[R] Unordered combinations with repetition

2015-06-09 Thread Thomas Chesney
Does anyone know of a function that will return all unordered combinations of n elements from a list with repetition? The combs function in caTools will do this without repetition: combs(1:2, 2) [,1] [,2] [1,]12 What I'd like is: 1 1 1 2 2 2 Thank you, Thomas Chesney This

Re: [R] Unordered combinations with repetition

2015-06-09 Thread Thomas Chesney
Thank you Nicholas. I've found that Urnsamples in the prob package does it too: urnsamples(1:2, size = 2, replace = TRUE, ordered = FALSE) Thomas From: WRAY NICHOLAS [nicholas.w...@ntlworld.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2015 10:52 AM To: Thomas Chesney

Re: [R] load a very big .RData - error reading from connection

2015-06-09 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi carol, Have you tried renaming the file to something like my.RData? And just how big is it? Jim On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 5:50 AM, carol white via R-help r-help@r-project.org wrote: Hi,How is it possible to load a very big .RData that can't be loaded it's very big and the following error msg

Re: [R] Unordered combinations with repetition

2015-06-09 Thread WRAY NICHOLAS
You could try expand.grid -- you'd prob need to modify what's beneath *a=c(0,1,2)* *b=c(0,1)* *c=c(0,1)* *y-list()* *y[[1]]-a* *y[[2]]-b* *y[[3]]-c* *expand.grid(y)* This code gives all combinations On 9 June 2015 at 10:11, Thomas Chesney thomas.ches...@nottingham.ac.uk wrote: Does

[R-es] Tablas con tabular en latex

2015-06-09 Thread doblett
Buenos días, estoy tratando de encontrar la manera de generar tablas en ficheros pdf (sweave) a través del paquete tables. He mirado que este tema esta activo en las listas pero no logro localizar las respuestas antes dadas, por eso lanzo esta consulta. Mi fichero .rnw tiene el siguiente aspecto:

Re: [R] mismatch between match and unique causing ecdf (well, approxfun) to fail

2015-06-09 Thread Meyners, Michael
Thanks Martin. Yep, I understand it is documented and my code wasn't as it should've been -- the confusion comes from the fact that it worked ok for hundreds of situations that seem very much alike, but one situation breaks. I agree that you typically can't be sure about having only numerical

Re: [R] Summarizing data based on Date

2015-06-09 Thread David L Carlson
What does the following command print out? str(test) The error message indicates that test$CHG_WT is not numeric. - David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas AM University College Station, TX 77840-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help

Re: [R] load a very big .RData - error reading from connection

2015-06-09 Thread Boris Steipe
There are several possible reasons and you have really told us nothing that might help isolating the problem. 600 MB is large, but not very large. R and your OS should not be expected to have a problem with files of that size. First of all, you'll need to document why you expect this should

Re: [R] how to reach a txt file like this?

2015-06-09 Thread John McKown
On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 11:24 AM, Ye Lin ye...@lbl.gov wrote: ​Hey All, I have a txt data file that looks like this: ​[{“ID”:“A”,“Name:Tom, Age:18},{“ID”:“B”,“Name:Jim, Age:19}] ​How can I read this into R as a data frame? I have used readLines to read all the lines but dont know how to

Re: [R] Unordered combinations with repetition

2015-06-09 Thread William Dunlap
combnWithRepetition - function(n, k) combn(n+k-1, k) - seq(from=0, len=k) combnWithRepetition(2, 2) [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,]112 [2,]122 combnWithRepetition(3, 2) [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [1,]111223 [2,]123233

Re: [R-es] help awk y shells en R

2015-06-09 Thread Javier Villacampa González
Bueno os dejo para que veais como va la cosa. Gracias por el feedback *Shell de linux* Los shells de Linux son superútiles para limpiar grandes bases de datos. En Linux y mac los tenemos en Windows. Para utilizar estos sctripts en Windows lo ideal es 1.- Instalar cygwin #

[R] how to reach a txt file like this?

2015-06-09 Thread Ye Lin
​Hey All, I have a txt data file that looks like this: ​[{“ID”:“A”,“Name:Tom, Age:18},{“ID”:“B”,“Name:Jim, Age:19}] ​How can I read this into R as a data frame? I have used readLines to read all the lines but dont know how to deal with column names and inputs. Thanks for your help!​

Re: [R] Unordered combinations with repetition

2015-06-09 Thread William Dunlap
That combnWithRepetition (based on combn) can use much less memory (and time) than the algorithm in prob:::urnsamples.default with replace=TRUE, ordered=FALSE. Perhaps urnsamples() could be updated to use combn instead of unique(as.matrix(expand.grid())). See the urn chapter in Feller vol. 1.

