
I need some help with the function mask I have a polygon and I want to
extract data for all the world except for the polygon
I write this code but it doesn't work, do you have any idea of the problem ?
how can I do that ?
I am trying to plot two heatmaps on same page .
I am using heatmap() so that i can draw symmetrical heatmap but par() does
not work with heatmap .
Is there a way to plot two symmetrical heatmaps on same page.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
thanks a lot !!!
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
I believe it will work, but only you can say. Try it. And if it doesn't
it's probably easy to adapt to a real dataset problem. Almost always the
point in R-help is to understand what to do or how to do it.
Rui Barradas
Em 13-06-2012 17:13, raishilpa escreveu:
thank you so much for re
On Jun 13, 2012, at 12:55 PM, Jonsson wrote:
I have a binary file(a) with size of (360 720 )for the globe.I wrote
the code
given below to read and extract an area (south america)from that
file. when
I use summary for the whole file I got:
summary(a, na.rm=FALSE)
Min. 1st Qu. MedianMean
Try this:dat2<-read.table(text="
ID chrom loc.start loc.end
MA1B1Cy5 chr1 197008581 197026781
MA1B3Cy5 chr1 197079541 197080381
MA5B2Cy5 chr1 197088651 197118071
MA5B2Cy5 chr1 197172341 197189641
MA5B3Cy5 chr1 197008581 197010601
MA5B4Cy5 chr1 197025421 197025701
I want to calculate niche width of a species in a community using Smith's
selectivity measure (Smith 1982), as described in Ecological Methodology
(Krebs 1999). Is there a package/function available that can do this?
I have searched and found the niche.width function in SPAA (below).
thank you so much for reply and this code is working...
Can you tell me whether both this code will work for text file or not
..I mean if I am uploading a text file and then using the given code ,will
this give output or there is need to do something else...Can you help me?
thanking you in anti
I am having some trouble finding a solution for a probleIm I am facing with
the package gWidgets.
Here is the code:
flavors<-c("vanilla", "chocolate", "strawberry")
w <- gwindow("checkbox example")
gp <- ggroup(container=w)
glabel("Favorite flavors
On Jun 13, 2012, at 10:29 AM, Kristi Glover wrote:
Hi R experts,
Could you please help me to fit a linear, cubic and quadratic curve
in a figure? I was trying to show all these three fitting curves
with different colour in one figure.
I spent substantial time to figure it out, but I could
See also the scripts in
William Dunlap wrote
> It is more direct to use predict() instead of reconstructing
> by hand the prediction expression from the formula given
> to lm(). E.g.,
> > x <- seq(1,6,by=1/4)
> > y <- sin(x) + rnorm(length
I have a binary file(a) with size of (360 720 )for the globe.I wrote the code
given below to read and extract an area (south america)from that file. when
I use summary for the whole file I got:
summary(a, na.rm=FALSE)
Min. 1st Qu. MedianMean 3rd Qu.Max.NA's
It is more direct to use predict() instead of reconstructing
by hand the prediction expression from the formula given
to lm(). E.g.,
> x <- seq(1,6,by=1/4)
> y <- sin(x) + rnorm(length(x), 0, 1/4)
> plot(x, y)
> fits <- lapply(1:3, function(degree)lm(y~poly(x, deg=degree)))
> xpred <- p
Dear all,
I am using the smoothScatter function in base R for a plot -
Lab.palette.both <-
colorRampPalette(c("darkblue","lightblue","red","yellow"), space = "Lab")
smoothScatter(X24fresh.sorted[,c(13,10)], colramp = Lab.palette.both)
I understand that my yellow colored points represent highes
Dear R User's,
Thank you, Mark. The following code suggested by you worked for me.
dbGetQuery(connAE1, sprintf("INSERT INTO test1 (id) VALUES ( %d
);", i))
But I have a issue in passing "date and time data" as variable.If I
hard code the value like bellow it workings.
It would help if you would give us a copy of at least part of the data you
are using and show us what you have tried so far. This is a simple example.
In this case the median is for the entire data set not for a single group.
But you really didn't give us enough information.
x <- rnorm(75)
g <- r
On 13.06.2012 17:57, Luigi wrote:
Dear all,
I would like to ask if it possible to draw a median line in a Stripchart,
either using the built-in STRIPCHART function or with another package.
