Re: [R] what constitutes a 'complete sentence'?

2015-07-08 Thread peter dalgaard
On 07 Jul 2015, at 16:52 , Max Kuhn wrote: What are we trying to fix? Two things, actually. (1) An error message that sends the package developer on a wild goose chase, because it is both out of sync both with what is wanted, and what is checked for. (2) The

Re: [R] valid LRT between MASS::polr and nnet::multinom

2015-07-08 Thread John Fox
Dear Steve, The short answer is no, but the test you propose is in my experience usually a close approximation to a valid test. The proportional-odds and multinomial-logistic regression models differ in two ways: the po model has an equal-coefficients (parallel-regressions) assumptions

[R] R-project on App-V 5

2015-07-08 Thread Gilfred Tan
Hi Here at Aberdeen Asset Management . We are in the process of looking to move to a VDI environment (based on Win7) and are wanting to deploy the R-project via Microsoft App-V 5. Based around this I have a series of technical queries regarding your application. Firstly can I ask you to

Re: [R] multiple graphs with a single legend and trellis graph

2015-07-08 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Rosa, As you are using base graphics, here is an example that might be of use. As we don't have access to your data, I have used something similar to the toy data in the example for the panes function. This could be done better using the split.screen function, so let me know if you would like

Re: [R] multiple graphs with a single legend and trellis graph

2015-07-08 Thread Rosa Oliveira
Dear Jim, first of all, thank you very much :) can you please explain me how to use split.screen? I’m felling so silly, I could not run your example because of x11(width=10,height=4). I already installed package XQuartz because X11 library was missing , nonetheless, after I have installed

Re: [R] R-project on App-V 5

2015-07-08 Thread Bert Gunter and do not post further to this list, please. Bert Gunter Data is not information. Information is not knowledge. And knowledge is certainly not wisdom. -- Clifford Stoll On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 2:43 AM, Gilfred Tan wrote: Hi

Re: [R] multiple graphs with a single legend and trellis graph

2015-07-08 Thread Rosa Oliveira
Dear Jim, first of all, thank you very much :) can you please explain me how to use split.screen? I attach my previous graphs and my data, so you can see :) I’m very naive and new in R :( I really tried: library(plotrix) # start a wide plotting device x11(width=10,height=4)

Re: [R] Hypergeometric Function seems to give wrong results

2015-07-08 Thread Ben Bolker
Carlos Nasher via R-help r-help at writes: [snip] I need to evaluate the Hypergeometric Function of the 2nd kind (Tricomi confluent hypergeometric function). Therefore I'm using the kummerU function from the fAsianOptions package. It seems to me that kummerU is giving wrong

Re: [R] multiple graphs with a single legend and trellis graph

2015-07-08 Thread Rosa Oliveira
Dear Jim, first of all, thank you very much :) when I run the code: myDF - rbind(mse.alpha1, mse.alpha2) # assumes both data frames have the same variables in the same order myDF$ID - factor(rep(c(alpha1, alpha2), times = c(nrow(mse.alpha1), nrow(mse.alpha2))) ) library(reshape2)

Re: [R] add a special column to a matrix

2015-07-08 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Lida, I think what you want is: mat1-read.table(text=abc d fg1:23 dfgv 5 pt10:18 tgtgh 1 wq 15:123oiljk 6 fg 9:1323ass 4 yr 12:123kjjlk 5,header=TRUE) mat2-read.table(text=b q 1:23 0 10:18 1

Re: [R] R-project on App-V 5

2015-07-08 Thread Thierry Onkelinx
Please do read the posting guide ( It points to the FAQ which answers much of your questions ( ir. Thierry Onkelinx Instituut voor natuur- en bosonderzoek / Research

[R] lattice::subscripts[?] usage question

2015-07-08 Thread Szumiloski, John
Dear useRs, I have a question regarding panel functions in the lattice package, in particular how to customize the plotting colors in xyplot. I have longitudinal data from several treatments (TRT) with subjects (SUBJ) nested in treatment. Each subject has several time points; the time points

