[R] function: ploting an igraph object within lattice

2009-10-12 Thread Andrewjohnclose
Hi, I would like to be able to develop a function to plot an igraph object with lattice (trellis type displays will be usefull for grouping etc). Anyway, I mostly feeble Igraph requires that you convert two columns of data two an igraph object and to be able to plot the graph...I have tried a ve

[R] xyplot key

2009-09-30 Thread Andrewjohnclose
Hi, I'm having trouble matching the symbols/color of the key to match those specifiec in the plot. Here is the code I used: xyplot(GCR+GCT ~ FRAC, data=RWF, type=c("g","p"),cex=1.2,pch=c(22,21), xlab=expression(italic("f")),ylab=expression(italic("S")), key=list(points=list(pch=c(22,21),cex=1.

[R] xyplot & lmline: error message.

2009-09-28 Thread Andrewjohnclose
Hi, I am trying to produce an xyplot with a regression line. The data should be represented as log/log but when I fit the lmline I receive an error message - the plot is fine without the log transformation, but the then the plot is meaningless. I know it must be something simple, but I just can't

[R] Mixed font in lattice xyplot lables

2009-09-26 Thread Andrewjohnclose
Hi all, can anyone suggest a reason as mto why my xlab is plotting this text at oposite ends of axis. I would like to represent my lable like this: Moran's I ...but with the I in italics. For some reason they seperate and position at oposite ends of the axis?? Thank you library(lattice) dat <- d

[R] re placing default labels in lattice

2008-08-13 Thread Andrewjohnclose
Dear all, I am having a little trouble deciphering how to change the default x-axis labels in a lattice xyplot (or any type of lattice plot for that matter). I have tried using the "demo("labels") function but the code is truncated at precisely the wrong moment! All I am trying to do is to add s

[R] Polygon issue in lattice & Bivariate density estimation

2008-08-08 Thread Andrewjohnclose
Dear all, I am trying to set a specific bandwidth for a bivariate kernel density estimation and then plot it in lattice: managed all that except that the plot appears to have an issue regards the setting of the polygon and as a result I end up with horizontal lines disecting my plotting region. I

[R] Lattice: Changing the names of conditional variables in strips to mathematical expressions

2008-08-02 Thread Andrewjohnclose
Hi, I know this has come up before, but I am having a hard time getting any of the solutions I have found to work! I am trying to change the conditioning variable names in my xyplot from the default names as they appear from the data table - see following: X=densityplot(~density|type,data=Quer

[R] Re creating Procrustes Plot in Lattice

2008-07-30 Thread Andrewjohnclose
Hi, I have been trying to create a function to generate a Procrustes plot, generated from package "vegan" in lattice. standard vegan code as follows library(vegan) pro=protest(P1, P8, permutations=4999,choices=1:4) plot(pro) Now, here is the code for the function that I have failed to get to wo

[R] inserting mathematical symbols in lattice strip

2008-05-12 Thread Andrewjohnclose
I have tried without success to find a way including the square root symbol in lattice strips as part of my conditioning labels. I have tried supplementing by creating a list of vectors using the var.name function coupled with the expression function used in xlab/ylab. xyplot(adjusted_Rand_index

[R] Mathematical annotation in lattice strip: Is it possible?

2008-05-12 Thread Andrewjohnclose
I have tried without success to find a way including the square root symbol in lattice strips as part of my conditioning labels. I have tried supplementing by creating a list of vectors using the var.name function coupled with the expression function used in xlab/ylab. xyplot(adjusted_Rand_index~

[R] Error in downViewport.vpPath(vpPathDirect(name)

2008-05-02 Thread Andrewjohnclose
Hi, I am having trouble plotting a series of dendrograms using lattice and grid code as found in Paul Murrells book R Graphics. This is the error message I recieve: Error in downViewport.vpPath(vpPathDirect(name), strict, recording = recording) : Viewport 'plot1.panel.1.1.off.vp' was not fo