I was expecting stripchart() to work more or less like boxplot(), but I
couldn't find an easy way to dra
Set1.names <- c("MA1B1Cy5", "MA5B4Cy5") <- mydata[mydata$ID %in% Set1.names, ]
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Joshua Budman wrote:
> This is a sample of the data:
> ID chrom loc.start loc.end
> 1 MA1B1Cy5 chr1 197008581 197026781
> 18 MA1B3Cy5 chr1 197079
This is a sample of the data:
ID chrom loc.start loc.end
1MA1B1Cy5 chr1 197008581 197026781
18 MA1B3Cy5 chr1 197079541 197080381
55 MA5B2Cy5 chr1 197088651 197118071
70 MA5B2Cy5 chr1 197172341 197189641
72 MA5B3Cy5 chr1 197008581 197010601
89 MA5B4Cy5 chr1 19702542
Part of the answer is that you're overwriting your loop variable x and
the variable Mean in each loop iteration. I have no idea what you
think with(data, c()) is doing, either, and there's at least one comma
Also, data is the name of a function.
That said,
apply(mydata[ , grepl("^Ratio_
Dear all,
I would like to ask if it possible to draw a median line in a Stripchart,
either using the built-in STRIPCHART function or with another package.
I was expecting stripchart() to work more or less like boxplot(), but I
couldn't find an easy way to draw a mean or median line, neither I
Hi all –
I am a newbie to R and have had a terrible time trying to figure out how to set
up an analysis. I have installed and loaded the appropriate package
(phyloclim), but I do not even know where to begin defining one of the
The usage for the command I’m trying to perform is:
Hello there!
I got some data with x and y values. there are some y == 0. This is a
problem for the selfstarting regression model SSlogis.
The regression works if I use a non selfstarting model. The formula is the
same. But this needs very detailed information of the starting list. I dont
have thi
df1$ind <- ave(integer(nrow(df1)), df1$id, FUN=seq_along)
There are faster ways to do this if you know that id is sorted.
Bill Dunlap
Spotfire, TIBCO Software
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf
How are you deciding which values in the first column go into which subset?
If you have a vector containing those values, you could use %in% or if
they're determined logically you could use that criterion.
A reproducible example and a bit more information would get you more
concrete answers.
I am trying to solve a problem related to Poincare
circles ( for more info
In a nutshell i am trying to replicate the method in the above pdf section
9.2.1. that explains in broad terms how to draw the
structure(list(sp = c(4L, 5L, 9L, 12L, 14L), env = c(12L, 18L,
20L, 17L, 15L)), .Names = c("sp", "env"), class = "data.frame", row.names =
plot(test$sp~test$env, main = "S vs. temp", xlim=c(0,20), ylim=c(0,14),
Hi, Kristi-
Here is an option.
? add the polynomials to your graph
?textfor adding the R2 to you plot
On 06/13/12, Kristi Glover wrote:
> Hi R experts,
> Could you please help me to fit a linear, cubic and quadratic curve in a
> figure? I was trying to show all these three
Dear R-helpers,
I'm stuck with a little problem that surely has an easy solution but I
can't think of a way to solve it. I'd really appreciate any help you can
offer me!
I'll provide a small example. Given a dataframe data.txt that looks like
x <- scan(what="character", text="my name name name is micky")
paste(rle(x)$values, collapse=" ")
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 13-06-2012 13:06, raishilpa escreveu:
I want to know we can separate the sentence after finding a particular
for example
Thanks! Now we can see that your df1 only has one column, your dataset
was messed up in some previous step. So, it needs to be transformed into
a 3 columns data.frame first. Then use merge().
x <- levels(df1$new.col.ppm.p..freq.p.)[df1$new.col.ppm.p..freq.p.]
x <- t(sapply(x, functio
Sorry for my earlier reply, it was meant for another question you posted.
In what follows, 'x' is your text.
f <- function(x, pattern) unlist(strsplit(x, pattern))
x <- "I love to watch movies of Hollywood but should not be
romantic...I want to
join you school but due to bad financial
I have a large data frame of the form:
a 1
b 2
c 3
And I would like to split this data frame into two separate data
frames based on the values in the first column, e.g.
a 1
b 2
c 3
Is there any way of doing this without having to write a different
"which" statement for eac
I need help in indexing grouped data. In this excample (df1 data), the first
child had a first immunization at age 2. The second child had the first, second
and third immunization at age 5,10, and 12, the third child had first and
second immunization at age 4 and 6 and the fourth child had the f
On Jun 13, 2012, at 9:55 AM, Powell, Jeff wrote:
Dear all,
I would like to change the "fill" pattern of a histogram using
histogram() in the lattice package. I know how to do so using
hist(), but would prefer to stay within lattice.
dt1 <- rnorm(100,0,1)
hist(dt1, density=3, angle=45)
Hi R experts,
Could you please help me to fit a linear, cubic and quadratic curve in a
figure? I was trying to show all these three fitting curves with different
colour in one figure.
I spent substantial time to figure it out, but I could not.