Re: [R-es] Crear un GUI para R con tcltk

2015-07-08 Thread Fernando Macedo
No opinaré sobre el código puesto que no lo leí. Pero comentar que en particular he tenido problemas copiando datos desde excel, en general me resulta mejor copiarlos de excel, pegarlos en un editor de texto cualquiera y luego copiarlos a R. Por que? Ni idea, como lo he usado puntualmente no

[R] select a subset of a matrix which one of its column meet a condition

2015-07-08 Thread Lida Zeighami
Hi there, I have a matrix and I want to get a subset from that which one of its matrix meet a condition, my matrix is met Row.names Name maf caf 1 10:13915 10:139 0.0003782148 0.0003782148 2 10:18738

Re: [R] select a subset of a matrix which one of its column meet a condition

2015-07-08 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, Your matrix has only 4 columns but you refer to met[,5]. I'll assume you're refering to the last column, met[,4]. Try reading the help page for ?%in%, it doesn't do what you seem to think it does. And try using =. maf - met[0 = met[, 4] met[, 4] = 0.05, ] Hope this helps, Rui

Re: [R] How to assign value to a variable dynamically constructed

2015-07-08 Thread William Dunlap
You can use an environment instead of a list using the same [[ syntax. It is like 'get0(..., inherit=FALSE)' on the left side of the - and like 'assign(...)' on the right side. E.g., myData - new.env() varName - v1 myData[[varName]] - 1:10 myData[[varName]][4] - myData[[varName]][4]

Re: [R] How to assign value to a variable dynamically constructed

2015-07-08 Thread Greg Snow
This is FAQ 7.21. The most important part of the answer in FAQ 7.21 is the last section where it states that it is often easier to use a list rather than messing around with trying to dynamically name global variables. If you tell us what you are trying to accomplish then we may have better

[R] Maxent Jarfile

2015-07-08 Thread Annemarie Fischer
Hi, I have been trying to solve the below problem for 2 days with no success. Hopefully you can help as i can find no assistance online. I am attempting to run the niche.equivalency.test and the bg.similarity.test using RStudio and Maxent. I keep getting the error: Error: Unable to access

[R] norm's book

2015-07-08 Thread Mark Leeds
Hi All: In case anyone is interested, Norm's new book, parallel computing for data science is out on amazon. It already got raving reviews from Dave Giles who runs a popular econometrics blog. Mark [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __

[R-es] Lectura de ficheros externos

2015-07-08 Thread Gloria Perez Fuentes
Tengo un fichero Excel con datos numericos con comas (Ej:6,4523). Tengo que trabajar con dichos datos en R. Como puedo hacerlo? [[alternative HTML version deleted]] ___ R-help-es mailing list

Re: [R] Maxent Jarfile

2015-07-08 Thread John Kane
Hi Annemarie, You have sent the email in HTML and it is very close to unreadable. Could you please resubmit the message in plain text. R-help does not accept HTML and, as happened here, the text gets seriously mangled. John Kane Kingston ON Canada -Original Message- From:

Re: [R] multiple graphs with a single legend and trellis graph

2015-07-08 Thread John Kane
Hi Rosa, Neither the graph nor the data arrived. R-help can be very fussy about what attached files it will accept. Usually pdf, txt and png, I think, will come through. In any case it is much better to supply data using the dput() function See ?dput or have a look at

Re: [R] add a special column to a matrix

2015-07-08 Thread PIKAL Petr
Hi See answers in line From: Lida Zeighami [] Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2015 10:20 PM To: PIKAL Petr Subject: Re: [R] add a special column to a matrix Hi Petr, Thanks, I can solve it! On Jul 7, 2015 11:05 AM, Lida Zeighami

Re: [R] why must a named colClasses in read.table be in correct order

2015-07-08 Thread Henrik Bengtsson
Thanks for insisting; I was wrong and I'm happy to see that there is indeed code intended for named 'colClasses', which even goes back to 2004. But as you report, then names only work when length(colClasses) cols (which also explains why I though it was not supported). I'm not sure if that