[R-es] Construcción de paquete

2015-06-09 Thread Proyecto R-UCA
Buenas: Estoy construyendo un paquete, cuyo fuente adjunto y necesito importar la función runs.test desde el paquete tseries y la función runs.test desde el paquete randtests. Esto hace que al hacer un chequeo del paquete con R --check --as-cran me dé como aviso replacing previous import by

Re: [R] Summarizing data based on Date

2015-06-09 Thread John Kane
Hi, As David said have a look at str(test). You have a factor in there or else that weird list(format(test$CR_DT,%m)) command in aggregate() is mucking things up. What is list(format(test$CR_DT,%m)) intended to do? No ,a quick test says it is mucking something else up and not giving the us

[R-es] Sobre optimización con Rcpp.-

2015-06-09 Thread Freddy Omar López Quintero
Hola compañeros de R, Antes he utilizado Rcpp (y armadillo) para lograr velocidad en procesos llenos de bucles y de álgebra lineal; pero no me había visto en la necesidad de maximizar (optimizar) ninguna función (una verosimilitud, en este caso). ¿Alguien tiene conocimiento de cuál es la forma

[R] Cross tabulation with top one variable and side as multiple variables

2015-06-09 Thread jagadishpchary
Hi: I have a huge data with lot of variables and I need to check the trend variations from year to year. In order to do so, I have to cross tabulate the year variable as top (constant) and all the remaining variables as side (attached the cross tabulation report). I have searched the forums but

Re: [R] subsetting a dataframe

2015-06-09 Thread Ryan Derickson
Lots of ways to do this, I use %in% with bracket notation [row, column]. The empty column argument below returns all columns but you could have conditional logic there as well. dd[dd$rows %in% test_rows, ] On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 6:44 PM, Bogdan Tanasa tan...@gmail.com wrote: Dear all,

[R] Warning message when using lmer function

2015-06-09 Thread li li
I got the following warning message when using the lmer function. Does anyone know what is the implication? Thanks! Warning message: In anova(model, ddf = lme4) : bytecode version mismatch; using eval __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To

[R-es] librerias para programar una interfaz grafica en R ?

2015-06-09 Thread eric
Estimados, he estado mirando en la internet si es posible programar con R una interfaz grafica para pedir el ingreso de datos por ejemplo, pero invariablemente obtengo paginas que hablan de interfaces graficas (rkward, rstudio, r-commander, etc) para R o de las librerias para hacer graficos

Re: [R] web scraping image

2015-06-09 Thread boB Rudis
You can also do it with rvest httr (but that does involve some parsing): library(httr) library(rvest) url - http://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/peak?site_no=12144500agency_cd=USGSformat=img; html(url) %% html_nodes(img) %% html_attr(src) %% paste0(http://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov;, .) %%

Re: [R] Cross tabulation with top one variable and side as multiple variables

2015-06-09 Thread Jeff Newmiller
There are two issues here... calculation and presentation. The table function from base R can work with many variables. If your data set is so large that you have problems with memory then you could investigate data.table or sqldf packages, which perform the computations but do not present the

Re: [R-es] Sobre optimización con Rcpp.-

2015-06-09 Thread javier.ruben.marcuzzi
Estimado Freddy López Si no entiendo mal usted tiene código en C++ que compila en conjunto a R (Rcpp). En lo personal nunca compile algo escrito por mi utilizando Rcpp, pero si algo de C++, hay compiladores (creo que ahora deben ser casi todos), que tienen una opción de autovectorización,

Re: [R] Cross-over Data with Kenward-Roger correction

2015-06-09 Thread Ben Bolker
knouri nouri4 at yahoo.com writes: Dear all:for the folowing data, a two-period, two treatment (A=1 vs. B=2) cross-over is fitted using the folowing SAS code.  data one; [snip] run; proc mixed data=one method=reml; class Sbj Per Trt;    model PEF = Per Trt /ddfm=kr;    repeated Trt

Re: [R] how to reach a txt file like this?

2015-06-09 Thread Boris Steipe
This is (almost) json data (but see NOTE below); there are several packages that deal with json, jsonlite for example. R data - '[{ID:A, Name:Tom, Age:18},{ID:B, Name:Jim, Age:19}]' R install.packages(jsonlite) R library(jsonlite) R myDf - fromJSON(data, simplifyDataFrame=TRUE) R

Re: [R] Cross tabulation with top one variable and side as multiple variables

2015-06-09 Thread David Winsemius
On Jun 9, 2015, at 1:40 AM, jagadishpchary wrote: Hi: I have a huge data with lot of variables and I need to check the trend variations from year to year. In order to do so, I have to cross tabulate the year variable as top (constant) and all the remaining variables as side (attached the

[R] graphs, need urgent help (deadline :( )

2015-06-09 Thread Rosa Oliveira
Hi, another naive question (i’m pretty sure :( ) I’m trying to plot a multiple line graph: regionsample factora factorbfactorc 0.1 10 0.895 0.903 0.378 0.2 10 0.811 0.865 0.688 0.1 20 0.735 0.966 0.611 0.2 20

Re: [R-es] librerias para programar una interfaz grafica en R ?