I have given here a example and what I did for l
I don't know much about gdata, but I can tell you that there is still no
version of xlsReadWrite on Mac (unfortunately). xlsx works well, though,
on both Mac and Windows.
Université de Bourgogne
UMR CNRS/uB 6282 Biogéosciences
6 Boulevard Gabriel
21000 Dijon, FRANCE
thank you for your patience. i assure you i will get better with the
appropriate etiquette - and hopefully eventually contribute.
On 13 June 2012 16:18, David Winsemius wrote:
> On Jun 13, 2012, at 10:09 AM, Matthew Johnson wrote:
>> my sessioninfo was as follows:
>>> sessionInfo()
>> R
On Jun 13, 2012, at 10:09 AM, Matthew Johnson wrote:
my sessioninfo was as follows:
R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit)
[1] en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/C/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8
attached base packages:
[1] stats
Sorry about the cross posting - i didn't realise it was bad etiquette.
my sessioninfo was as follows:
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit)
[1] en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/C/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8
attached base packages
Sorry, i'll try and put more flesh on the bones.
please note, i changed the data in the example, as fiddling has raised
another question that's best illustrated with a slightly different
data set.
first of all, when i do as you suggest, i obtain the following error:
> PxMat <- aggregate(mm[,-1]
Or for the y label and using gsub:
plot(1:5, ylab="")
text(.35,3, gsub("(.)", "\\1\n", "Like this"), xpd=TRUE)
Sticking it in ylab= does not work.
David L Carlson
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-435
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
> -Original Message-
> From:
> Sent: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 05:11:29 -0700 (PDT)
> To: r-help@r-p
On Jun 12, 2012, at 11:32 PM, Matthew Johnson wrote:
Dear R-help,
I have an xts data set that i have subset by date.
now it contains a date-time-stamp, and two columns (price and volume
traded): my objective is to create tables of volume traded at a
price - and
i've been successfully using
I want to know we can separate the sentence after finding a particular
for example
I love to watch movies of Hollywood but should not be romantic...I want to
join you school but due to bad financial condition I cant..
I want output in following format
I love to watch movies
Dear all,
I would like to change the "fill" pattern of a histogram using histogram() in
the lattice package. I know how to do so using hist(), but would prefer to
stay within lattice.
dt1 <- rnorm(100,0,1)
hist(dt1, density=3, angle=45)
xlab =
On Jun 13, 2012, at 9:38 AM, Matthew Johnson wrote:
Sorry, i'll try and put more flesh on the bones.
please note, i changed the data in the example, as fiddling has raised
another question that's best illustrated with a slightly different
data set.
first of all, when i do as you suggest, i ob
Thank you very much.
It was quite easy to adjust the code to get the background colour I have
always used.
I only tried to get the code using list(qqnorm).
View this message in context:
Sent from the R h
David L Carlson
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4352
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
>] On Behalf Of Natalia Marti
I think the column is wrong in adf <- aggregate(.~mm[,1], data=mm, sum)
Try 2 rather than 1 but this is just a guess since the sample data is not
easily useable..
Please supply your sample data using dput(() See ?dput for information. It
makes llife much easier for the reader.
John Kane
I'd like to check the adherence of some data will lognormal distribution,
using ks.test (x, "plognormal")
However, not find the name of this lognormal function.
Thank you
Natália da Silva Martins
Bacharel em Estatística - Universidade Estadual de Maringá/ UEM
Mestranda em Estatística e Exper
I have a question regarding the function WebCorpus..When I am using this
function its showing error: couldnt find the function...I have downloaded
the tm package...Can you help me in this regard? Also I want to know how we
can data/information about a product or topic from google,facebook et
> I have tried to build a normal qq plot on my own,
> but it does not match with the implemented qqnorm in R.
> The main issue is, that I would like to change the backgorund
> color auf my plot ...
One thing you could try is setting the background colour using
bar(bg="lightyellow") before c
Dear R list,
I am trying to read in .xls files. I have tried using package 'gdata', I
get the following error.
> dataset <- read.xls("June.xls")
Wide character in print at
/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.14/Resources/library/gdata/perl/ line 262.
Seems like this is a proble
This is not really enough information. PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal,
self-contained, reproducible code.
Have you looked at ?unique
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
> -Original Message-
> From:
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 03:16:57AM -0700, sathya7priya wrote:
> I have two data frames which has 3 columns each.My first data frame is large
> like this below
> "new.col ppm.p. freq.p."