[R] tcltk2 entry box

2015-07-08 Thread Matthew
Is anyone familiar enough with the tcltk2 package to know if it is possible to have an entry box where a user can enter information (such as a path to a file or a number) and then be able to use the entered information downstream in a R script ? The idea is for someone unfamiliar with R to

Re: [R] tcltk2 entry box

2015-07-08 Thread John Fox
Dear Matthew, For file selection, see ?tcltk::tk_choose.files or ?tcltk::tkgetOpenFile . You could enter a number in a tk entry widget, but, depending upon the nature of the number, a slider or other widget might be a better choice. For a variety of helpful tcltk examples see

Re: [R] why must a named colClasses in read.table be in correct order

2015-07-08 Thread Andreas Leha
Hi Henrik, Thanks for your reply. I am not (yet) convinced, though. The help page for read.table mentions named colClasses and if I specify colClasses for not all columns, the names are taken into account: --8---cut here---start-8--- kkk - c(a\tb,

Re: [R] add outer strip for levels in lattice plot (useOuterStrips alternative for Lattice)

2015-07-08 Thread Duncan Mackay
Hi Luigi str( 'data.frame': 540 obs. of 4 variables: $ Line : chr 1 2 3 4 ... $ Well : chr 1 1 1 1 ... $ Target: chr alpha alpha alpha alpha ... $ Rn: chr 0.728 0.735 0.749 0.758 ... You didnot create the data.frame properly mydata - data.frame(Line=Line, Well=Well,

Re: [R] why must a named colClasses in read.table be in correct order

2015-07-08 Thread Andreas Leha
Hi Henrik, Thank you very much for looking into this. And thanks for the patch! Yes, let's hope this is a typo that gets fixed. Regards, Andreas Henrik Bengtsson writes: Thanks for insisting; I was wrong and I'm happy to see that there is indeed code intended for

[R] Para r-help

2015-07-08 Thread Mariana Ferrari
Tudo bem? Sou a Josie, achei voc� na internet e queria aproveitar para fazer o marketing do site onde estou trabalhando ;) Pra mim � o melhor lugar para fazer amigos, achar um relacionamento e at� um encontro assim... mais �ntimo. O link � este: (N�o se preocupe, n�o �

Re: [R] add outer strip for levels in lattice plot (useOuterStrips alternative for Lattice)

2015-07-08 Thread Luigi Marongiu
In relation to this question I have prepared a workable example. First I prepare a dataframe with three variables (Cycle, Target, Rn), then I plot the results with lattice's xyplot(). I won't use the scales but only the labels and the panels are NOT indicated by the variable Well. What I would

[R] clm funtion and CI

2015-07-08 Thread Luciane Maria Pilotto
Hi, I'm working with ordinal logistic regression and fitting the model with the clm funtion of the ordinal package and would like to get the CI. According to the Tutorial on fitting Cumulative Link Models with the ordinal Package, Rune Haubo B Christensen (21 January 2015) you can run the OR,

[R] why must a named colClasses in read.table be in correct order

2015-07-08 Thread Andreas Leha
Hi all, Apparently, the colClasses argument to read.table needs to be in the order of the columns *even when it is named*. Why is that? And where would I find it in the documentation? Here is a MWE: --8---cut here---start-8--- kkk - c(a\tb,

Re: [R] tcltk2 entry box

2015-07-08 Thread Matthew McCormack
Wow ! Very nice. Thank you very much, John. This is very helpful and just what I need. Yes, I can see that I should have paid attention to tcltk before going to tcltk2. Matthew On 7/8/2015 8:37 PM, John Fox wrote: Dear Matthew, For file selection, see ?tcltk::tk_choose.files or

[R] problem understanding grid coordinate systems

2015-07-08 Thread Johannes Huesing
According to R Graphics by Paul Murrell, the coordinates that were used for the most recent lattics plot can be retrieved with native units. I have difficulties to access these coordinates. The following code renders the following results: library(grid) library(lattice) pl - xyplot(1:10 ~