[R] Double buffering plots on Windows

2024-03-22 Thread Bickis, Mikelis
Hello: I want to present a sequence of plots as an animation. As a toy example consider the code function(n){for (i in 1:n){ plot(1:100,sin(i*(1:100)),type="l") title(paste("n=",i)) segments(0,0,100,0,col=2) }} This sort-of works on a MacOS platform, but the rendering of the plots is a bit

[R] Unexplained behaviour of .Last.value

2021-06-19 Thread Bickis, Mikelis
Hello: Here is a bit of R-code: > mvr [1] 2.2658 > (sin(.Last.value)+sin(2*.Last.value)) [1] -0.2156507 > acos((-sqrt(17)-1)/8) [1] 2.2658 > (sin(.Last.value)+sin(2*.Last.value)) [1] 1.76745 > (sin(mvr)+sin(2*mvr)) [1] -0.2156507 > Note that my variable mvr is the value of