2015-06-09 Thread Fernando Macedo
En algún momento hace un par de años atrás usé gWidgets para ingresar valores de forma interactiva. No sé como esta su desarrollo actualmente ni si existen otras mejores opciones actualmente. Saludos DMTV Fernando Macedo Ayudante del área Mejoramiento Genético Facultad de Veterinaria -

[R] more complex by with data.table???

2015-06-09 Thread Ramiro Barrantes
Hello, I am trying to do something that I am able to do with the by function within data.frame but can't figure out how to achieve with data.table. Consider dt-data.table(name=c(rep(a,5),rep(b,6)),var1=0:10,var2=20:30,var3=40:50) myFunction - function(x) { mean(x) } I am aware that I can do

Re: [R] Different random intercepts but same random slope for groups

2015-06-09 Thread Thierry Onkelinx
Your model is too complex for the data. This gives you two options: a) simplify the model and b) get more data. Best regards, ir. Thierry Onkelinx Instituut voor natuur- en bosonderzoek / Research Institute for Nature and Forest team Biometrie Kwaliteitszorg / team Biometrics Quality Assurance

[R] Different random intercepts but same random slope for groups

2015-06-09 Thread li li
Hi all, I'd like to fit a random intercept and random slope model. In my data, there are three groups. I want to have different random intercept for each group but the same random slope effect for all three groups. I used the following R command. However, there seems to be some problem. Any

Re: [R] Cross tabulation with top one variable and side as multiple variables

2015-06-09 Thread John Kane
We probably should have a better idea of what the raw data looks like and perhaps a bit better idea of what the analyis is to show. Have a look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5963269/how-to-make-a-great-r-reproducible-example and http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Reproducibility.html for some

Re: [R] more complex by with data.table???

2015-06-09 Thread Ista Zahn
Hi Ramiro, There is a demonstration of this on the data.table wiki at https://rawgit.com/wiki/Rdatatable/data.table/vignettes/datatable-intro-vignette.html. You can do dt[, lapply(.SD, mean), by=name] or dt[, as.list(colMeans(.SD)), by=name] BTW, there are pretty straightforward ways to do

Re: [R] more complex by with data.table???

2015-06-09 Thread jim holtman
try this: dt[ + , { + result - list() + for (i in names(.SD)){ + result[[i]] - myFunction(unlist(.SD[, i, with = FALSE])) + } + result + } + , by = name + ] name var1 var2 var3 1:a 2.0 22 42 2:b 7.5 28 48 Jim

Re: [R] Different random intercepts but same random slope for groups

2015-06-09 Thread Ben Bolker
li li hannah.hlx at gmail.com writes: [snip] I'd like to fit a random intercept and random slope model. In my data, there are three groups. I want to have different random intercept for each group but the same random slope effect for all three groups. I used the following R command.

Re: [R] A-priori contrasts with type III sums of squares in R

2015-06-09 Thread John Fox
Dear Rachel, How about this (using the data and model you sent originally)? linearHypothesis(EpiLM, GzrTreatpresence = 0) Linear hypothesis test Hypothesis: GzrTreatpresence = 0 Model 1: restricted model Model 2: log_EpiChla ~ TempTreat * GzrTreat * ShadeTreat Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq

Re: [R] Different random intercepts but same random slope for groups

2015-06-09 Thread Bert Gunter
Thierry: I don't think so. It looks to me like her syntax/understanding is confused. I think the call should be: mod2 - lmer(result ~ group*time+(group + time|lot), na.action=na.omit, data=alldata) Her request for the same random slope for each group -- I assume it's for time -- means to me

Re: [R] Summarizing data based on Date

2015-06-09 Thread Shivi82
Hi Petr I researched a lot over the net and R manual as well based on which I revamped my code and came to the code as: test$CR_DT - as.Date(test$CR_DT, '%d-%b-%y') iii- aggregate(test$CHG_WT,list(format(test$CR_DT,%m)),FUN=sum) However it still gives me the error as below: Error in

Re: [R] load a very big .RData - error reading from connection

2015-06-09 Thread carol white via R-help
yes and doesn't help.600MB Thanks Carol On Tuesday, June 9, 2015 12:22 PM, Jim Lemon drjimle...@gmail.com wrote: Hi carol, Have you tried renaming the file to something like my.RData? And just how big is it? Jim On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 5:50 AM, carol white via R-help

[R] %OSn in time formats: is it only valid for formatting, but invalid for parsing?

2015-06-09 Thread Brent via R-help
Consider this R code: time = as.POSIXct(1433867059, origin = 1970-01-01) print(time) print( as.numeric(time) ) timeFormat = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS3 tz = EST timestamp = format(time, format = timeFormat, tz = tz) print(timestamp) timeParsed = as.POSIXct(timestamp, format = timeFormat, tz = tz)