> "1_3_diaminopropane 3.13859 5.67516"
> "1_3_diaminopropane 3.137 6.65388"
> "1_3_diaminopropane 3.13541 8.0142"
What are the names of your data.frames columns? Paste the output of the
following commands in a post:
dput(head(df1, 30))
dput(head(df2, 30))
Tui Barradas
Em 13-06-2012 12:55, Sathya Priya escreveu:
I got this error while trying your code.. Can you please sort it out
Error in, x)
merge(df1, df2, by.x=c("ppm.p.", "freq.p."), by.y=c("ppm.p.", "freq.p."))
ppm.p. freq.p. new.col.x new.col.y
1 4.81412 105.1100 1_amino_1_phenylmethyl_phosphonic_acid unknown
2 7.44687 7.1684 1_amino_1_phenylmethyl_phosphonic_acid unknown
> -Original Message-
> From: PtitBleu []
> Sent: Wednesday, 13 June 2012 5:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [R] add horizontal reference lines in lattice bwplot
> Hello Gareth,
> Concerning the lines, you can try :
> panel.abline(h=13)
> and
> p
I came across the integration package that lets a Java
program interact with R. Does any one use this model for simulation ? I
am plannning to get random variates generated by R which could be the
number of bytes according to various distributions. My client load
generator can gen
I have tried to build a normal qq plot on my own,
but it does not match with the implemented qqnorm in R.
What am I missing?
As You can see, the points do not match.
could you help in solving the following problem
I want to replace same consecutive words by a single word in a sentence..
for example --- my name name name is micky
so I want the output like this--my name is micky
I want this solution for a text file
can you tell me the code for it??
It seems you haven't discovered the *apply functions yet. In this case,
since you have a list, the function would be lapply.
Reduce(intersect, lapply(mySplit, function(x) x$product))
lapply(mySplit, function(x) within(x, relative <- diff(c(value[1], value
I have two data frames which has 3 columns each.My first data frame is large
like this below
"new.col ppm.p. freq.p."
"1_3_diaminopropane 3.13859 5.67516"
"1_3_diaminopropane 3.137 6.65388"
"1_3_diaminopropane 3.13541 8.0142"
"1_3_diaminopropane 3.13383 9.64184"
"1_3_diaminopropane 3.12075 298.243"
If there are some unique value in each column. How to look up in R?
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
On 06/12/2012 11:49 PM, Stuart Rosen wrote:
For labelling a plot, I am trying to rotate a character string using
text() so that characters are upright and reading down, for example, ...
It appears that par crt does not work with text. Does anyone have any
other suggestions. T
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 9:25 AM, RFrank wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have a very, very, simple research question. I want to predict one
> dichotomous variable using another dichotomous variable. Straightforward,
> right? The issue is that the dataset has two issues causing some
> complications for
Is it to re-create what "predict" is able to do?
Best Regards,
Le 12/06/13 17:21, Christof Kluß a écrit :
mod<- lme(A ~ -1 + B+C+D+E+F+G, random = ~1 | ...)
results in summary(mod)$coeff
B C D E F G (Intercept)
b c d e f g i
Now I'm interested in the function
f<- functi
Christof Kluß wrote
> mod <- lme(A ~ -1 + B+C+D+E+F+G, random = ~1 | ...)
> ...
> f <- function(B,C,D,E,F,G) <- {
> return(i + b*B + c*C + d*D + e*E + f*F + g*G)
> }
It looks like you are trying to compute contrasts the ugly way. Check
estimable in package gmodels or the vignette of the m
Dear Christof,
You want the predict() function. See ?predict.lme for the details.
Best regards,
PS Questions on lme() can be asked at r-sig-mixed models.
ir. Thierry Onkelinx
Instituut voor natuur- en bosonderzoek / Research Institute for Nature and
team Biometrie & Kwaliteitsz
f <- function(response, regressors)
as.formula(paste(response, paste(regressors, collapse=" + "), sep=" ~
(resp <- "A")
(regr <- c(-1, LETTERS[2:7]))
fmla <- f(resp, regr)
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 13-06-2012 09:21, Christof Kluß escreveu:
mod <- lme(
mod <- lme(A ~ -1 + B+C+D+E+F+G, random = ~1 | ...)
results in summary(mod)$coeff
B C D E F G (Intercept)
b c d e f g i
Now I'm interested in the function
f <- function(B,C,D,E,F,G) <- {
return(i + b*B + c*C + d*D + e*E + f*F + g*G)
Is there a easier way to create such function with f
I`m going to check the n.keep values. Thanks!
From: Michael Weylandt [via R] []
Sent: dinsdag 12 juni 2012 17:08
To: Zeeuw, S.A.J. van der (PATH)
Subject: Re: Error in sort(abs(diff(genomdat)))[1:n.keep] :
Hello Gareth,
Concerning the lines, you can try :
panel.grid(h=2, v=0, y=c(11, 12), col.line="blue")
I have no idea for the annotation. Sorry.
Ptit Bleu.
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